'FeatureStein' fragment overlay scoring |
feature overlay scoring |
1 |
2D Feature Extraction |
Feature Extraction |
3 |
ABRicate |
Mass screening of contigs for antimicrobial and virulence genes |
Antimicrobial resistance prediction
9 |
ABRicate List |
List all of abricate's available databases. |
Antimicrobial resistance prediction
9 |
ABRicate Summary |
Combine ABRicate results into a simple matrix of gene presence/absence |
Antimicrobial resistance prediction
1 |
Abundance index |
computation across species, sites and years |
1 |
de novo sequence assembler |
9 |
AccurateMassSearch |
Match MS signals to molecules from a database by mass. |
5 |
Adapt an elastic transformation |
to a new image size with bUnwarpJ |
2 |
Add column |
to an existing dataset |
2 |
Add hydrogen atoms |
at a certain pH value |
6 |
Add input name as column |
to an existing tabular file |
3 |
Add LoFreq alignment quality scores |
to aligned read SAM/BAM records |
4 |
Add or remove noise |
2 |
Add shadow effect |
2 |
add-read-counts |
Annotate sequences by adding the read counts from a bam file, within a region contained in the fasta header of the dbn file |
2 |
AddCommentsToBam |
add comments to BAM dataset |
14 |
AdditiveSeries |
Computes an additive series to quantify a peptide in a set of samples. |
4 |
AddOrReplaceReadGroups |
add or replaces read group information |
14 |
Adjust threshold |
of binary image |
2 |
Admixture |
: Map genomic intervals resembling specified source populations |
4 |
Advanced restitution: 'Point fixe' protocol |
from Animal Detection on Acoustic Recordings |
1 |
Advanced restitution: 'Routier'or 'Pedestre' protocols |
from Animal Detection on Acoustic Recordings |
1 |
Aggregate and filter alignment metrics |
of individual clusters, like the output of graphclust_align_cluster |
1 |
Aggregate datapoints |
Appends the average, min, max of datapoints per interval |
2 |
Aggregate Individuals |
: Append summary columns for a population |
3 |
Alchemical Analysis |
Analysis of alchemical free energy calculations |
1 |
Alevin |
Quantification and analysis of 3-prime tagged-end single-cell sequencing data |
8 |
Align GraphClust cluster |
structural alignment and conservation analysis of predicted clusters |
1 |
Align reads and estimate abundance |
on a de novo assembly of RNA-Seq data |
12 |
Align Samples |
- Align peaks across Peaklists |
2 |
Align sequences |
using a variety of alignment methods (align_seqs) |
2 |
Align two images |
with bUnwarpJ |
2 |
Align.check |
Calculate the number of potentially misaligned bases |
6 |
Align.seqs |
Align sequences to a template alignment |
5 |
alignmentsieve |
Filter BAM/CRAM files according to specified parameters |
7 |
alimask |
append modelmask line to a multiple sequence alignments |
7 |
Alleyoop |
- post-processing and QC of Slamdunk analyses |
5 |
Amova |
Analysis of molecular variance |
5 |
Analyze particles |
of binary image |
2 |
Analyze skeleton |
2 |
Analyze statistical significance of sample groupings |
using distance matrices (compare_categories) |
2 |
Ancestry |
: Characterize ancestries w.r.t. inferred ancestral populations |
2 |
Angle Analysis |
- time series of Angles |
5 |
Anisotropic Diffusion |
Edge-preserving, Anisotropic diffusion |
2 |
Annotate |
opens an IFrame to Apollo |
8 |
Annotate |
a VCF dataset with custom filters |
1 |
Annotate DESeq2/DEXSeq output tables |
Append annotation from GTF to differential expression tool outputs |
2 |
Annotate RNAz |
1 |
Annotate with DGI |
database info |
1 |
Annotate with DGI |
database info |
1 |
annotateMyIDs |
annotate a generic set of identifiers |
11 |
Anosim |
Non-parametric multivariate analysis of changes in community structure |
5 |
Anova |
N-way anova. With ou Without interactions |
3 |
antaRNA |
Ant Colony Optimized RNA Sequence Design |
1 |
AnteChamber |
- Amber's molecular input file processor |
8 |
antigenic |
Predicts potentially antigenic regions of a protein sequence, using the method of Kolaskar and Tongaonkar. |
5 |
Antismash |
allows the genome-wide identification, annotation and analysis of secondary metabolite biosynthesis gene clusters |
7 |
APoc |
Large-scale identification of similar protein pockets |
2 |
Apply elastic transformation |
with bUnwarpJ |
2 |
Apply raw transformation |
with bUnwarpJ |
2 |
Arithmetic Operations |
on tables |
2 |
ARTIC minion |
Build consensus sequence and call variants from amplicon-based nanopore sequence data |
5 |
Splitting of the total variance into independent blocks according to the experimental factors and multivariate analysis (SCA) of each block |
1 |
Alignment by Simultaneous Harmonization of Layer/Adjacency Registration |
1 |
Assemble with MIRA v3.4 |
Takes Sanger, Roche, Illumina, and Ion Torrent data |
2 |
Assign taxonomy |
to each sequence (assign_taxonomy) |
2 |
Associate |
HUMAnN2 functions with metadata |
3 |
Augustus |
gene prediction for prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes |
8 |
Auto Threshold |
applies a standard threshold algorithm to an image |
3 |
Autocorrelation test |
check for temporal autocorrelation in the residuals |
1 |
Automated multiple sequence |
alignment with pipelign |
1 |
backtranseq |
Back translate a protein sequence |
7 |
BAM filter |
Removes reads from a BAM file based on criteria |
4 |
BAM to Wiggle |
converts all types of RNA-seq data from .bam to .wig |
10 |
BAM-to-SAM |
convert BAM to SAM |
5 |
BAM/SAM Mapping Stats |
reads mapping statistics for a provided BAM or SAM file. |
10 |
bamCompare |
normalizes and compares two BAM or CRAM files to obtain the ratio, log2ratio or difference between them |
16 |
bamCoverage |
generates a coverage bigWig file from a given BAM or CRAM file |
18 |
BamHash |
Hash BAM and FASTQ files to verify data integrity |
1 |
BamLeftAlign |
indels in BAM datasets |
12 |
bamPEFragmentSize |
Estimate the predominant cDNA fragment length from paired-end sequenced BAM/CRAM files |
16 |
banana |
Bending and curvature plot in B-DNA |
5 |
Bandage Image |
visualize de novo assembly graphs |
8 |
Bandage Info |
determine statistics of de novo assembly graphs |
6 |
bank_inhouse |
search by accurate mass (and by Retention time) on a local bank |
1 |
Bar chart |
for multiple columns |
2 |
Barcode Splitter |
4 |
Barplot |
stratified HUMAnN2 features |
3 |
Base Coverage |
of all intervals |
5 |
BaselineFilter |
Removes the baseline from profile spectra using a top-hat filter. |
4 |
BaSiC Illumination |
ImageJ BaSiC shading correction for use with Ashlar |
1 |
basil |
Breakpoint detection, including large insertions |
1 |
Batch_correction |
Corrects intensities for signal drift and batch-effects |
4 |
bax2bam |
converts PacBio basecall format (bax.h5) into BAM |
2 |
BayeScan |
Detecting natural selection from population-based genetic data |
1 |
bcf_uncompressed-to-bcf |
converter |
1 |
bcftools call |
SNP/indel variant calling from VCF/BCF |
12 |
bcftools cnv |
Call copy number variation from VCF B-allele frequency (BAF) and Log R Ratio intensity (LRR) values |
14 |
bcftools color-chrs |
plugin Color shared chromosomal segments, requires phased GTs |
8 |
bcftools concat |
Concatenate or combine VCF/BCF files |
10 |
bcftools consensus |
Create consensus sequence by applying VCF variants to a reference fasta file |
13 |
bcftools csq |
Haplotype aware consequence predictor |
11 |
bcftools frameshifts |
plugin Annotate frameshift indels |
8 |
bcftools merge |
Merge multiple VCF/BCF files from non-overlapping sample sets to create one multi-sample file |
11 |
bcftools norm |
Left-align and normalize indels; check if REF alleles match the reference; split multiallelic sites into multiple rows; recover multiallelics from multiple rows |
13 |
bcftools view |
VCF/BCF conversion, view, subset and filter VCF/BCF files |
14 |
bcftoolsView |
Convert, filter, subset VCF/BCF files |
1 |
significant single- and multi-locus SNP associations in case-control studies |
1 |
bed to protein map |
genomic location of proteins for MVP |
2 |
BED-to-bigBed |
converter |
2 |
BED-to-GFF |
converter |
1 |
BedCov |
calculate read depth for a set of genomic intervals |
5 |
BedToIntervalList |
convert coordinate data into picard interval list format |
14 |
bedtools AnnotateBed |
annotate coverage of features from multiple files |
21 |
bedtools BAM to BED |
converter |
23 |
bedtools BED to BAM |
converter |
21 |
bedtools BED to IGV |
create batch script for taking IGV screenshots |
16 |
bedtools BED12 to BED6 |
converter |
20 |
bedtools BEDPE to BAM |
converter |
21 |
bedtools ClosestBed |
find the closest, potentially non-overlapping interval |
21 |
bedtools ClusterBed |
cluster overlapping/nearby intervals |
20 |
bedtools ComplementBed |
Extract intervals not represented by an interval file |
21 |
bedtools ExpandBed |
replicate lines based on lists of values in columns |
20 |
bedtools FisherBed |
calculate Fisher statistic between two feature files |
20 |
bedtools FlankBed |
create new intervals from the flanks of existing intervals |
21 |
bedtools Genome Coverage |
compute the coverage over an entire genome |
20 |
bedtools GroupByBed |
group by common cols and summarize other cols |
20 |
bedtools JaccardBed |
calculate the distribution of relative distances between two files |
20 |
bedtools LinksBed |
create a HTML page of links to UCSC locations |
20 |
bedtools MakeWindowsBed |
make interval windows across a genome |
21 |
bedtools MaskFastaBed |
use intervals to mask sequences from a FASTA file |
20 |
bedtools Merge BedGraph files |
combines coverage intervals from multiple BEDGRAPH files |
20 |
bedtools MergeBED |
combine overlapping/nearby intervals into a single interval |
20 |
bedtools MultiCovBed |
counts coverage from multiple BAMs at specific intervals |
20 |
bedtools Multiple Intersect |
identifies common intervals among multiple interval files |
23 |
bedtools OverlapBed |
computes the amount of overlap from two intervals |
20 |
bedtools RandomBed |
generate random intervals in a genome |
21 |
bedtools ReldistBed |
calculate the distribution of relative distances |
20 |
bedtools ShuffleBed |
randomly redistrubute intervals in a genome |
21 |
bedtools SlopBed |
adjust the size of intervals |
22 |
bedtools SortBED |
order the intervals |
20 |
bedtools SpacingBed |
reports the distances between features |
17 |
bedtools SubtractBed |
remove intervals based on overlaps |
20 |
bedtools TagBed |
tag BAM alignments based on overlaps with interval files |
20 |
bedtools WindowBed |
find overlapping intervals within a window around an interval |
20 |
Between-table Correlation |
Correlation table between two tables and graphic representation |
2 |
bigwigCompare |
normalizes and compares two bigWig files to obtain the ratio, log2ratio or difference between them |
16 |
bigWigToBedGraph |
Convert from bigWig to bedGraph format |
2 |
Bin.seqs |
Order Sequences by OTU |
5 |
Binary 2 Label |
Converts Binary to Label Image |
2 |
Binary To Points |
Converts Binary Image to Points |
1 |
Biom.info |
create shared and taxonomy files from biom |
2 |
biom2-to-biom1 |
converter |
1 |
biosed |
Replace or delete sequence sections |
5 |
Biosigner |
Molecular signature discovery from omics data |
2 |
Bismark |
bisulfite mapper (bowtie) |
2 |
Bismark Deduplicate |
Deduplicates reads mapped by Bismark |
9 |
Bismark Mapper |
Bisulfite reads mapper |
15 |
Bismark Meth. Extractor |
Reports on methylation status of reads mapped by Bismark |
11 |
Bismark Pretty Report |
Generates a graphical HTML report page from report outputs of Bismark |
9 |
Blank Filter |
- Remove 'blank' peaks from the biological mass spectra |
2 |
sequence alignment |
1 |
BLASR database maker |
(sawriter) |
1 |
BLAST parser |
Convert 12- or 24-column BLAST output into 3-column hcluster_sg input |
2 |
BLAST Reciprocal Best Hits (RBH) |
from two FASTA files |
5 |
BLAST top hit descriptions |
Make a table from BLAST output |
2 |
BLAST XML to tabular |
Convert BLAST XML output to tabular |
18 |
Blast2GO |
Maps BLAST results to GO annotation terms |
3 |
BlastXML to gapped GFF3 |
1 |
blockbuster |
detects blocks of overlapping reads using a gaussian-distribution approach |
3 |
BlockClust |
efficient clustering and classification of non-coding RNAs from short read RNA-seq profiles |
2 |
Bowtie2 |
- map reads against reference genome |
21 |
Boxplot |
of quality statistics |
2 |
breseq |
find mutations in haploid microbial genomes |
DNA mapping
Genetic mapping
Genome annotation
Mapping assembly
Protein SNP mapping
Sequence word comparison
4 |
Breseq BAM2ALN - v0.35 |
2 |
Breseq BAM2COV - v0.35 |
Create a coverage plot or table for the specified region |
2 |
btwisted |
Calculates the twisting in a B-DNA sequence |
5 |
Build a UPGMA tree |
comparing samples (upgma_cluster) |
2 |
Build base quality distribution |
1 |
Build custom track |
for UCSC genome browser |
3 |
Build Deep learning Batch Training Models |
with online data generator for Genomic/Protein sequences and images |
5 |
Build expression matrix |
for a de novo assembly of RNA-Seq data by Trinity |
12 |
Build pedigree |
1 |
Busco |
assess genome assembly and annotation completeness |
15 |
Butina Cluster |
using RDKit |
2 |
Butina Cluster Matrix |
using RDKit |
2 |
bwameth |
Fast and accurate aligner of BS-Seq reads. |
6 |
Cactus |
whole-genome multiple sequence alignment |
7 |
Cactus: export |
whole-genome multiple sequence alignment to other formats |
9 |
cai |
CAI codon adaptation index |
5 |
cai custom |
CAI codon adaptation index using custom codon usage file |
5 |
Calculate a Heinz score |
for each node |
2 |
Calculate alpha diversity |
on each sample in an otu table, using a variety of alpha diversity metrics (alpha_diversity) |
2 |
Calculate beta diversity |
(pairwise sample dissimilarity) on one or many otu tables (beta_diversity) |
2 |
Calculate community metrics |
calculate community metrics from abundance data |
3 |
Calculate metrics |
for classification performance |
12 |
Calculate metrics |
for regression performance |
11 |
Calculate molecular descriptors |
with Mordred |
3 |
Calculate plane of best fit for molecules |
using RDKit |
2 |
Calculate presence absence table |
calculate presence absence table from observation data |
3 |
Calculate protein properties |
2 |
Calculate the box parameters using RDKit |
for an AutoDock Vina job from a ligand or pocket input file (confounding box) |
5 |
Call and phase |
heterozygous SNPs |
4 |
Call specific mutations in reads: |
Looks for reads with mutation at known positions and calculates frequencies and stats. |
3 |
Call variants |
with LoFreq |
7 |
CAMERA.annotate |
CAMERA annotate function. Returns annotation results (isotope peaks, adducts and fragments) and a diffreport if more than one condition. |
9 |
CAMERA.combinexsAnnos |
Wrapper function for the combinexsAnnos CAMERA function. Returns a dataframe with recalculated annotations. |
9 |
Canonical Correlation Analysis |
1 |
Canu assembler |
Assembler optimized for long error-prone reads such as PacBio, Oxford Nanopore |
4 |
cast |
expand combinations of variables:values to columnar format |
1 |
CAT add_names |
annotate with taxonomic names |
1 |
CAT bins |
annotate with taxonomic classification |
2 |
CAT contigs |
annotate with taxonomic classification |
2 |
CAT prepare |
a database for CAT - Contig Annotation Tool |
1 |
CAT summarise |
the number of contigs or bins assigned to each taxonomic name |
1 |
Categorize |
by collapsing hierarchical data to a specified functional level |
2 |
Categorize Elements |
satisfying criteria |
1 |
Control-based ChIP-seq Analysis Tool |
2 |
cd-hit |
Cluster or compare biological sequence datasets |
2 |
Cluster a protein dataset into representative sequences |
3 |
Cluster a nucleotide dataset into representative sequences |
3 |
CellProfiler |
run a CellProfiler pipeline |
2 |
Centrifuge |
Read-based metagenome characterization |
1 |
Change Case |
of selected columns |
2 |
Change title |
to metadata value. |
6 |
chaos |
Create a chaos game representation plot for a sequence |
5 |
charge |
Protein charge plot |
5 |
Check Format |
Checking/formatting the sample and variable names of the dataMatrix, sampleMetadata, and variableMetadata files |
2 |
Check user's metadata mapping file |
for required data, valid format (validate_mapping_file) |
2 |
checktrans |
Reports STOP codons and ORF statistics of a protein |
5 |
ChEMBL structure pipeline |
for curation and standardizing of molecular structures |
2 |
chewBBACA |
BSR-Based Allele Calling Algorithm |
1 |
chicAggregateStatistic |
computes with a target file the to be tested regions for chicDifferentialTest |
7 |
chicDifferentialTest |
computes differential interactions of viewpoints |
7 |
chicPlotViewpoint |
creates plots for viewpoints |
7 |
chicQualityControl |
generates an estimate of the quality of each viewpoint |
7 |
chicSignificantInteractions |
computes viewpoints with the given reference points and a background model |
7 |
chicViewpoint |
computes viewpoints with the given reference points and a background model. |
7 |
chicViewpointBackgroundModel |
compute a background model for cHi-C / HiChIP data |
6 |
Chimera.bellerophon |
Find putative chimeras using bellerophon |
5 |
Chimera.ccode |
Find putative chimeras using ccode |
6 |
Chimera.check |
Find putative chimeras using chimeraCheck |
5 |
Chimera.perseus |
Find putative chimeras using chimeraCheck |
6 |
Chimera.pintail |
Find putative chimeras using pintail |
5 |
Chimera.slayer |
Find putative chimeras using slayer |
5 |
Chimera.uchime |
Find putative chimeras using uchime |
5 |
Chimera.vsearch |
find potential chimeric sequences using vsearch |
4 |
ChIPpeakAnno annoPeaks |
annotate peaks by annoGR object in the given range |
1 |
chips |
Codon usage statistics |
5 |
ChIPseeker |
for ChIP peak annotation and visualization |
6 |
ChiRA collapse |
deduplicate fastq reads |
17 |
ChiRA extract |
extrat the chimeras |
17 |
ChiRA map |
map reads to trascriptome |
17 |
ChiRA merge |
merge aligned positions |
17 |
ChiRA qauntify |
quantify aligned loci to score the alignments |
17 |
Chop.seqs |
Trim sequences to a specified length |
6 |
cig2_clean |
clean genotype data |
1 |
cig2_correct |
corrects animals/markers/genotypes in genotype file |
1 |
cig2_genotools |
Processes genotype files |
1 |
cig2_merge |
Merges two genotype-files |
1 |
cig2_phase |
Create phasing information from genotype-file |
1 |
cig2_translate |
Converts genotype-files to other formats |
1 |
CIRCexplorer |
2 |
Circos |
visualizes data in a circular layout |
11 |
Circos: Alignments to links |
reformats alignment files to prepare for Circos |
10 |
Circos: bigWig to Scatter |
reformats bigWig files to prepare for Circos 2d scatter/line/histogram plots |
10 |
Circos: Bundle Links |
reduce numbers of links in datasets before plotting |
10 |
Circos: Interval to Circos Text Labels |
reformats interval files to prepare for Circos text labels |
10 |
Circos: Interval to Tiles |
reformats interval files to prepare for Circos tile plots |
10 |
Circos: Link Density Track |
reduce links to a density plot |
10 |
Circos: Resample 1/2D data |
reduce numbers of points in a dataset before plotting |
10 |
Circos: Stack bigWigs as Histogram |
reformats for use in Circos stacked histogram plots |
6 |
Circos: Table viewer |
easily creates circos plots from tabular data |
10 |
cirdna |
Draws circular maps of DNA constructs |
5 |
Classify.otu |
Assign sequences to taxonomy |
5 |
Classify.rf |
description |
2 |
Classify.seqs |
Assign sequences to taxonomy |
5 |
Classify.tree |
Get a consensus taxonomy for each node on a tree |
5 |
CleanSam |
perform SAM/BAM grooming |
14 |
Clearcut |
Generate a tree using relaxed neighbor joining |
5 |
climate stripes |
from timeseries |
3 |
Clip |
adapter sequences |
6 |
Clipping Profile |
estimates clipping profile of RNA-seq reads from BAM or SAM file |
10 |
Close relatives |
: Discover familial relationships |
2 |
Closed-reference OTU picking |
Shotgun UniFrac workflow (pick_closed_reference_otus) |
2 |
ClustalW |
multiple sequence alignment program for DNA or proteins |
5 |
Cluster |
the intervals of a dataset |
Sequence clustering
Sequence merging
5 |
Cluster |
Assign sequences to OTUs (Operational Taxonomic Unit) |
4 |
Cluster Inspection using RaceID |
examines gene expression within clusters |
6 |
Cluster KEGG |
: Group gene categories connected by shared genes |
2 |
Cluster ligands using SuCOS |
based on the overlap of 3D features |
3 |
Cluster Profiler Bitr |
converting ID types |
1 |
Cluster Profiler GO |
run GO Analysis |
1 |
Cluster, infer trajectories and embed |
with scanpy |
7 |
Cluster.classic |
Assign sequences to OTUs (Dotur implementation) |
5 |
Cluster.fragments |
Group sequences that are part of a larger sequence |
5 |
Cluster.split |
Assign sequences to OTUs and split large matrices |
5 |
cluster_collection_report |
4 |
Clustering using RaceID |
performs clustering, outlier detection, dimensional reduction |
6 |
cmalign |
Align sequences to a covariance model against a sequence database |
3 |
cmbuild |
Build covariance models from sequence alignments |
4 |
visualization of comparisons between RNA family models (CM) |
1 |
cmfinder |
3 |
cml-to-mol2 |
converter |
1 |
cml-to-smi |
converter |
2 |
cmpress |
Prepare a covariance model database for cmscan |
2 |
cmscan |
Search sequences against collections of covariance models |
2 |
cmsearch |
Search covariance model(s) against a sequence database |
3 |
cmstat |
Summary statistics for covariance model |
3 |
cmv |
CMV is a tool for visualization of RNA family models, also known as covariance models (CM) |
2 |
codcmp |
Codon usage table comparison |
5 |
codeML |
Detects positive selection (paml package) |
3 |
coderet |
Extract CDS, mRNA and translations from feature tables |
5 |
Cofold |
An RNA secondary structure prediction method that takes co-transcriptional folding into account |
1 |
Collapse |
sequences |
3 |
Collapse Collection |
into single dataset in order of the collection |
5 |
Collapse samples |
Collapse samples in a BIOM table and mapping file |
1 |
Collect Alignment Summary Metrics |
writes a file containing summary alignment metrics |
14 |
Collect.shared |
Generate collector's curves for calculators on OTUs |
5 |
Collect.single |
Generate collector's curves for OTUs |
6 |
CollectBaseDistributionByCycle |
charts the nucleotide distribution per cycle in a SAM or BAM dataset |
14 |
CollectGcBiasMetrics |
charts the GC bias metrics |
14 |
CollectHsMetrics |
compute metrics about datasets generated through hybrid-selection (e.g. exome) |
4 |
CollectInsertSizeMetrics |
plots distribution of insert sizes |
14 |
Collector’s curve |
of sequencing yield over time |
2 |
CollectRnaSeqMetrics |
collect metrics about the alignment of RNA to various functional classes of loci in the genome |
15 |
CollectWgsMetrics |
compute metrics for evaluating of whole genome sequencing experiments |
14 |
Colocalization |
of two segmentation maps |
1 |
Color Deconvolution |
Color deconvolution |
2 |
Column arrange |
by header name |
2 |
Column Join |
on Collections |
5 |
Column Regex Find And Replace |
6 |
Combine FASTA and QUAL |
into FASTQ |
5 |
Combine MetaPhlAn2 and HUMAnN2 outputs |
to relate genus/species abundances and gene families/pathways abundances |
3 |
CometAdapter |
Annotates MS/MS spectra using Comet. |
3 |
Compalignp |
Fractional identities between alignments |
2 |
Compare |
multiple VCF datasets |
1 |
Compare BIOM tables |
Compare the accuracy of biom files (expected and observed) either by observations (default) or by samples. |
3 |
Compare elastic and raw deformation |
by warping index with bUnwarpJ |
2 |
Compare opposite elastic deformations |
by warping index with bUnwarpJ |
2 |
Compare outputs of HUMAnN2 for several samples |
and extract similar and specific information |
2 |
Compare two Datasets |
to find common or distinct rows |
1 |
Compare two raw deformations |
by warping index with bUnwarpJ |
2 |
Complement |
intervals of a dataset |
Sequence coordinate conversion
6 |
CompNovo |
Performs a de novo peptide identification using the CompNovo engine. |
4 |
CompNovoCID |
Performs a de novo peptide identification using the CompNovo engine. |
4 |
Compose a raw and an elastic transformation |
into a raw transformation with bUnwarpJ |
2 |
Compose two elastic transformations |
into a raw transformation with bUnwarpJ |
2 |
Compose two raw transformations |
into another raw transformation with bUnwarpJ |
2 |
Compound conversion |
- interconvert between various chemistry and molecular modeling data files |
6 |
Compound search |
- an advanced molecular search program using SMARTS |
5 |
compseq |
Count composition of dimer/trimer/etc words in a sequence |
5 |
Compute |
on rows |
10 |
Compute beta diversity distance matrices and generate PCoA plots |
(beta_diversity_through_plots) |
2 |
Compute both the depth and breadth of coverage |
of features in file B on the features in file A (bedtools coverage) |
21 |
Compute contig Ex90N50 statistic and Ex90 transcript count |
from a Trinity assembly |
10 |
Compute GLM on community data |
Compute a GLM of your choice on community data |
2 |
Compute GLM on population data |
Compute a GLM of your choice on population data |
2 |
Compute Motif Frequencies |
in indel flanking regions |
2 |
Compute Motif Frequencies For All Motifs |
motif by motif |
2 |
Compute physico-chemical properties |
for a set of molecules |
5 |
Compute quality statistics |
3 |
Compute sequence length |
6 |
computeGCBias |
Determine the GC bias of your sequenced reads |
17 |
computeMatrix |
prepares data for plotting a heatmap or a profile of given regions |
18 |
computeMatrixOperations |
Modify or combine the output of computeMatrix in a variety of ways. |
11 |
Concatenate |
two BED files |
6 |
Concatenate |
FASTA alignment by species |
3 |
Concatenate |
fasta sequences |
1 |
Concatenate datasets |
tail-to-head |
1 |
Concatenate datasets |
tail-to-head (cat) |
11 |
Concatenate images |
2 |
Conformer calculation |
for molecules (confab) with OpenBabel |
3 |
Consensus.seqs |
Find a consensus sequence for each OTU or phylotype |
6 |
ConsensusID |
Computes a consensus of peptide identifications of several identification engines. |
6 |
ConsensusMapNormalizer |
Normalizes maps of one consensusXML file |
5 |
Constrained conformer generation |
with RDKit |
2 |
Control-FREEC |
detects copy-number changes and allelic imbalances |
3 |
Convert |
delimiters to TAB |
1 |
Convert |
between BIOM table formats |
9 |
Convert |
: CSV, FSTAT, Genepop or VCF to either gd_snp or gd_genotype |
2 |
Convert BAM to ScIdx |
2 |
Convert BED to Feature Location Index |
1 |
Convert BED to GFF |
2 |
Convert binary image to EDM |
(Euclidean Distance Map) |
2 |
Convert DIMSpy-based HDF5 to tsv |
2 |
Convert elastic transformation to raw |
with bUnwarpJ |
2 |
Convert FASTA to 2bit |
2 |
Convert FASTA to Bowtie base space Index |
2 |
Convert FASTA to Bowtie color space Index |
2 |
Convert FASTA to len file |
2 |
Convert FASTA to Tabular |
1 |
Convert from BAM to FastQ |
13 |
Convert genome coordinates |
between assemblies and genomes |
2 |
Convert Genomic Intervals To BED |
1 |
Convert Genomic Intervals To Coverage |
2 |
Convert Genomic Intervals To Strict BED |
2 |
Convert Genomic Intervals To Strict BED12 |
1 |
Convert Genomic Intervals To Strict BED6 |
2 |
Convert GFF to BED |
2 |
Convert GFF to Feature Location Index |
1 |
Convert GFF3 |
to prot_table for TRANSIT |
4 |
Convert gffCompare annotated GTF to BED |
for StringTie results |
4 |
Convert GTF to BED12 |
1 |
Convert image |
Convert image |
2 |
Convert Kraken |
data to Galaxy taxonomy representation |
3 |
Convert Len file to Linecount |
2 |
Convert lped to fped |
2 |
Convert lped to plink pbed |
2 |
Convert MAF to Fasta |
2 |
Convert MAF to Genomic Intervals |
2 |
Convert McMicro Output to Anndata |
to be used in scimap/scanpy |
1 |
Convert OBO to OWL |
1 |
Convert OBO to RDF |
1 |
Convert Parameters |
to AMBER prmtop in preparation for MMGBSA/MMPBSA |
7 |
Convert Picard Interval List to BED6 |
converter |
2 |
Convert plink pbed to ld reduced format |
2 |
Convert plink pbed to linkage lped |
2 |
Convert SAM |
to interval |
2 |
Convert to binary |
(black and white) |
2 |
Convert XMFA to gapped GFF3 |
3 |
Convert, Merge, Randomize |
BAM datasets and perform other transformations |
7 |
ConvertObjectsToImage |
convert the identified objects into an image |
2 |
Cooccurrence |
tests whether presence-absence patterns differ from chance |
6 |
Coordinates of ROI |
2 |
Copernicus Essential Climate Variables |
for assessing climate variability |
Data retrieval
Format detection
2 |
Corr.axes |
correlation of data to axes |
5 |
correctGCBias |
uses the output from computeGCBias to generate GC-corrected BAM/CRAM files |
16 |
Correlation |
for numeric columns |
1 |
Cosine Content |
- measure the cosine content of the PCA projection |
4 |
Count |
occurrences of each record |
2 |
Count Covariates |
on BAM files |
1 |
Count GFF Features |
2 |
Count Objects |
in labled images |
1 |
Count the sequences |
in a fasta file (count_seqs) |
2 |
Count.groups |
counts the number of sequences represented by a specific group or set of groups |
5 |
Count.seqs |
(aka make.table) counts the number of sequences represented by the representative |
5 |
Coverage |
of a set of intervals on second set of intervals |
5 |
Coverage Distributions |
: Examine sequence coverage for SNPs |
2 |
cpgplot |
Plot CpG rich areas |
5 |
cpgreport |
Reports all CpG rich regions |
5 |
Create a BedGraph of genome coverage |
3 |
Create a deep learning model architecture |
using Keras |
6 |
Create a genus level gene families file |
4 |
Create a histogram of genome coverage |
3 |
Create a model to recommend tools |
using deep learning |
5 |
Create assemblies with Unicycler |
pipeline for bacterial genomes |
Genome assembly
10 |
Create binary barcodes |
from regular barcodes. |
3 |
Create Decoy Database (reverse) |
Creates a decoy search database by adding reverse sequences to an existing database |
1 |
Create deep learning model |
with an optimizer, loss function and fit parameters |
6 |
Create Frankenstein ligand |
for docking active site definition |
3 |
Create GROMACS index files |
using make_ndx |
4 |
Create GROMACS position restraints files |
using genrestr |
4 |
Create InterMine Interchange |
Dataset |
1 |
Create nested list |
based on filenames and batch sizes |
2 |
Create new image |
2 |
Create or Update Organism |
will create the organism if it doesn't exist, and update otherwise |
9 |
Create single interval |
as a new dataset |
1 |
Create text file |
with recurring lines |
9 |
Create three-dimensional PCoA plots |
to be visualized with Emperor (make_emperor) |
2 |
Create.database |
creates a database file from a list, repnames, repfasta and contaxonomy file |
5 |
CRISPR Recognition Tool |
(CRT) |
2 |
CRISPR Studio |
facilitate and accelerate CRISPR array visualization from a GFF3 file generated with CRISPRDetect |
1 |
Cross-contamination Barcode Filter |
for use in plate-based barcoded analyses |
3 |
CrossMap BAM |
Convert genome coordinates or annotation files between genome assemblies |
5 |
CrossMap BED |
Convert genome coordinates or annotation files between genome assemblies |
5 |
CrossMap GFF |
Convert genome coordinates or annotation files between genome assemblies |
5 |
CrossMap VCF |
Convert genome coordinates or annotation files between genome assemblies |
4 |
CrossMap Wig |
Convert genome coordinates or annotation files between genome assemblies |
4 |
CryptoGenotyper |
classifies Cryptosporidium species subtypes based on SSU rRNA and gp60 gene markers from Sanger sequencing data. |
1 |
csv-to-tabular |
converter |
1 |
analysis of chemicals, diseases, or genes |
1 |
Cuffcompare |
compare assembled transcripts to a reference annotation and track Cufflinks transcripts across multiple experiments |
8 |
Cuffdiff |
find significant changes in transcript expression, splicing, and promoter use |
11 |
Cufflinks |
transcript assembly and FPKM (RPKM) estimates for RNA-Seq data |
8 |
Cuffmerge |
merge together several Cufflinks assemblies |
8 |
Cuffnorm |
Create normalized expression levels |
7 |
Cuffquant |
Precompute gene expression levels |
4 |
cummeRbund |
visualize Cuffdiff output |
3 |
cURL |
send cURL POST requests |
1 |
cusp |
Create a codon usage table |
5 |
Customize the marker sequences and metadata |
from the MetaPhlAn database |
Nucleic acid sequence analysis
Phylogenetic analysis
6 |
CustomProDB |
Generate protein FASTAs from exosome or transcriptome data |
2 |
Cut |
columns from a table |
2 |
Cut |
columns from a table (cut) |
9 |
Cutadapt |
Remove adapter sequences from FASTQ/FASTA |
Sequence editing
22 |
cutseq |
Removes a specified section from a sequence |
5 |
CVInspector |
A tool for visualization and validation of PSI mapping and CV files. |
6 |
dada2: assignTaxonomy and addSpecies |
Learn Error rates |
6 |
dada2: dada |
Remove sequencing errors |
6 |
dada2: filterAndTrim |
Filter and trim short read data |
6 |
dada2: learnErrors |
Learn Error rates |
6 |
dada2: makeSequenceTable |
construct a sequence table (analogous to OTU table) |
6 |
dada2: mergePairs |
Merge denoised forward and reverse reads |
6 |
dada2: plotComplexity |
Plot sequence complexity profile |
6 |
dada2: plotQualityProfile |
plot a visual summary of the quality scores |
6 |
dada2: removeBimeraDenovo |
Remove bimeras from collections of unique sequences |
6 |
dada2: sequence counts |
6 |
dan |
Calculates DNA RNA/DNA melting temperature |
5 |
Data Fetch |
Query and retrieval
1 |
DatabaseFilter |
Filters a protein database (FASTA format) based on identified proteins |
5 |
Datamash |
(operations on tabular data) |
5 |
functional annotation for a list of genes |
1 |
dbnsfp.tabular-to-snpsiftdbnsfp |
converter |
3 |
DCCM analysis |
- Dynamical Cross-Correlation Maps using Bio3D (DCCM) |
2 |
DCS mutations to SSCS stats: |
Extracts all tags from the single stranded consensus sequence (SSCS) bam file that carry a mutation at the same position a mutation is called in the duplex consensus sequence (DCS) and calculates their frequencies |
3 |
DCS mutations to tags/reads: |
Extracts all tags that carry a mutation in the duplex consensus sequence (DCS) |
3 |
Decharger |
Decharges and merges different feature charge variants of the same peptide. |
5 |
DecoyDatabase |
Create decoy sequence database from forward sequence database. |
5 |
Deep learning training and evaluation |
conduct deep training and evaluation either implicitly or explicitly |
4 |
Degap.seqs |
Remove gap characters from sequences |
5 |
degapseq |
Removes gap characters from sequences |
5 |
Delete all annotations from an Apollo record |
8 |
Delete an Apollo record |
8 |
Delete Overlapping Indels |
from a chromosome indels file |
1 |
Deletion Profile |
calculates the distributions of deleted nucleotides across reads |
6 |
Delta-Filter |
Filters alignment (delta) file from nucmer |
Read mapping
Sequence alignment
5 |
DeMeanderize |
Orders the spectra of MALDI spotting plates correctly. |
4 |
Describe samples |
and replicates |
11 |
Descriptors |
calculated with RDKit |
4 |
descseq |
Alter the name or description of a sequence |
5 |
DESeq |
Determines differentially expressed transcripts from read alignments |
1 |
DESeq2 |
Determines differentially expressed features from count tables |
Differential gene expression profiling
RNA-Seq quantification
22 |
detect CRISPR sequences |
(minced) |
1 |
Detection Visualization |
Detection Visualization |
3 |
Determine distance to defined points |
- determine the minimum distances between a molecule and a set of 3D points |
2 |
Determine_batch_correction |
to choose between linear, lowess and loess methods |
4 |
Deunique.seqs |
Return all sequences |
5 |
Deunique.tree |
Reinsert the redundant sequence identiers back into a unique tree. |
5 |
DEXSeq |
Determines differential exon usage from count tables |
10 |
DEXSeq-Count |
Prepare and count exon abundancies from RNA-seq data |
10 |
DIA_Umpire_SE |
DIA signal extraction |
1 |
Diamond |
alignment tool for short sequences against a protein database |
Sequence alignment analysis
9 |
Diamond makedb |
Build database from a FASTA file |
Sequence alignment analysis
8 |
Diamond view |
generate formatted output from DAA files |
Sequence alignment analysis
6 |
diapysef library generation |
generates spectral library for DIA analysis |
1 |
diff |
analyzes two files and generates an unidiff text file with information about the differences and an optional Html report |
3 |
DiffBind |
differential binding analysis of ChIP-Seq peak data |
12 |
Differential Cleavage |
: Select SNPs differentially cut by specified restriction enzymes |
2 |
Differential expression analysis |
using a Trinity assembly |
11 |
diffseq |
Find differences between nearly identical sequences |
5 |
digest |
Protein proteolytic enzyme or reagent cleavage digest |
5 |
Digestor |
Digests a protein database in-silico. |
4 |
DigestorMotif |
digests a protein database in-silico |
4 |
Dihedral Analysis |
Time series of dihedrals |
5 |
to assemble metagenomics data using an overlap-layout-consensus (OLC) approach |
2 |
Discriminant Analysis |
12 |
DisplayDataOnImage |
produce an image with data on top of identified objects |
2 |
Dist.seqs |
calculate uncorrected pairwise distances between aligned sequences |
5 |
Dist.shared |
Generate a phylip-formatted dissimilarity distance matrix among multiple groups |
5 |
Distance Analysis |
- time series using MDAnalysis |
5 |
Diversity |
: pi, allowing for unsequenced intervals |
2 |
DNAdiff |
Evaluate similarities/differences between two sequences |
Read mapping
Sequence alignment
5 |
dotmatcher |
Displays a thresholded dotplot of two sequences |
5 |
dotpath |
Non-overlapping wordmatch dotplot of two sequences |
5 |
Dotplot and filter for LAST results |
1 |
dottup |
Displays a wordmatch dotplot of two sequences |
5 |
Download and Extract Reads in BAM |
format from NCBI SRA |
Data retrieval
24 |
Download and Extract Reads in FASTQ |
format from NCBI SRA |
Data retrieval
20 |
Download and Generate Pileup Format |
from NCBI SRA |
9 |
Download run data |
from EBI Metagenomics database |
1 |
Downsample SAM/BAM |
Downsample a file to retain a subset of the reads |
14 |
dpocket |
to calculate descriptors for protein pockets |
1 |
Dr. Disco (bam-extract) |
Extracts reads from two targeted regions |
1 |
Dr. Disco (classify) |
Classifies detected break-points in RNA-seq based on corresponding statistics and blacklists |
1 |
Dr. Disco (detect) |
Detects break-points in RNA-seq |
1 |
Dr. Disco (fix) |
Fixes chimeric alignments from STAR |
1 |
Dr. Disco (integrate) |
Merges corresponding genomic breaks and exon-to-exon junctions |
1 |
Draw nucleotides distribution chart |
4 |
Draw phylogeny |
1 |
Draw quality score boxplot |
4 |
Draw ROC plot |
on "Perform LDA" output |
2 |
Draw Stacked Bar Plots |
for different categories and different criteria |
1 |
Draw variants |
: show positions of SNVs and unsequenced intervals |
2 |
dreg |
Regular expression search of a nucleotide sequence |
6 |
- Discriminative Regular Expression Motif Elicitation |
4 |
dRep compare |
compare a list of genomes |
3 |
dRep dereplicate |
De-replicate a list of genomes |
3 |
DropletUtils |
Utilities for handling droplet-based single-cell RNA-seq data |
DNA barcoding
9 |
Drug-likeness |
quantitative estimation (QED) with RDKit |
4 |
DTAExtractor |
Extracts spectra of an MS run file to several files in DTA format. |
5 |
EBI SCXA Data Retrieval |
Retrieves expression matrixes and metadata from EBI Single Cell Expression Atlas (SCXA) |
2 |
EBI Search |
to obtain search results on resources and services hosted at the EBI |
2 |
Edena (assembling) |
1 |
Edena (overlapping) |
1 |
EDGE-pro |
Gene expression in Prokaryotes |
1 |
EdgePro2DESeq |
1 |
edgeR |
Perform differential expression of count data |
Differential gene expression profiling
RNA-seq read count analysis
10 |
EGA Download Client |
5 |
eggNOG Mapper |
functional sequence annotation by orthology |
10 |
easy and efficient ensemble gene set testing |
4 |
EICExtractor |
Extracts intensities from dedicates positions in a LC/MS map |
5 |
einverted |
Finds DNA inverted repeats |
5 |
End-to-End Analysis |
- End-to-End distance timeseries and histogram for the given selections |
2 |
Enhance contrast |
2 |
EnhanceOrSuppressFeatures |
to improve subsequent identification of objects |
2 |
Ensemble methods |
for classification and regression |
12 |
Enumerate changes |
calculated with Dimorphite DL and RDKit |
2 |
epestfind |
Finds PEST motifs as potential proteolytic cleavage sites |
5 |
EpiCSeg - Chromatin segmentation |
1 |
equicktandem |
Finds tandem repeats |
5 |
ERPairFinder |
Util which can be used to evaluate pair ratios on enhanced resolution (zoom) scans. |
4 |
est2genome |
Align EST and genomic DNA sequences |
5 |
Estimate Abundance at Taxonomic Level |
Bayesian Reestimation of Abundance with KrakEN |
Statistical calculation
3 |
Estimate temporal population evolution |
by species |
2 |
Estimate temporal population variation |
by specialization group |
3 |
estimate-energy |
Estimates whether a certain Segment(Loop) is present and for which delta-G this transistion takes place |
2 |
EstimateLibraryComplexity |
assess sequence library complexity from read sequences |
14 |
estimateReadFiltering |
estimates the number of reads that would be filtered given certain criteria |
6 |
Estimator attributes |
get important attributes from an estimator or scikit object |
9 |
etandem |
Looks for tandem repeats in a nucleotide sequence |
5 |
ETE GeneTree splitter |
from a genetree using the ETE Toolkit |
7 |
ETE lineage generator |
from a list of species/taxids using the ETE Toolkit |
5 |
ETE mod |
manipulates tree topology by rooting, pruning or sorting branches |
4 |
ETE species tree generator |
from a list of species using the ETE Toolkit |
4 |
ETE taxa DB generator |
generates the ETE sqlite DB from the NCBI taxdump.tar.gz |
4 |
Evaluate a Fitted Model |
using a new batch of labeled data |
6 |
Evaluate pairwise distances |
or compute affinity or kernel for sets of samples |
12 |
ExomeDepth |
Calls copy number variants (CNVs) from targeted sequence data |
1 |
Exonerate |
pairwise sequence comparison |
4 |
Expected temporal trend |
of species abundance |
1 |
Export AnnData and loom files |
Interconvert AnnData and Loom formats |
10 |
Export datasets |
to remote files source |
1 |
Export to GraPhlAn |
2 |
ExportToSpreadsheet |
export measurements into one or more files |
2 |
eXpress |
Quantify the abundances of a set of target sequences from sampled subsequences |
2 |
ExternalCalibration |
Applies an external mass recalibration. |
6 |
Extract alignment ends |
from SAM or BAM |
3 |
Extract and cluster differentially expressed transcripts |
from a Trinity assembly |
12 |
Extract barcodes |
according to pattern |
3 |
Extract clusters of MD trajectories |
from linkage matrix data |
3 |
Extract CuffDiff |
tabular files from a cummeRbund database |
2 |
Extract element identifiers |
of a list collection |
2 |
Extract energy components with GROMACS |
7 |
Extract FASTQ |
in tabular format from a set of FAST5 files |
2 |
Extract features |
from GFF data |
1 |
Extract Genomic DNA |
using coordinates from assembled/unassembled genomes |
7 |
Extract MAF blocks |
given a set of genomic intervals |
4 |
Extract MAF by block number |
given a set of block numbers and a MAF file |
1 |
Extract nanopore events |
from a set of sequencing reads |
2 |
Extract Pairwise MAF blocks |
given a set of genomic intervals |
1 |
Extract reads |
in FASTA or FASTQ format from nanopore files |
2 |
Extract RMSD distance matrix data |
from MD ensemble with MDAnalysis |
3 |
Extract the marker sequences and metadata |
from the MetaPhlAn database |
Nucleic acid sequence analysis
Phylogenetic analysis
6 |
Extract time |
and channel information from a set of FAST5 files |
2 |
Extract top view |
from whole-slice image |
2 |
Extract values from an SD-file |
into a tabular file using RDKit |
4 |
extract-boxed-sequences |
Extracts boxed sequences from bed_input_file which has to be created with 'find-box', part of this utility |
2 |
extract_fastasequence |
using BED file |
1 |
extractfeat |
Extract features from a sequence |
5 |
extractseq |
Extract regions from a sequence |
5 |
FalseDiscoveryRate |
Estimates the false discovery rate on peptide and protein level using decoy searches. |
7 |
fargene |
Fragmented antibiotic resistance gene identifier |
2 |
faSplit |
Split a FASTA file |
3 |
FASTA header converter |
to append species information |
1 |
FASTA Merge Files and Filter Unique Sequences |
Concatenate FASTA database files together |
4 |
Fasta nucleotide color plot |
1 |
Fasta nucleotide color plot |
2 |
Fasta Statistics |
Display summary statistics for a fasta file. |
5 |
FASTA Width |
formatter |
3 |
fasta-to-fai |
converter |
1 |
FASTA-to-Tabular |
converter |
3 |
fasta_to_gspan |
3 |
FastANI |
fast alignment-free computation of whole-genome Average Nucleotide Identity |
1 |
Faster Download and Extract Reads in FASTQ |
format from NCBI SRA |
Data retrieval
15 |
fastp |
- fast all-in-one preprocessing for FASTQ files |
8 |
fastpca |
- dimensionality reduction of MD simulations |
2 |
FASTQ de-interlacer |
on paired end reads |
5 |
FASTQ Groomer |
convert between various FASTQ quality formats |
Sequence conversion
5 |
FASTQ interlacer |
on paired end reads |
6 |
FASTQ joiner |
on paired end reads |
7 |
FASTQ Masker |
by quality score |
Sequence masking
5 |
FASTQ Quality Trimmer |
by sliding window |
5 |
FastQ Screen |
for contamination |
2 |
FASTQ splitter |
on joined paired end reads |
6 |
FASTQ Summary Statistics |
by column |
Sequence assembly validation
4 |
converter from FASTX-toolkit |
Sequence conversion
6 |
converter |
5 |
FASTQ to Tabular |
converter |
Sequence conversion
5 |
FASTQ Trimmer |
by column |
Sequence trimming
5 |
fastq-join |
- Joins two paired-end reads on the overlapping ends |
3 |
Fastq.info |
Convert fastq to fasta and quality |
6 |
FastQC |
Read Quality reports |
Sequence composition calculation
Sequencing quality control
Statistical calculation
18 |
visualize fastq files with emoji's 🧬😎 |
5 |
FastqToSam |
convert Fastq data into unaligned BAM |
19 |
build maximum-likelihood phylogenetic trees |
Phylogenetic analysis
Phylogenetic inference (from molecular sequences)
4 |
Feature coverage |
1 |
Feature Selection |
module, including univariate filter selection methods and recursive feature elimination algorithm |
12 |
featureCounts |
Measure gene expression in RNA-Seq experiments from SAM or BAM files. |
Sequence assembly
25 |
FeatureFinderCentroided |
Detects two-dimensional features in LC-MS data. |
5 |
FeatureFinderIdentification |
Detects features in MS1 data based on peptide identifications. |
5 |
FeatureFinderIsotopeWavelet |
Detects two-dimensional features in LC-MS data. |
5 |
FeatureFinderMetabo |
Assembles metabolite features from centroided (LC-)MS data using the mass trace approach. |
5 |
FeatureFinderMRM |
Detects two-dimensional features in LC-MS data. |
4 |
FeatureFinderMultiplex |
Determination of peak ratios in LC-MS data |
7 |
FeatureFinderSuperHirn |
Finds mass spectrometric features in mass spectra. |
5 |
FeatureLinkerLabeled |
Groups corresponding isotope-labeled features in a feature map. |
5 |
FeatureLinkerUnlabeled |
Groups corresponding features from multiple maps. |
5 |
FeatureLinkerUnlabeledKD |
Groups corresponding features from multiple maps. |
4 |
FeatureLinkerUnlabeledQT |
Groups corresponding features from multiple maps. |
4 |
FEELnc |
FlExible Extraction of LncRNA |
6 |
Fetch closest non-overlapping feature |
for every interval |
4 |
Fetch Indels |
from 3-way alignments |
1 |
Fetch taxonomic representation |
2 |
FFEval |
Evaluation tool for feature detection algorithms. |
4 |
fgsea |
- fast preranked gene set enrichment analysis |
3 |
FidoAdapter |
Runs the protein inference engine Fido. |
6 |
FileConverter |
Converts between different MS file formats. |
5 |
FileFilter |
Extracts or manipulates portions of data from peak, feature or consensus-feature files. |
5 |
FileInfo |
Shows basic information about the file, such as data ranges and file type. |
5 |
FileMerger |
Merges several MS files into one file. |
5 |
Filter |
data on any column using simple expressions |
2 |
Filter |
with scanpy |
7 |
Filter |
a set of molecules from a file |
6 |
Filter |
a VCF file |
1 |
Filter |
1 |
Filter BAM |
datasets on a variety of attributes |
6 |
Filter BED on splice junctions |
that are not in a reference bed file |
1 |
Filter by quality |
6 |
Filter Combined Transcripts |
using tracking file |
1 |
Filter FASTA |
on the headers and/or the sequences |
5 |
Filter fasta |
to remove sequences based on input criteria (filter_fasta) |
2 |
Filter FASTQ |
reads by quality score and length |
4 |
Filter GFF data by attribute |
using simple expressions |
2 |
Filter GFF data by feature count |
using simple expressions |
1 |
Filter GTF data by attribute values_list |
2 |
Filter Image |
applies a standard filter to an image |
2 |
Filter low expression transcripts |
from a Trinity assembly |
11 |
Filter MAF |
by specified attributes |
1 |
Filter MAF blocks |
by Species |
1 |
Filter MAF blocks |
by Size |
1 |
Filter OTUs from an OTU table |
based on their observation counts or identifier (filter_otus_from_otu_table) |
2 |
Filter pileup |
on coverage and SNPs |
3 |
Filter SAM |
on bitwise flag values |
1 |
Filter SAM or BAM |
files on FLAG MAPQ RG LN or by region |
Nucleic acid sequence analysis
2 |
Filter SAM or BAM, output SAM or BAM |
files on FLAG MAPQ RG LN or by region |
6 |
Filter segmentation |
Filter segmentation by rules |
1 |
Filter sequence alignment |
by removing highly variable regions (filter_alignment) |
2 |
Filter sequences by ID |
from a tabular file |
5 |
Filter sequences by length |
6 |
Filter sequences by mapping |
from SAM/BAM file |
4 |
Filter SNPs |
: Discard some SNPs based on coverage, quality or spacing |
4 |
Filter species |
with rare and low abundances |
2 |
Filter Tabular |
5 |
Filter taxa from an OTU table |
(filter_taxa_from_otu_table) |
2 |
Filter with SortMeRNA |
of ribosomal RNAs in metatranscriptomic data |
6 |
filter-annotated-entries |
Split entries into two files based on whether they overlap annotations in a bed file |
2 |
filter-by-energy |
Split entries over two files based on the estimated energy |
2 |
Filter.seqs |
removes columns from alignments |
5 |
Filter.shared |
remove OTUs based on various critieria |
6 |
Filters samples from an OTU table |
on the basis of the number of observations in that sample, or on the basis of sample metadata (filter_samples_from_otu_table) |
2 |
FilterSamReads |
include or exclude aligned and unaligned reads and read lists |
14 |
filtlong |
Filtering long reads by quality |
3 |
- Scan a set of sequences for motifs |
12 |
Find diagnostic hits |
1 |
Find edges |
2 |
find in reference |
filter peptides that are present in proteins |
4 |
Find lowest diagnostic rank |
1 |
Find maxima |
2 |
find-boxes |
Finds all occurances of two given boxes (sequence motifs) within a FASTA file |
2 |
Finds SNP sites |
from a multi-FASTA alignment file |
1 |
Fit a BUM model |
with p-values |
2 |
Fit a Pipeline, Ensemble |
or other models using a labeled dataset |
6 |
fix-fasta-headers |
Replaces all spaces with underscores in the ">.."-sequence headers of a FASTA file |
2 |
FixMateInformation |
ensure that all mate-pair information is in sync between each read and it's mate pair |
14 |
FlaiMapper |
detects small ncRNA derived fragments in small RNA-Seq data |
1 |
Flanking Sequence |
: Fetch DNA sequence for intervals surrounding the given SNPs |
2 |
adjust length of short reads |
7 |
FlashLFQ |
ultrafast label-free quantification for mass-spectrometry proteomics |
5 |
Flight curve |
compute the regional expected pattern of abundance |
1 |
Flye |
de novo assembler for single molecule sequencing reads |
Genome assembly
8 |
Flye assembly |
of long and error-prone reads (CIGENE version) |
1 |
footprint |
1 |
Format |
tree and trait tables |
2 |
Format cd-hit outputs |
to rename representative sequences with cluster name and/or extract distribution inside clusters given a mapping file |
2 |
Format Fastq sequences and barcode data |
(extract_barcodes) |
2 |
Format MetaPhlAn2 |
output for Krona |
2 |
Format MetaPhlAn2 |
output to extract abundance at different taxonomic levels |
2 |
Founders sequenced |
: Offspring estimated heterozygosity from a pedigree with sequenced founders |
2 |
FPKM Count |
calculates raw read count, FPM, and FPKM for each gene |
8 |
fpocket |
- find potential binding sites in protein structures |
4 |
FragGeneScan |
for finding (fragmented) genes in short reads |
2 |
freak |
Residue/base frequency table or plot |
5 |
FreeBayes |
bayesian genetic variant detector |
12 |
FuMa |
match detected fusion genes based on gene names (in particular for RNA-Seq) |
1 |
FunDO |
human genes associated with disease terms |
2 |
fuzznuc |
Nucleic acid pattern search |
6 |
fuzzpro |
Protein pattern search |
5 |
fuzztran |
Protein pattern search after translation |
5 |
FuzzyDiff |
Compares two files, tolerating numeric differences. |
4 |
g:Profiler |
tools for functional profiling of gene lists |
1 |
garnier |
Predicts protein secondary structure |
5 |
Gate Finder |
displays a series of gating outcomes using Vitessce |
1 |
GATK4 Mutect2 |
- Call somatic SNVs and indels via local assembly of haplotypes |
8 |
GC Skew |
calculates skew over genomic sequences |
Nucleic acid property calculation
10 |
gd_snp to VCF |
: Convert from gd_snp or gd_genotype to VCF format, for submission to dbSNP |
2 |
GDAL addo |
builds or rebuilds overview images |
2 |
GDAL Build VRT |
builds a VRT from a list of datasets |
2 |
GDAL Informations |
lists information about a raster dataset |
2 |
GDAL Merge |
mosaics a set of images |
2 |
GDAL Translate |
converts raster data between different formats. |
2 |
GDAL Warp |
image reprojection and warping utility |
2 |
geecee |
Calculates fractional GC content of nucleic acid sequences |
5 |
GEMINI actionable_mutations |
Retrieve genes with actionable somatic mutations via COSMIC and DGIdb |
4 |
GEMINI amend |
Amend an already loaded GEMINI database. |
5 |
GEMINI annotate |
the variants in an existing GEMINI database with additional information |
7 |
GEMINI burden |
perform sample-wise gene-level burden calculations |
4 |
GEMINI database info |
Retrieve information about tables, columns and annotation data stored in a GEMINI database |
4 |
GEMINI fusions |
Identify somatic fusion genes from a GEMINI database |
5 |
GEMINI gene_wise |
Custom genotype filtering by gene |
5 |
GEMINI inheritance pattern |
based identification of candidate genes |
2 |
GEMINI interactions |
Find genes among variants that are interacting partners |
4 |
GEMINI load |
Loading a VCF file into GEMINI |
7 |
GEMINI lof_sieve |
Filter LoF variants by transcript position and type |
4 |
GEMINI pathways |
Map genes and variants to KEGG pathways |
5 |
Quality control tool |
5 |
GEMINI query |
Querying the GEMINI database |
5 |
GEMINI roh |
Identifying runs of homozygosity |
5 |
GEMINI set_somatic |
Tag somatic mutations in a GEMINI database |
5 |
GEMINI stats |
Compute useful variant statistics |
4 |
GEMINI windower |
Conducting analyses on genome "windows" |
4 |
Genbank to GFF3 |
converter |
2 |
Gene Align and Family Aggregator |
generates an SQLite database that can be visualised with Aequatus |
2 |
Gene BED To Exon/Intron/Codon BED |
expander |
1 |
Gene Body Coverage (BAM) |
Read coverage over gene body. |
13 |
Gene Body Coverage (Bigwig) |
Read coverage over gene body |
12 |
Gene Copy Number Finder |
from a genetree using the ETE Toolkit |
2 |
Gene length and GC content |
from GTF and FASTA file |
4 |
Generalized linear models |
for classification and regression |
11 |
Generate |
random samples with controlled size and complexity |
12 |
Generate A Matrix |
for using PC and LDA |
1 |
Generate box-whisker |
plot of quality score distribution over positions in nanopore reads |
2 |
Generate conformers |
using RDKit |
2 |
Generate gene to transcript map |
for Trinity assembly |
10 |
Generate heatmap |
with hierarchical clustering of both samplesand microbial clades for MetaPhlAn2 |
2 |
Generate histogram |
of nanopore read lengths |
2 |
Generate MD topologies for small molecules |
using acpype |
9 |
Generate pileup |
from BAM dataset |
3 |
Generate SuperTranscripts |
from a Trinity assembly |
6 |
Generation, personalization and annotation of tree |
for GraPhlAn |
2 |
Generic_Filter |
Removes elements according to numerical or qualitative values |
3 |
GeneSeqToFamily preparation |
converts data for the workflow |
4 |
genform |
Generation of molecular formulas by high-resolution MS and MS/MS data |
1 |
Geno2Topigs |
Converts from CIGENE genotypes to the format Topigs wants |
1 |
Genome annotation statistics |
1 |
GenomeScope |
reference-free genome profiling |
3 |
Genomlist2Geno |
Convert from Genomestudio List format to CIGENE genotypes |
1 |
Genrich |
Detecting sites of genomic enrichment |
3 |
Gest4 |
retrieves genotype data |
1 |
Gest4 extract |
lists markers or individuals in Gest genotype file |
1 |
Get all term synonyms |
of a given OBO term |
1 |
Get all terms |
of a given OBO term |
1 |
Get all the relationship IDs and definitions |
from the given OBO ontology |
2 |
Get all the relationship IDs and names |
from the given OBO ontology |
2 |
Get all the relationship IDs and namespaces |
from the given OBO ontology |
1 |
Get all the relationship types |
from the given OBO ontology |
2 |
Get all the term IDs and term names |
of a given OBO ontology |
1 |
Get child terms |
of a given OBO term |
1 |
Get crosslinked nucleotides |
from full alignments |
3 |
Get EDGE-pro files |
1 |
Get features by Ensembl ID |
using REST API |
3 |
Get flanks |
returns flanking region/s for every gene |
Sequence analysis
4 |
Get gene tree by Ensembl ID |
using REST API |
4 |
Get longest read |
from a set of FAST5 files. |
2 |
Get motifs from AREsite2 |
AREsite2 REST Interface |
1 |
Get Pathways |
: Look up KEGG pathways for given Ensembl transcripts |
2 |
Get PDB file |
from Protein Data Bank |
2 |
Get peaklists |
or an average peaklist from a Peak Intensity Matrix |
2 |
Get RT Stop Counts |
derives the reverse transcriptase (RT) stop count on each nucleotide from a mapped file provided by the Iterative Mapping module |
1 |
Get sequences by Ensembl ID |
using REST API |
3 |
Get species occurrences data |
from GBIF, ALA, iNAT and others |
1 |
Get subontology |
from a given OBO term |
1 |
Get the ancestor terms of a given OBO term |
Collects the ancestor terms from a given term in the given OBO ontology |
2 |
Get the descendent terms |
of a given OBO term |
1 |
Get the parent terms |
of a given OBO term |
1 |
Get the root terms |
of a given OBO term |
1 |
Get the terms |
filtered by a relationship type |
1 |
Get the terms that are related |
by a concrete relationship type |
2 |
Get.communitytype |
description |
5 |
Get.coremicrobiome |
fraction of OTUs for samples or abundances |
6 |
Get.dists |
selects distances from a phylip or column file |
5 |
Get.group |
group names from shared or from list and group |
6 |
Get.groups |
Select groups |
5 |
Get.label |
label names from list, sabund, or rabund file |
5 |
Get.lineage |
Picks by taxon |
6 |
Get.mimarkspackage |
creates a mimarks package form with your groups |
5 |
Get.otulabels |
Selects OTU labels |
6 |
Get.otulist |
Get otus for each distance in a otu list |
5 |
Get.oturep |
Generate a fasta with a representative sequence for each OTU |
5 |
Get.otus |
Get otus containing sequences from specified groups |
5 |
Get.rabund |
Get rabund from a otu list or sabund |
6 |
Get.relabund |
Calculate the relative abundance of each otu |
5 |
Get.sabund |
Get sabund from a otu list or rabund |
5 |
Get.seqs |
Picks sequences by name |
5 |
Get.sharedseqs |
Get shared sequences at each distance from list and group |
5 |
GetFastaBed |
use intervals to extract sequences from a FASTA file |
20 |
getorf |
Finds and extracts open reading frames (ORFs) |
5 |
Convert Graphical Fragment Assembly files to FASTA format |
4 |
GFF-to-BED |
converter |
1 |
GFF3 to Apollo Annotations |
8 |
GffCompare |
compare assembled transcripts to a reference annotation |
5 |
gffread |
Filters and/or converts GFF3/GTF2 records |
7 |
sRNA homolog finder |
2 |
Glimmer ICM builder |
1 |
Glimmer3 |
Predict ORFs in prokaryotic genomes (not knowlegde-based) |
1 |
Glimmer3 |
Predict ORFs in prokaryotic genomes (knowlegde-based) |
1 |
Multiple Alignment Viewer |
1 |
GOEnrichment |
performs GO enrichment analysis of a set of gene products |
2 |
Golm Metabolome Database search spectrum |
: GC-MS Mass Spectral Database. |
2 |
goseq |
tests for overrepresented gene categories |
Gene-set enrichment analysis
12 |
GOSlimmer |
converts a set of annotation from GO to a given GOSlim version |
2 |
GotohScan |
Find subsequences in db |
2 |
significant single-SNP associations in case-control studies |
1 |
gProfiler Convert |
converts between various types of namespaces |
2 |
gProfiler GOSt |
performs functional enrichment analysis of gene lists |
Gene-set enrichment analysis
2 |
gProfiler Orth |
translates gene identifiers between organisms |
2 |
gProfiler Random |
generates a gene list |
2 |
gProfiler SNPense |
maps SNP rs-codes to gene names, chromosomal coordinates and variant effects |
2 |
Graphclust glob_report collect clusters |
1 |
GraphEmbed |
Compute and plot a 2D embedding of a data matrix given supervised class information |
1 |
GraPhlAn |
to produce graphical output of an input tree |
2 |
GraphProt |
- Train models and predict RBP binding profiles |
3 |
GrayToColor |
take grayscale images and produces a color image from them |
2 |
GROMACS energy minimization |
of the system prior to equilibration and production MD |
7 |
GROMACS initial setup |
of topology and GRO structure file |
6 |
GROMACS NPT equilibration |
- constant-temperature and -pressure equilibration of a system |
2 |
GROMACS NVT equilibration |
- constant-temperature and -volume equilibration of a system |
2 |
GROMACS production simulation |
for data collection |
2 |
GROMACS simulation |
for system equilibration or data collection |
9 |
GROMACS solvation and adding ions |
to structure and topology files |
8 |
GROMACS structure configuration |
using editconf |
5 |
Group |
data by a column and perform aggregate operation on other columns. |
4 |
Group abundances |
of UniRef50 gene families obtained (HUMAnN2 output) to Gene Ontology (GO) slim terms |
2 |
GTF2GeneList |
extracts a complete annotation table or subsets thereof from an Ensembl GTF using rtracklayer |
6 |
Gubbins |
Recombination detection in Bacteria |
2 |
Gumbel |
- determine essential genes |
6 |
Hammock - cluster peptides |
Clusters short peptide sequences |
5 |
Hardklor |
identification of features from mass spectra |
4 |
Hcluster |
Assign sequences to OTUs (Operational Taxonomic Unit) |
2 |
hcluster_sg |
Hierarchically clustering on a sparse graph |
2 |
hcluster_sg parser |
converts hcluster_sg 3-column output into lists of IDs |
4 |
Heatmap |
Heatmap of the dataMatrix |
2 |
Heatmap w ggplot |
6 |
Heatmap.bin |
Generate a heatmap for OTUs |
5 |
Heatmap.sim |
Generate a heatmap for pariwise similarity |
5 |
heatmap2 |
6 |
helixturnhelix |
Report nucleic acid binding motifs |
5 |
Hexamer frequency |
calculates hexamer (6mer) frequency for reads, genomes, and mRNA sequences |
6 |
hicAdjustMatrix |
adjust the shape of a Hi-C matrix |
6 |
hicAggregateContacts |
allow plotting of aggregated Hi-C contacts between regions specified in a file |
10 |
hicAverageRegions |
sums Hi-C contacts around given reference points and computes their average. |
6 |
hicBuildMatrix |
create a contact matrix |
18 |
hicCompareMatrices |
normalize and compare two Hi-C contact matrices |
11 |
hicCompartmentalization |
compute pairwise correlations between multiple Hi-C contact matrices |
6 |
hicConvertFormat |
Convert between different file formats |
7 |
hicCorrectMatrix |
run a Hi-C matrix correction algorithm |
17 |
hicCorrelate |
compute pairwise correlations between multiple Hi-C contact matrices |
15 |
hicDetectLoops |
searches for enriched regions |
6 |
hicFindRestSite |
identify restriction enzyme sites |
7 |
hicFindTADs |
identify TAD boundaries by computing the degree of separation of each Hi-C matrix bin |
16 |
hicInfo |
get information about the content of a Hi-C matrix |
6 |
hicMergeLoops |
merge detected loops of different resolutions. |
7 |
hicMergeMatrixBins |
merge adjacent bins from a Hi-C contact matrix to reduce its resolution |
15 |
hicNormalize |
normalizes a matrix to norm range or smallest read count |
7 |
hicPCA |
compute the principal components for A / B compartment analysis |
12 |
hicPlotAverageRegions |
plot the average regions from hicAverageRegions |
7 |
hicPlotDistVsCounts |
compute distance vs Hi-C counts plot per chromosome |
15 |
hicPlotMatrix |
plot a Hi-C contact matrix heatmap |
16 |
hicPlotSVL |
plots the relation of short vs long range contacts |
6 |
hicPlotTADs |
plot Hi-C contact matrices heatmaps alongside other data tracks |
9 |
hicPlotViewpoint |
plot interactions around a viewpoint |
12 |
hicQuickQC |
get a first quality estimate of Hi-C data |
7 |
hicSumMatrices |
combine Hi-C matrices of the same size |
16 |
hicTransform |
transform a matrix to obs/exp, pearson and covariance matrices |
12 |
Hicup Deduplicator |
removes duplicated di-tags (retaining one copy of each) from the data set. |
4 |
Hicup Digester |
cuts throughout a selected genome at one or two specified restriction sites. |
4 |
Hicup Filter |
classifies read pairs, identifying valid Hi-C di-tags |
4 |
Hicup Mapper |
aligns paired reads independently to a reference genome and retains reads where both partners align. |
4 |
Hicup Pipeline |
controls the other programs in the HiCUP pipeline. |
4 |
Hicup Truncater |
terminates sequence reads at specified Hi-C ligation junctions. |
4 |
hicValidateLocations |
validate detected loops with protein peaks. |
6 |
Hierarchical clustering |
from MD RMSD matrix data |
3 |
hifive |
manipulate, analyze, and plot HiC and 5C chromatin interaction data |
2 |
HighResPrecursorMassCorrector |
Corrects the precursor mass and charge determined by the instrument software. |
5 |
A fast and sensitive alignment program |
19 |
Histogram |
of a numeric column |
4 |
Histogram equalization |
automatic histogram equalization |
1 |
Histogram w ggplot2 |
7 |
HMDB MS search |
search by masses on HMDB online LCMS bank |
6 |
- determine essentiality of a genome |
6 |
hmmalign |
align sequences to a profile HMM |
7 |
hmmbuild |
Build a profile HMM from an input multiple alignment |
8 |
hmmconvert |
convert profile file to a HMMER format |
7 |
hmmemit |
sample sequence(s) from a profile HMM |
7 |
hmmfetch |
retrieve profile HMM(s) from a file |
7 |
hmmscan |
search sequence(s) against a profile database |
8 |
hmmsearch |
search profile(s) against a sequence database |
8 |
hmoment |
Hydrophobic moment calculation |
5 |
Homology Classifier and Filter |
from a genetree using the ETE Toolkit |
4 |
Homova |
Homogeneity of molecular variance |
5 |
htseq-count |
- Count aligned reads in a BAM file that overlap features in a GFF file |
9 |
Human Cell Atlas Matrix Downloader |
retrieves expression matrices and metadata from the Human Cell Atlas. |
3 |
to profile presence/absence and abundance of microbial pathways and gene families |
Nucleic acid sequence analysis
Phylogenetic analysis
2 |
to profile presence/absence and abundance of microbial pathways and gene families |
5 |
visualization of genomic data with the Hilbert curve |
2 |
Hydrogen Bond Analysis |
- analyze H-bonds between two segments |
4 |
Hydrogen Bond Analysis using VMD |
between two segments of a trajectory |
1 |
Hyperparameter Search |
performs hyperparameter optimization using various SearchCVs |
11 |
HyPhy-aBSREL |
adaptive Branch Site Random Effects Likelihood |
27 |
HyPhy-BGM |
- Detecting coevolving sites via Bayesian graphical models |
26 |
Branch-site Unrestricted Statistical Test for Episodic Diversification |
26 |
HyPhy-FADE |
: FUBAR* Approach to Directional Evolution (*Fast Unconstrained Bayesian Approximation) |
25 |
HyPhy-FEL |
Fixed Effects Likelihood |
25 |
Fast Unconstrained Bayesian AppRoximation |
25 |
HyPhy-GARD |
Genetic Algorithm for Recombination Detection |
26 |
HyPhy-MEME |
Mixed Effects Model of Evolution |
25 |
Property Informed Models of Evolution |
20 |
Detect relaxed selection in a codon-based phylogenetic framework |
24 |
HyPhy-SLAC |
Single Likelihood Ancestor Counting |
25 |
HyPhy-SM2019 |
Partition Tree using Modified Slatkin-Maddison Test |
24 |
ID choice |
Choosing a particular column in your metadata to be considered as Identifiers |
2 |
Iterative de Bruijn Graph Assembler for hybrid sequencing data |
2 |
Iterative de Bruijn Graph Assembler for transcriptome data |
3 |
Iterative de Bruijn Graph Assembler for data with highly uneven depth |
3 |
IDConflictResolver |
Resolves ambiguous annotations of features with peptide identifications |
5 |
idconvert |
Convert mass spectrometry identification files |
4 |
IDDecoyProbability |
Estimates peptide probabilities using a decoy search strategy.WARNING: This util is deprecated. |
3 |
Identify optimal scoring subnetwork |
using Heinz |
2 |
IdentifyPrimaryObjects |
identify biological objects of interest |
2 |
IDExtractor |
Extracts 'n' peptides randomly or best 'n' from idXML files. |
3 |
IDFileConverter |
Converts identification engine file formats. |
6 |
IDFilter |
Filters results from protein or peptide identification engines based on different criteria. |
6 |
IDMapper |
Assigns protein/peptide identifications to features or consensus features. |
5 |
IDMassAccuracy |
Calculates a distribution of the mass error from given mass spectra and IDs. |
5 |
IDMerger |
Merges several protein/peptide identification files into one file. |
6 |
idpAssemble |
Merge IDPicker databases from single files into a merged database, and filters the result at PSM/spectrum/peptide/protein/gene levels. |
4 |
idpEmbedder |
Embed human/mouse gene metadata into IDPicker files |
4 |
IDPosteriorErrorProbability |
Estimates probabilities for incorrectly assigned peptide sequences and a set of search engine scores using a mixture model. |
5 |
idpQonvert |
Prepare identification results for IDPicker |
4 |
idpQuery |
Creates text reports from idpDB files. |
5 |
compare ranked list of identifications |
2 |
IDR/OMERO Download |
- download images from any OMERO instance using image IDs |
10 |
IDRipper |
Split protein/peptide identification file into several files according to annotated file origin. |
4 |
IDRTCalibration |
Can be used to calibrate RTs of peptide hits linearly to standards. |
4 |
IDScoreSwitcher |
Switches between different scores of peptide or protein hits in identification data |
6 |
IDSplitter |
Splits protein/peptide identifications off of annotated data files |
4 |
IdxStats |
reports stats of the BAM index file |
8 |
MHC Binding prediction |
3 |
iep |
Calculates the isoelectric point of a protein |
5 |
Illuminapairedend - Assembling pair-end reads |
Construct consensus reads from Illumina pair-end reads |
3 |
Image Converter |
3 |
Image Info |
Show Image Info |
2 |
Image Montage |
3 |
ImageMath |
perform simple mathematical operations on images |
2 |
Import Anndata and loom |
from different format |
9 |
Inbreeding and kinship |
: Analyze the pedigree without genomic data |
2 |
inchi-to-mol |
converter |
2 |
InclusionExclusionListCreator |
Creates inclusion and/or exclusion lists. |
2 |
Indicator |
Identify indicator "species" for nodes on a tree |
5 |
Infer Experiment |
speculates how RNA-seq were configured |
12 |
Infinium Human Methylation BeadChip |
Determines differentially methylated regions and positions from Infinium Methylation Assays |
1 |
infoseq |
Displays some simple information about sequences |
5 |
Initial processing using RaceID |
performs filtering, normalisation, and confounder removal to generate a normalised and filtered count matrix of single-cell RNA data |
8 |
Inner Distance |
calculate the inner distance (or insert size) between two paired RNA reads |
12 |
Insert indel qualities |
into a BAM file |
4 |
Insertion Profile |
calculates the distribution of inserted nucleotides across reads |
6 |
Inspect and manipulate |
with scanpy |
7 |
Inspect AnnData |
object |
10 |
InspectAdapter |
Annotates MS/MS spectra using Inspect. |
3 |
IntaRNA |
Efficient RNA-RNA interaction prediction incorporating accessibility and seeding of interaction sites. |
4 |
Intensity Check |
Statistical measures, number of missing values and mean fold change |
2 |
InternalCalibration |
Applies an internal mass recalibration. |
5 |
InterProScan |
functional annotation |
9 |
Intersect |
the intervals of two datasets |
6 |
Intersect |
multiple VCF datasets |
2 |
Intersect intervals |
find overlapping intervals in various ways |
22 |
interval_coverage |
Computes coverage of intervals |
1 |
Phylogenomic / evolutionary tree construction from multiple sequences |
7 |
Iris |
Refine insertion sequences |
3 |
IsobaricAnalyzer |
Calculates isobaric quantitative values for peptides |
4 |
isochore |
Plots isochores in large DNA sequences |
5 |
Iterative Mapping |
iteratively maps the raw reads of RNA structural data to the reference transcriptome |
1 |
ivar consensus |
Call consensus from aligned BAM file |
9 |
ivar filtervariants |
Filter variants across replicates or multiple samples aligned using the same reference |
7 |
ivar getmasked |
Detect primer mismatches and get primer indices for the amplicon to be masked |
4 |
ivar removereads |
Remove reads from trimmed BAM file |
11 |
ivar trim |
Trim reads in aligned BAM |
13 |
ivar variants |
Call variants from aligned BAM file |
9 |
IWTomics Load |
Smooth and Plot |
1 |
IWTomics Plot with Threshold |
on Test Scale |
1 |
IWTomics Test |
and Plot |
1 |
jackhmmer |
iteratively search a protein sequence against a protein database (PSIBLAST-like) |
8 |
JasmineSV |
Merge structural variants across samples |
2 |
JBrowse |
genome browser |
Map drawing
Sequence visualisation
31 |
JBrowse - Data Directory to Standalone |
upgrades the bare data directory to a full JBrowse instance |
30 |
Je-Clip |
clips Unique Molecular Identifiers (UMIs) from fastq files |
2 |
Je-Demultiplex |
demultiplexes fastq files |
2 |
Je-Demultiplex-Illu |
demultiplexes fastq files using Illumina Index file |
2 |
Je-MarkDuplicates |
to filter BAM files for read duplicates taking UMIs into account |
2 |
jellyfish |
1 |
Join |
two files |
12 |
Join |
HUMAnN2 generated tables |
4 |
Join |
the intervals of two datasets side-by-side |
5 |
Join +/- Ions |
Join positive and negative ionization-mode W4M datasets for the same samples |
1 |
Join MAF blocks |
by Species |
1 |
Join two Datasets |
side by side on a specified field |
4 |
Join two files |
on column allowing a small difference |
2 |
JQ |
process JSON |
1 |
Junction Annotation |
compares detected splice junctions to reference gene model |
12 |
Junction Saturation |
detects splice junctions from each subset and compares them to reference gene model |
12 |
Kallisto pseudo |
- run pseudoalignment on RNA-Seq transcripts |
6 |
Kallisto quant |
- quantify abundances of RNA-Seq transcripts |
8 |
Karyotype Plotting tool |
for multiple series |
1 |
Kc-Align |
11 |
Kernel Canonical Correlation Analysis |
2 |
Kernel Principal Component Analysis |
2 |
khmer: Abundance Distribution |
Calculate abundance distribution of k-mers using pre-made k-mer countgraphs |
4 |
khmer: Abundance Distribution (all-in-one) |
Calculate abundance distribution of k-mers |
4 |
khmer: Count Median |
Count the median/avg k-mer abundance for each sequence |
4 |
khmer: Extract partitions |
Separate sequences that are annotated with partitions into grouped files |
4 |
khmer: Filter reads |
by minimal k-mer abundance |
4 |
khmer: Filter reads |
below k-mer abundance of 50 |
4 |
khmer: Normalize By Median |
Filter reads using digital normalization via k-mer abundances |
Sequence file editing
Sequence word comparison
5 |
khmer: Sequence partition all-in-one |
Load, partition, and annotate sequences |
4 |
Kinfold |
Simulates the stochastic folding kinetics of RNA sequences into secondary structures. |
1 |
Kinwalker |
cotranscriptional folding of RNAs |
1 |
KMC Counter |
K-mer counting and filtering of reads |
1 |
KMC filter |
filtering KMC's database |
1 |
KMC simple |
simple operations for two input kmer sets |
1 |
KMC transform |
single KMC's database |
1 |
KOBAS Annotate |
KEGG Orthology Based Annotation System |
3 |
KOBAS Identify |
KEGG Orthology Based Annotation System |
3 |
Kraken |
assign taxonomic labels to sequencing reads |
8 |
Kraken taxonomic report |
view report of classification for multiple samples |
3 |
Kraken-filter |
filter classification by confidence score |
4 |
Kraken-mpa-report |
view report of classification for multiple samples |
5 |
Kraken-report |
view sample report of a classification |
5 |
Kraken-translate |
convert taxonomy IDs to names |
4 |
Kraken2 |
assign taxonomic labels to sequencing reads |
5 |
Krona pie chart |
from taxonomic profile |
10 |
Kronik |
processes Hardklor features to find peptides by chromatographic profiling |
4 |
Label free protein |
summarisation and quantitation |
1 |
Label to Points |
Converts label image to points |
2 |
LabeledEval |
Evaluation tool for isotope-labeled quantitation experiments. |
4 |
Pairwise Alignment Viewer |
1 |
Landmark Registration |
Landmark Registration |
5 |
LAST-split |
finds "split alignments" (typically for DNA) or "spliced alignments" (typically for RNA). |
4 |
LAST-train |
finds the rates (probabilities) of insertion, deletion, and substitutions between two sets of sequences. |
5 |
LASTal |
finds local alignments between query sequences, and reference sequences. |
6 |
LASTdb |
prepares sequences for subsequent comparison and alignment using lastal. |
5 |
: align long sequences |
7 |
Lastz paired reads |
map short paired reads against reference sequence |
2 |
: estimate substitution scores matrix |
5 |
Lastz_subset |
Blast/Alignment |
2 |
LCAClassifier |
Perform taxonomic classification using the Lowest Common Ancester algorithm |
1 |
LCMS matching |
Annotation of LCMS peaks using matching on a in-house spectra database or on PeakForest spectra database. |
3 |
LD |
linkage disequilibrium and tag SNPs |
1 |
Lefse |
description |
5 |
lepmap2 |
linkage map construction |
1 |
lepmap3 |
linkage map construction |
1 |
Libshuff |
Cramer-von Mises tests communities for the same structure |
5 |
lighter |
can correct the reads containing sequence errors |
1 |
limma |
Perform differential expression with limma-voom or limma-trend |
Differential gene expression profiling
RNA-seq read count analysis
19 |
lindna |
Draws linear maps of DNA constructs |
5 |
Line/Word/Character count |
of a dataset |
1 |
Lineage Branch Analysis using StemID |
inspects branches of a lineage tree |
6 |
Lineage computation using StemID |
generates lineage from prior clustering |
6 |
Linear regression ajusted |
for autocorrelation in the residuals |
1 |
Lipidmaps |
: search on LIPID MAPS Structure Database (LMSD) online with masses and its Text/Ontology-based search engine. |
1 |
List Organisms |
in Apollo |
8 |
List spaln parameter tables |
Given a query species, list the spaln settings tables that exist, from closest related species to most different |
4 |
List.otulabels |
Lists otu labels from shared or relabund file |
5 |
List.seqs |
Lists the names (accnos) of the sequences |
5 |
Local Threshold |
applies a local threshold algorithm to an image |
2 |
Multiple Alignment and Folding of RNAs |
1 |
LocARNA Multiple Aligner |
Multiple Alignment and Folding of RNAs (mlocarna) |
2 |
locarna_graphclust |
3 |
Lofreq filter |
called variants posteriorly |
4 |
Lordec |
is a set a programs for correcting sequencing errors in PacBio reads |
5 |
LowMemPeakPickerHiRes |
Finds mass spectrometric peaks in profile mass spectra. |
4 |
LowMemPeakPickerHiResRandomAccess |
Finds mass spectrometric peaks in profile mass spectra. |
2 |
LASSO-Patternsearch algorithm |
1 |
LR_Gapcloser |
using uncorrected or corrected long reads to close gaps in genome assembly |
1 |
LRScaf |
Improving draft genomes using long noisy reads |
1 |
LuciphorAdapter |
Modification site localisation using LuciPHOr2. |
5 |
Machine Learning Visualization Extension |
includes several types of plotting for machine learning |
6 |
Model-based Analysis of ChIP-Seq |
4 |
MACS2 bdgbroadcall |
Call broad peaks from bedGraph output |
9 |
MACS2 bdgcmp |
Deduct noise by comparing two signal tracks in bedGraph |
9 |
MACS2 bdgdiff |
Differential peak detection based on paired four bedgraph files |
10 |
MACS2 bdgpeakcall |
Call peaks from bedGraph output |
9 |
MACS2 callpeak |
Call peaks from alignment results |
12 |
MACS2 filterdup |
Remove duplicate reads at the same position |
9 |
MACS2 predictd |
Predict 'd' or fragment size from alignment results |
9 |
MACS2 randsample |
Randomly sample number or percentage of total reads |
9 |
MACS2 refinepeak |
Refine peak summits and give scores measuring balance of forward- backward tags (Experimental) |
9 |
MAF Coverage Stats |
Alignment coverage information |
3 |
MAF to BED |
Converts a MAF formatted file to the BED format |
1 |
Converts a MAF formatted file to FASTA format |
1 |
MAF to Interval |
Converts a MAF formatted file to the Interval format |
1 |
MAF-convert |
read MAF-format alignments and write them in another format. |
4 |
Multiple alignment program for amino acid or nucleotide sequences |
9 |
MAFFT add |
Align a sequence,alignment or fragments to an existing alignment. |
6 |
MAGeCK count |
- collect sgRNA read counts from read mapping files |
8 |
- a fast implementation of Gene Set Enrichment Analysis |
4 |
MAGeCK mle |
- perform maximum-likelihood estimation of gene essentiality scores |
5 |
MAGeCK pathway |
- given a ranked gene list, test whether one pathway is enriched |
4 |
MAGeCKs test |
- given a table of read counts, perform the sgRNA and gene ranking |
5 |
Mahotas-features |
Compute features using mahotas |
1 |
Make Design |
Assign groups to Sets |
5 |
Make File |
: Build a gd_snp or gd_genotype file |
2 |
Make OTU table |
Make an OTU table from an OTU map and a taxonomy assignment file |
1 |
Make phylogeny |
(make_phylogeny) |
2 |
Make strain profiles |
3 |
Make taxonomy summary charts |
based on taxonomy assignment (plot_taxa_summary) |
2 |
Make.biom |
Make biom files from a shared file |
5 |
Make.contigs |
Aligns paired forward and reverse fastq files to contigs as fasta and quality |
6 |
Make.fastq |
Convert fasta and quality to fastq |
6 |
Make.group |
Make a group file |
6 |
Make.lefse |
create a lefse formatted input file from mothur's output files |
6 |
Make.lookup |
allows you to create custom lookup files for use with shhh.flows |
5 |
Make.shared |
Make a shared file from a list and a group |
5 |
Make.sra |
creates the necessary files for a NCBI submission |
5 |
Maker |
genome annotation pipeline |
10 |
MALDIquant peak detection |
Peak detection, binning and filtering for mass-spectrometry imaging data |
7 |
MALDIquant preprocessing |
Preprocessing of mass-spectrometry imaging data |
4 |
Manhattan plot |
Generate plots for use with GWAS pipelines |
1 |
Manipulate AnnData |
object |
10 |
Manipulate FASTQ |
reads on various attributes |
Sequence conversion
4 |
Manipulate loom object |
Add layers, or row/column attributes to a loom file |
7 |
Mantel |
Mantel correlation coefficient between two matrices. |
5 |
Map annotation ids |
on a Maker annotation |
5 |
Map peptides to a bed file |
for viewing in a genome browser |
3 |
map plot |
gridded (lat/lon) netCDF data |
2 |
Map with BFAST |
1 |
Map with Bowtie for Illumina |
7 |
Map with Bowtie for SOLiD |
1 |
Map with BWA |
- map short reads (< 100 bp) against reference genome |
12 |
Map with BWA-MEM |
- map medium and long reads (> 100 bp) against reference genome |
DNA mapping
Genetic mapping
Genome annotation
Mapping assembly
Protein SNP mapping
Sequence assembly
Sequence tag mapping
14 |
Map with KMA |
2 |
Map with minimap2 |
A fast pairwise aligner for genomic and spliced nucleotide sequences |
Sequence alignment
18 |
Map with Mosaik |
1 |
Map with PerM |
for SOLiD and Illumina |
1 |
MapAlignerIdentification |
Corrects retention time distortions between maps based on common peptide identifications. |
3 |
MapAlignerPoseClustering |
Corrects retention time distortions between maps using a pose clustering approach. |
4 |
MapAlignerSpectrum |
Corrects retention time distortions between maps by spectrum alignment. |
3 |
MapBed |
apply a function to a column for each overlapping interval |
21 |
Mapbuilder_beta |
Under development |
1 |
MapNormalizer |
Normalizes peak intensities in an MS run. |
4 |
Mapper |
for long, error-prone reads, like Nanopore ONT and PacBio |
1 |
MapRTTransformer |
Applies retention time transformations to maps. |
5 |
MapStatistics |
Extract extended statistics on the features of a map for quality control. |
4 |
MarkDuplicates |
examine aligned records in BAM datasets to locate duplicate molecules |
17 |
MarkDuplicatesWithMateCigar |
examine aligned records in BAM datasets to locate duplicate molecules |
16 |
marscan |
Finds MAR/SAR sites in nucleic sequences |
5 |
MascotAdapter |
Annotates MS/MS spectra using Mascot. |
4 |
MascotAdapterOnline |
Annotates MS/MS spectra using Mascot. |
4 |
mash screen |
determines how well query sequences are contained within a pool of sequences |
3 |
mash sketch |
Create a reduced representation of a sequence or set of sequences, based on min-hashes |
1 |
maSigPro |
Significant Gene Expression Profile Differences in Time Course Gene Expression Data |
5 |
maskfeat |
Mask off features of a sequence |
5 |
MaskImage |
hide portions of an image based on previously identified objects |
2 |
maskseq |
Mask off regions of a sequence |
5 |
MassBank spectrum searches |
: Search by pseudo-spectra on a High Quality Mass Spectral Database. |
1 |
MassCalculator |
Calculates masses and mass-to-charge ratios of peptide sequences |
5 |
MassTraceExtractor |
Detects mass traces in centroided LC-MS data. |
3 |
MasterVar to pgSnp |
Convert from MasterVar to pgSnp format |
1 |
matcher |
Finds the best local alignments between two sequences |
5 |
Matings |
: Assignment of optimal breeding pairs |
2 |
Max SuCOS score |
- determine maximum SuCOS score of ligands against clustered fragment hits |
7 |
MaxBin2 |
clusters metagenomic contigs into bins |
4 |
MaxQuant |
Protein quantification
Statistical calculation
17 |
MaxQuant (using mqpar.xml) |
Protein quantification
Statistical calculation
9 |
The Markov Cluster Algorithm, a cluster algorithm for graphs |
2 |
a module for single-cell data extraction |
1 |
MDS Scatter Plot |
of molecule similarity |
1 |
MDTraj file converter |
- interconvert between MD trajectory file formats. |
5 |
Predict MEA structures and compare structures of RNAs |
1 |
MeanQualityByCycle |
chart distribution of base qualities |
14 |
MeasureGranularity |
output spectra of size measurements of the textures |
2 |
MeasureImageAreaOccupied |
measure the area in an image occupied by objects |
2 |
MeasureImageIntensity |
measure several intensity features across an entire image |
2 |
MeasureImageQuality |
measure features that indicate image quality |
2 |
MeasureObjectIntensity |
measure several intensity features for identified objects |
2 |
MeasureObjectSizeShape |
measure area and shape features of identified objects |
2 |
MeasureTexture |
quantify the roughness and smoothness of the textures |
2 |
medaka consensus pipeline |
Assembly polishing via neural networks |
11 |
medaka consensus tool |
Assembly polishing via neural networks |
10 |
medaka variant pipeline |
via neural networks |
9 |
medaka variant tool |
decodes variant calls from medaka consensus output |
14 |
Megablast |
compare short reads against htgs, nt, and wgs databases |
2 |
for metagenomics assembly |
7 |
megahit contig2fastg |
for converting MEGAHIT's contigs (.fa) to assembly graphs (.fastg) |
1 |
megamerger |
Merge two large overlapping nucleic acid sequences |
5 |
melt |
collapse combinations of variables:values to single lines |
1 |
- Multiple EM for Motif Elicitation |
10 |
MEME psp-gen |
- perform discriminative motif discovery |
6 |
- motif discovery, enrichment analysis and clustering on large nucleotide datasets |
3 |
Merge |
MetaPhlAn abundance tables |
Nucleic acid sequence analysis
Phylogenetic analysis
8 |
Merge |
the overlapping intervals of a dataset |
Sequence merging
5 |
Merge |
multiple VCF datasets |
2 |
Merge BAM Files |
merges BAM files together |
3 |
Merge BedGraph files |
3 |
Merge Columns |
together |
4 |
Merge GROMACS topologies |
and GRO files |
7 |
Merge Neighbours in Label |
Merge Neighbours in Label Image |
2 |
Merge PCR duplicates |
according to UMIs |
3 |
Merge.count |
Merge count tables |
2 |
Merge.files |
Merge data |
5 |
Merge.groups |
Merge groups in a shared file |
5 |
Merge.sfffiles |
Merge SFF files |
5 |
Merge.taxsummary |
Merge tax.summary files |
6 |
MergeBamAlignment |
merge alignment data with additional info stored in an unmapped BAM dataset |
14 |
Mergeoverlap2 |
Merge partly overlapping sequences, based on a BLAST alignment |
1 |
merger |
Merge two overlapping nucleic acid sequences |
5 |
MergeSamFiles |
merges multiple SAM/BAM datasets into one |
14 |
Mesmer |
Mesmer for whole-cell segmentation of multiplexed tissue imaging data |
3 |
MetaboliteAdductDecharger |
Decharges and merges different feature charge variants of the same metabolite. |
3 |
MetaboliteSpectralMatcher |
Perform a spectral library search. |
4 |
MetaEuk Easy Predict |
High-throughput gene discovery and annotation for large-scale eukaryotic metagenomics |
3 |
MetaGeneAnnotator |
gene-finding program for prokaryote and phage (used by sixgill) |
1 |
Metagenome Contributions |
of OTUs to user-specified functions |
2 |
metagenomeSeq Normalization |
Cumulative sum scaling |
1 |
metaMS.runGC |
GC-MS data preprocessing using metaMS package |
6 |
MetaPhlAn |
to profile the composition of microbial communities |
Nucleic acid sequence analysis
Phylogenetic analysis
7 |
MetaPhlAn2 |
to profile the composition of microbial communities |
2 |
MetaProSIP |
Performs proteinSIP on peptide features for elemental flux analysis. |
6 |
metaQuantome: create samples file |
by specifying the experiment's groups and associated column names |
6 |
metaQuantome: database |
download the GO, EC, and NCBI databases |
6 |
metaQuantome: expand |
a set of functional or taxonomy annotations |
6 |
metaQuantome: filter |
for quality, redundancy, and sample coverage |
6 |
metaQuantome: stat |
differential analysis of functional expression and taxonomic abundance |
6 |
metaQuantome: visualize |
taxonomic analysis, functional analysis, and function-taxonomy analysis results |
6 |
metaSPAdes |
metagenome assembler |
12 |
Metastats |
generate principle components plot data |
5 |
MetFrag |
in silico fragmentor for compound annotation of mass spectrometry fragmentation spectra |
3 |
MethylDackel |
A tool for processing bisulfite sequencing alignments |
Gene methylation analysis
7 |
metilene |
calling differentially methylated regions from bisulfite sequencing data |
5 |
mapper for full-length T- and B-cell repertoire sequencing |
5 |
Mimarks.attributes |
Reads bioSample Attributes xml and generates source for get.mimarkspackage command |
5 |
MiModD Convert |
converts sequence data into different formats |
2 |
MiModD Coverage Statistics |
calculates coverage statistics for a BCF file as generated by the MiModd Variant Calling tool |
2 |
MiModD Deletion Calling (for PE data) |
predicts deletions in one or more aligned paired-end read samples based on coverage of the reference genome and on insert sizes |
2 |
MiModD Extract Variant Sites |
from a BCF file |
2 |
MiModD File Information |
provides summary reports for supported sequence data formats. |
3 |
MiModD NacreousMap |
maps phenotypically selected variants by multi-variant linkage analysis |
3 |
MiModD Read Alignment |
maps sequence reads to a reference genome using SNAP |
1 |
MiModD Rebase Sites |
from a VCF file |
3 |
MiModD Reheader |
takes a BAM file and generates a copy with the original header (if any) replaced or modified by that found in a template SAM file |
2 |
MiModD Report Variants |
in a human-friendly format that simplifies data exploration |
3 |
MiModD Run Annotation |
writes run metadata in SAM format for attaching it to sequenced reads data |
2 |
MiModD Sort |
takes a SAM/BAM dataset and generates a coordinate/name-sorted copy |
2 |
MiModD Variant Calling |
generates a BCF file of position-specific variant likelihoods and coverage information based on a reference sequence and reads aligned against it |
2 |
MiModD VCF Filter |
extracts lines from a vcf variant file based on field-specific filters |
3 |
- Maximal Information-based Nonparametric Exploration |
2 |
Minfi DMP |
to find differentially methylated positions |
1 |
Minfi DMR |
to find differentially methylated regions |
1 |
Minfi Drop SNPs |
drop the probes that contain either a SNP at the CpG interrogation or at the single nucleotide extension |
1 |
Minfi Get Beta |
obtain Beta value matrix |
1 |
Minfi Get CN |
get the coordinating node associated with this D1Client object |
1 |
Minfi Get M |
returns the Fisher information corresponding to a model and a design |
1 |
Minfi Get SNPs |
retrieve the chromosome and the position of each SNP |
1 |
Minfi Map to Genome |
mapping Ilumina methylation array data to the genome |
1 |
Minfi Mset |
Create objects contains CpGs signals |
1 |
Minfi Preprocess Funnorm |
implements the functional normalization algorithm |
1 |
Minfi Preprocess Quantile |
implements stratified quantile normalization preprocessing |
1 |
Minfi QC |
provides a simple quality control matrix and plot |
1 |
Minfi Read 450k |
load .IDAT files |
1 |
Minfi Rset |
store Beta values and/or M values |
1 |
Minia |
Short-read assembler based on a de Bruijn graph |
3 |
miniasm |
Ultrafast de novo assembly for long noisy reads |
7 |
Minion |
search adapter |
1 |
MiRDeep2 |
identification of novel and known miRNAs |
3 |
MiRDeep2 Mapper |
process and map reads to a reference genome |
3 |
MiRDeep2 Quantifier |
fast quantitation of reads mapping to known miRBase precursors |
2 |
Mismatch Profile |
calculates the distribution of mismatches across reads |
6 |
Missing Values Sample Filter |
- Remove samples with a high percentage of missing values |
2 |
de-novo annotation of metazoan mitochondrial genomes |
3 |
MiXCR Analyze |
immuno clonotyes from sequence data |
1 |
mixmodel |
ANOVA for repeated measures statistics |
1 |
Scans genomes against PubMLST schemes |
4 |
MLST List |
Lists available schemes for the MLST tool |
4 |
tool for estimating ligand binding affinities |
7 |
MOdel based Analysis of Bisulfite Sequencing data |
2 |
Model Prediction |
predicts on new data using a preffited model |
7 |
Model temporal trend |
with a simple linear regression |
1 |
Model Validation |
includes cross_validate, cross_val_predict, learning_curve, and more |
11 |
moFF |
extracts MS1 intensities from spectrum files |
5 |
mol2-to-mol |
converter |
2 |
Molecule recognition |
in PDF documents (OSRA) |
1 |
Molecule to fingerprint |
conversion to several different fingerprint formats |
5 |
Morpheus |
database search algorithm for high-resolution tandem mass spectra |
2 |
mothur.ref.taxonomy-to-mothur.seq.taxonomy |
converter |
2 |
Motif_Finder_Plot |
2 |
mQC |
quality control of ribosome profiling mapping results |
2 |
MRMMapper |
MRMMapper maps measured chromatograms (mzML) and the transitions used (TraML) |
4 |
MRMPairFinder |
Util which can be used to evaluate labeled pair ratios on MRM features. |
5 |
MRMTransitionGroupPicker |
Picks peaks in SRM/MRM chromatograms. |
5 |
MS-GF+ |
Identifies peptides in tandem mass spectra using the MS-GF+ search engine. |
5 |
Output PHYLIP file with bootstrapped multiple sequence alignment data |
3 |
msbar |
Mutate sequence beyond all recognition |
5 |
msconvert |
Convert and/or filter mass spectrometry files |
5 |
msconvert |
Convert and/or filter mass spectrometry files |
1 |
msconvert (vendor support) |
Convert and/or filter mass spectrometry files (with vendor support on Windows) |
1 |
msconvert RAW |
Convert and filter a Thermo Finnigan RAW file |
1 |
msconvert Subset Peak List |
against list of scan numbers or indices. |
1 |
MSGFPlusAdapter |
MS/MS database search using MS-GF+. |
6 |
MSI classification |
spatial classification of mass spectrometry imaging data |
10 |
MSI combine |
combine several mass spectrometry imaging datasets into one |
11 |
MSI data exporter |
exports imzML and Analyze7.5 to tabular files |
7 |
MSI filtering |
tool for filtering mass spectrometry imaging data |
8 |
MSI mz images |
mass spectrometry imaging m/z heatmaps |
8 |
MSI plot spectra |
mass spectrometry imaging mass spectra plots |
10 |
MSI preprocessing |
mass spectrometry imaging preprocessing |
11 |
MSI Qualitycontrol |
mass spectrometry imaging QC |
11 |
MSI segmentation |
mass spectrometry imaging spatial clustering |
8 |
msms_extractor |
Extract MS/MS scans from the mzML file(s) based on PSM report |
1 |
MSnbase readMSData |
Imports mass-spectrometry data files |
3 |
msPurity.averageFragSpectra |
Average and filter LC-MS/MS fragmentation spectra (Inter, Intra or All) |
6 |
msPurity.createDatabase |
Create and SQLite database of an LC-MS(/MS) experiment |
6 |
msPurity.createMSP |
Create MSP files from msPurity processed data |
6 |
msPurity.dimsPredictPuritySingle |
Calculate the anticipated precursor ion purity from a DIMS dataset. |
6 |
msPurity.filterFragSpectra |
Filter fragmentations spectra associated with an XCMS feature |
6 |
msPurity.flagRemove |
Tool to flag and remove XCMS grouped peaks from the xcmsSet object based on various thresholds (e.g. RSD of intensity and retention time). |
6 |
msPurity.frag4feature |
Assign fragmentation spectra to XCMS features using msPurity |
6 |
msPurity.purityA |
Assess acquired precursor ion purity of MS/MS spectra |
6 |
msPurity.purityX |
Calculate the anticipated precursor ion purity from a LC-MS XCMS dataset. |
6 |
msPurity.spectralMatching |
Perform spectral matching to MS/MS spectral libraries |
6 |
MSSimulator |
A highly configurable simulator for mass spectrometry experiments. |
4 |
MSstats |
statistical relative protein significance analysis in DDA, SRM and DIA Mass Spectrometry |
5 |
Tool to prepare metatranscriptomic outputs from ASaiM for Metaquantome |
3 |
Multi Compound Search |
an advanced molecular grep program using SMARTS |
1 |
Multi-Join |
(combine multiple files) |
10 |
multiBamSummary |
calculates average read coverages for a list of two or more BAM/CRAM files |
17 |
multiBigwigSummary |
calculates average scores for a list of two or more bigwig files |
17 |
Multilevel |
Data transformation: Within matrix decomposition for repeated measurements (cross-over design) with mixOmics package |
1 |
MultiplexResolver |
Completes peptide multiplets and resolves conflicts within them. |
4 |
MultiQC |
aggregate results from bioinformatics analyses into a single report |
Statistical calculation
18 |
Multivariate |
2 |
Mummer |
Align two or more sequences |
Read mapping
Sequence alignment
5 |
MUMmer dotplot |
Combine mummer/nucmer/promer with mummerplot |
4 |
Mummerplot |
Generate 2-D dotplot of aligned sequences |
Read mapping
Sequence alignment
5 |
Mutate Codons |
with SNPs |
1 |
MyriMatch |
Identify peptides in tandem mass spectra. |
4 |
mz to sqlite |
Extract mzIdentML and associated proteomics datasets into a SQLite DB |
5 |
MzMLSplitter |
Splits an mzML file into multiple parts |
4 |
MzTabExporter |
Exports various XML formats to an mzTab file. |
5 |
Naive Variant Caller (NVC) |
- tabulate variable sites from BAM datasets |
5 |
NanoComporeDB |
Process SampComp results database |
3 |
NanoPlot |
Plotting suite for Oxford Nanopore sequencing data and alignments |
6 |
Nanopolish eventalign |
- Align nanopore events to reference k-mers |
3 |
Nanopolish methylation |
- Classify nucleotides as methylated or not. |
3 |
Nanopolish polyA |
- Estimate the length of the poly-A tail on direct RNA reads. |
3 |
Nanopolish variants |
- Find SNPs of basecalled merged Nanopore reads and polishes the consensus sequences |
3 |
NanopolishComp: EventalignCollapse |
by kmers rather than by event |
2 |
NanopolishComp: FreqMethCalculate |
calculates methylation frequency at genomic CpG sites |
1 |
NASTIseq |
Identify cis-NATs using ssRNA-seq |
1 |
Natural Product likeness calculator |
- calculates the similarity of the molecule to the structure space covered by known natural products |
3 |
NCBI Accession Download |
Download sequences from GenBank/RefSeq by accession through the NCBI ENTREZ API |
3 |
NCBI BLAST+ blastdbcmd entry(s) |
Extract sequence(s) from BLAST database |
Data retrieval
Database search
18 |
NCBI BLAST+ blastn |
Search nucleotide database with nucleotide query sequence(s) |
Data retrieval
Database search
Sequence similarity search
19 |
NCBI BLAST+ blastp |
Search protein database with protein query sequence(s) |
Data retrieval
Database search
Sequence similarity search
19 |
NCBI BLAST+ blastx |
Search protein database with translated nucleotide query sequence(s) |
Data retrieval
Database search
Sequence similarity search
18 |
NCBI BLAST+ convert2blastmask |
Convert masking information in lower-case masked FASTA input to file formats suitable for makeblastdb |
15 |
NCBI BLAST+ database info |
Show BLAST database information from blastdbcmd |
Data retrieval
18 |
NCBI BLAST+ dustmasker |
masks low complexity regions |
Sequence complexity calculation
16 |
NCBI BLAST+ makeblastdb |
Make BLAST database |
Genome indexing
18 |
NCBI BLAST+ makeprofiledb |
Make profile database |
Genome indexing
14 |
NCBI BLAST+ rpsblast |
Search protein domain database (PSSMs) with protein query sequence(s) |
Data retrieval
Database search
Sequence similarity search
17 |
NCBI BLAST+ rpstblastn |
Search protein domain database (PSSMs) with translated nucleotide query sequence(s) |
Data retrieval
Database search
Sequence similarity search
17 |
NCBI BLAST+ segmasker |
low-complexity regions in protein sequences |
Sequence complexity calculation
15 |
NCBI BLAST+ tblastn |
Search translated nucleotide database with protein query sequence(s) |
Data retrieval
Database search
Sequence similarity search
19 |
NCBI BLAST+ tblastx |
Search translated nucleotide database with translated nucleotide query sequence(s) |
Data retrieval
Database search
Sequence similarity search
19 |
NCBI ECitMatch |
search NCBI for citations in PubMed |
5 |
NCBI EFetch |
fetch records from NCBI |
5 |
NCBI EGQuery |
Provides the number of records retrieved in all Entrez databases by a single text query. |
5 |
NCBI EInfo |
fetch NCBI database metadata |
5 |
NCBI ELink |
link UIDs from one database to another |
5 |
NCBI EPost |
post UIDs to NCBI History Server |
5 |
NCBI ESearch |
search NCBI Databases by text query |
5 |
NCBI ESummary |
fetch summary of history/ids |
5 |
Nearest Neighbors Classification |
11 |
needle |
Needleman-Wunsch global alignment |
5 |
NetCDF xarray Metadata Info |
summarize content of a Netcdf file |
5 |
NetCDF xarray Selection |
extracts variable values with custom conditions on dimensions |
5 |
newcpgreport |
Report CpG rich areas |
5 |
newcpgseek |
Reports CpG rich region |
5 |
Newick Display |
visualize a phylogenetic tree |
Phylogenetic tree visualisation
2 |
newseq |
Type in a short new sequence |
5 |
NGSfilter |
Assigns sequence records to the corresponding experiment/sample based on DNA tags and primers |
3 |
nhmmer |
search a DNA model or alignment against a DNA database (BLASTN-like) |
8 |
nhmmscan |
search DNA sequence(s) against a DNA profile database |
8 |
Nmds |
generate non-metric multidimensional scaling data |
6 |
NMR spectra alignment |
based on the Cluster-based Peak Alignment (CluPA) algorithm |
2 |
NMR_Annotation |
Annotation of complex mixture NMR spectra and metabolite proportion estimation |
1 |
NMR_Bucketing |
Bucketing and integration of NMR Bruker raw data |
4 |
NMR_Preprocessing |
Preprocessing of 1D NMR spectra |
4 |
NMR_Read |
Read Bruker NMR raw files |
3 |
NoiseFilterGaussian |
Removes noise from profile spectra by using Gaussian filter (on uniform as well as non-uniform data). |
4 |
NoiseFilterSGolay |
Removes noise from profile spectra by using a Savitzky Golay filter. Requires uniform (equidistant) data. |
5 |
Nonpareil |
to estimate average coverage and generate Nonpareil curves |
2 |
noreturn |
Removes carriage return from ASCII files |
5 |
Normalization |
Normalization of (preprocessed) spectra |
4 |
Normalize |
with scanpy |
7 |
Normalize |
combined meta'omic sequencing data |
3 |
Normalize.shared |
Normalize the number of sequences per group to a specified level |
5 |
NormalizeFasta |
normalize fasta datasets |
14 |
notseq |
Exclude a set of sequences and write out the remaining ones |
5 |
NSPDK_candidateClusters |
4 |
NSPDK_sparseVect |
4 |
nthseq |
Writes one sequence from a multiple set of sequences |
5 |
NucBed |
profile the nucleotide content of intervals in a FASTA file |
21 |
Nucleosome Predictions |
1 |
Nucleotide Diversity |
: π and θ |
2 |
Nucleotide subsequence search |
providing regions in BED format |
2 |
Nucmer |
Align two or more sequences |
Read mapping
Sequence alignment
5 |
Numeric Clustering |
12 |
NxN clustering |
of molecular fingerprints |
5 |
obiannotate |
Adds/Edits sequence record annotations |
3 |
obiclean |
tags a set of sequences for PCR/sequencing errors identification |
3 |
obiconvert |
converts sequence files to different output formats |
3 |
obigrep |
Filters sequence file |
3 |
obisort |
sorts sequence records according to the value of a given attribute |
3 |
obistat |
computes basic statistics for attribute values |
3 |
obitab |
converts sequence file to a tabular file |
3 |
obiuniq |
3 |
ococo |
consensus caller on SAM/BAM |
1 |
octanol |
Displays protein hydropathy |
5 |
oddcomp |
Find protein sequence regions with a biased composition |
5 |
odgi build |
construct a dynamic succinct variation graph |
2 |
odgi viz |
variation graph visualizations |
2 |
OGR Informations |
lists information about an OGR supported data source |
2 |
OGR2ogr |
converts simple features data between file formats |
2 |
Online data |
fetching ... |
2 |
ont_fast5_api: Compress |
multi read file(s) |
2 |
ont_fast5_api: Multi to single |
read file(s) |
2 |
ont_fast5_api: Single to multi |
read file(s) |
2 |
ont_fast5_api: Subset |
of multi read file(s) |
3 |
Open 3D Align |
with RDKit |
2 |
Open Molecule Generator |
- exhaustive generation of chemical structures |
3 |
OpenDUck chunk |
for dynamic undocking |
1 |
OpenPepXLLF |
Tool for protein-protein cross linking with label-free linkers. |
3 |
OpenSwathAnalyzer |
Picks peaks and finds features in an SWATH-MS or SRM experiment. |
4 |
OpenSwathAssayGenerator |
Generates assays according to different models for a specific TraML |
4 |
OpenSwathChromatogramExtractor |
Extract chromatograms (XIC) from a MS2 map file. |
3 |
OpenSwathConfidenceScoring |
Compute confidence scores for OpenSwath results |
5 |
OpenSwathDecoyGenerator |
Generates decoys according to different models for a specific TraML |
5 |
OpenSwathDIAPreScoring |
Scoring spectra using the DIA scores. |
4 |
OpenSwathFeatureXMLToTSV |
Converts a featureXML to a mProphet tsv. |
4 |
OpenSwathFileSplitter |
Splits SWATH files into n files, each containing one window. |
5 |
OpenSwathMzMLFileCacher |
This tool caches the spectra and chromatogram data of an mzML to disk. |
4 |
OpenSwathRewriteToFeatureXML |
Combines featureXML and mProphet tsv to FDR filtered featureXML. |
5 |
OpenSwathRTNormalizer |
This tool will take a description of RT peptides and their normalized retention time to write out a transformation file on how to transform the RT space into the normalized space. |
5 |
OpenSwathWorkflow |
Complete workflow to run OpenSWATH |
4 |
Operate on pixels |
with a mathematical expression |
2 |
OPLS-DA_Contrasts |
OPLS-DA Contrasts of Univariate Results |
5 |
Otu.association |
Calculate the correlation coefficient for the otus |
5 |
Otu.hierarchy |
Relate OTUs at different distances |
5 |
Overall FST |
: Estimate the relative fixation index between two populations |
4 |
Overlay |
moving and fixed image |
1 |
Overlay Segmentation Mask |
Overlay Segmentation Mask |
1 |
Owler |
fast, trimmed overlap pipeline without aligning |
1 |
- initial configurations for molecular dynamics simulations by packing optimization |
2 |
PaDEL descriptor |
calculator |
1 |
Pairs sequenced |
: Offspring estimated heterozygosity of sequenced pairs |
2 |
Pairwise intersection |
and heatmap for genomic intervals |
4 |
Pairwise.seqs |
calculate uncorrected pairwise distances between sequences |
5 |
palindrome |
Looks for inverted repeats in a nucleotide sequence |
5 |
Parallel Coordinates Plot |
of tabular data |
3 |
PARalyzer |
A method to map interaction sites between RNA-binding proteins and their targets |
1 |
ParmChk2 |
- Amber's parameter checker |
8 |
Parse blast XML output |
2 |
Parse.list |
Generate a List file for each group |
5 |
Parsimony |
Describes whether two or more communities have the same structure |
5 |
ParSNP |
Efficient microbial core genome alignment and SNP detection |
Phylogenetic inference
Sequence comparison
1 |
Partition genes into expression clusters |
after differential expression analysis using a Trinity assembly |
12 |
significant transcription factor binding sites from ChIP data |
1 |
Paste |
two files side by side |
1 |
pasteseq |
Insert one sequence into another |
5 |
Pathview |
for pathway based data integration and visualization |
3 |
Pathway Image |
: Draw a KEGG pathway, highlighting specified gene modules |
3 |
Pathway Matcher |
PathwayMatcher is a software tool to search for pathways related to a list of proteins in Reactome. |
3 |
patmatdb |
Search a protein sequence with a motif |
5 |
- principal component analysis using Bio3D |
2 |
: Principal Component Analysis of genotype data |
3 |
Pca |
Principal Coordinate Analysis for a shared file |
6 |
PCA plot w ggplot2 |
7 |
PCA visualization |
- generate trajectories of principal components of atomic motion |
2 |
Pcoa |
Principal Coordinate Analysis for a distance matrix |
5 |
Pcr.seqs |
Trim sequences |
6 |
pe-sync: Paired-end synchronization check |
The Paired-end synchronization check program determines if the reads in paired-end fastq files are in the proper order (synchronized). |
2 |
PEAKachu |
Calls Peaks in CLIP data |
3 |
PeakPickerHiRes |
Finds mass spectrometric peaks in profile mass spectra. |
4 |
PeakPickerIterative |
Finds mass spectrometric peaks in profile mass spectra. |
4 |
PeakPickerWavelet |
Finds mass spectrometric peaks in profile mass spectra. |
5 |
Ped_tools |
Pedigree tools |
1 |
Pedigree |
check for mendelian errors |
1 |
pepcoil |
Predicts coiled coil regions |
5 |
pepinfo |
Plots simple amino acid properties in parallel |
5 |
pepnet |
Displays proteins as a helical net |
5 |
PepPointer |
classify genomic location of peptides |
2 |
PepQuery |
Peptide-centric search engine for novel peptide identification and validation. |
4 |
pepstats |
Protein statistics |
5 |
Peptide Genomic Coordinate |
Get Peptide's genomic coordinate using mzsqlite DB and genomic mapping sqlite DB |
2 |
Peptide Shaker |
Perform protein identification using various search engines based on results from SearchGUI |
19 |
PeptideIndexer |
Refreshes the protein references for all peptide hits. |
6 |
pepwheel |
Shows protein sequences as helices |
5 |
pepwindow |
Displays protein hydropathy |
5 |
pepwindowall |
Displays protein hydropathy of a set of sequences |
5 |
Per-SNP FSTs |
: Compute a fixation index score for each SNP |
3 |
Percolator |
accurate peptide identification |
2 |
Perform alpha rarefaction |
(alpha_rarefaction) |
2 |
Perform Best-subsets Regression |
2 |
Perform jackknifed UPGMA clustering |
and building jackknifed PCoA plots (jackknifed_beta_diversity) |
2 |
Perform LDA |
Linear Discriminant Analysis |
2 |
Perform open-reference OTU picking |
(pick_open_reference_otus) |
2 |
Perform OTU picking |
(pick_otus) |
2 |
Perform taxonomy summaries and plots |
(summarize_taxa_through_plots) |
2 |
Permutate image |
along an axis |
2 |
pgma_graphclust |
3 |
phmmer |
search a protein sequence against a protein database (BLASTP-like) |
8 |
PhosphoScoring |
Scores potential phosphorylation sites in order to localize the most probable sites. |
4 |
Phylip |
: prepare data for phylogenetic analysis |
2 |
Phylo.diversity |
Alpha Diversity calculates unique branch length |
5 |
Phylogenetic Tree |
: Show genetic relationships among individuals |
3 |
Phylotype |
Assign sequences to OTUs based on taxonomy |
5 |
PhyML |
Phylogeny software based on the maximum-likelihood method. |
Phylogenetic analysis
Phylogenetic inference (from molecular sequences)
4 |
Phyogenetic reconstruction with RAxML |
- Maximum Likelihood based inference of large phylogenetic trees |
6 |
Picard Collect Sequencing Artifact Metrics |
Collect metrics to quantify single-base sequencing artifacts |
6 |
Pick |
diverse compounds from a library with Butina clustering |
2 |
Pick Primers |
: Find suitable PCR primers for SNPs |
2 |
Pick representative set of sequences |
(pick_rep_set) |
2 |
Pileup-to-Interval |
condenses pileup format into ranges of bases |
4 |
pilon |
An automated genome assembly improvement and variant detection tool |
2 |
Pipeline Builder |
an all-in-one platform to build pipeline, single estimator, preprocessor and custom wrappers |
11 |
a method to identify novel plant miRNA |
1 |
Piranha |
peak-caller for CLIP- and RIP-Seq data |
1 |
pizzly |
- fast fusion detection using kallisto |
2 |
PlasFlow |
Prediction of plasmid sequences in metagenomic contigs |
1 |
Platemerge |
4x96 to 384 |
1 |
plink |
6 |
Plink2Geno |
Converts from plink to vcf |
1 |
PlinkLD |
calculates r2 |
1 |
Plot |
with scanpy |
8 |
Plot abundance |
with trend line |
1 |
Plot actual vs predicted curves and residual plots |
of tabular data |
1 |
Plot confusion matrix, precision, recall and ROC and AUC curves |
of tabular data |
2 |
Plot heatmap of OTU table |
(make_otu_heatmap) |
2 |
Plot performance |
per cell in nanopore reads |
2 |
Plot signals |
for nanopore reads |
2 |
plotcon |
Plot quality of conservation of a sequence alignment |
5 |
plotCorrelation |
Create a heatmap or scatterplot of correlation scores between different samples |
16 |
plotCoverage |
assesses the sequencing depth of BAM/CRAM files |
16 |
plotDEXSeq |
Visualization of the per gene DEXSeq results |
5 |
plotEnrichment |
plots read/fragment coverage over sets of regions |
12 |
plotFingerprint |
plots profiles of BAM files; useful for assesing ChIP signal strength |
17 |
plotHeatmap |
creates a heatmap for score distributions across genomic regions |
17 |
plotorf |
Plot potential open reading frames |
5 |
plotPCA |
Generate principal component analysis (PCA) plots from multiBamSummary or multiBigwigSummary output |
16 |
plotProfile |
creates a profile plot for score distributions across genomic regions |
16 |
Plotting tool |
for multiple series and graph types |
5 |
Points to Binary Image |
Converts points to a binary image |
1 |
Points to Label |
Points to Label Image |
1 |
Points to Label |
Points to Label Image |
1 |
Poisson two-sample test |
1 |
polydot |
Displays all-against-all dotplots of a set of sequences |
5 |
Population Complexity |
: Evaluate possible numbers of ancestral populations |
2 |
Porechop |
adapter trimmer for Oxford Nanopore reads |
3 |
Pout2mzid |
add Percolator scoring to mzIdentML |
2 |
Pre.cluster |
Remove sequences due to pyrosequencing errors |
5 |
PrecursorIonSelector |
PrecursorIonSelector |
4 |
PrecursorMassCorrector |
Corrects the precursor entries of MS/MS spectra, by using MS1 information. |
5 |
Predict 16S rRNA Reads |
extracts all reads comprising the prokaryotic 16S rRNA gene |
1 |
Predict Metagenome |
based on the abundance of OTUs and a functional database |
2 |
preg |
Regular expression search of a protein sequence |
6 |
Prepare Input |
: Filter and convert to the format needed for these tools |
4 |
Prepare ligand |
for docking with Autodock Vina |
1 |
Prepare ligands for docking |
Tool to prepare ligands for docking with tools like Autodock Vina |
4 |
Prepare receptor |
Tool to prepare receptor for docking with Autodock Vina |
2 |
Preprocess |
raw feature vectors into standardized datasets |
12 |
Preprocess population data |
for evolution trend analyzes |
2 |
Preprocessing |
4 |
prettyplot |
Displays aligned sequences, with colouring and boxing |
5 |
prettyseq |
Output sequence with translated ranges |
5 |
Primer.design |
identify sequence fragments that are specific to particular OTUs |
5 |
primersearch |
Searches DNA sequences for matches with primer pairs |
5 |
Principal Component Analysis |
1 |
to process quality of sequences |
5 |
ProbMetab Tool |
Wrapper function for ProbMetab R package. |
2 |
Process Scans (and SIM-Stitch) |
- Read, filter and average MS scans |
2 |
Process single-cell intensities |
Options to correct for exposure time, autofluorescence subtraction, or compute signal-to-background ratio. |
1 |
proFIA |
Preprocessing of FIA-HRMS data |
2 |
Profile Annotations |
for a set of genomic intervals |
1 |
progressiveMauve |
constructs multiple genome alignments |
3 |
Projective Transformation |
Projective Transformation |
4 |
Projective Transformation |
of input points |
5 |
Prokka |
Prokaryotic genome annotation |
Coding region prediction
Gene prediction
Genome annotation
11 |
Promoter 2.0 |
Find eukaryotic PolII promoters in DNA sequences |
5 |
Protease prediction |
based on cleavage sites |
3 |
Protein Database Downloader |
6 |
ProteinInference |
Protein inference based on the number of identified peptides. |
4 |
Proteinortho |
detects orthologous proteins/genes within different species |
5 |
Proteinortho grab proteins |
finds genes/proteins in a given fasta file |
5 |
Proteinortho summary |
summaries the orthology-pairs/RBH files |
5 |
ProteinQuantifier |
Compute peptide and protein abundances |
4 |
ProteinResolver |
protein inference |
4 |
PSMFeatureExtractor |
Computes extra features for each input PSM. |
5 |
psortb |
Determines sub-cellular localisation of bacterial/archaeal protein sequences |
5 |
PTModel |
Trains a model for the prediction of proteotypic peptides from a training set. |
4 |
PTPredict |
predicts the likelihood of peptides to be proteotypic via svm_model which is trained by PTModel |
2 |
PubChem Assay Downloader |
as canonical SMILES |
3 |
PubChem Download |
as canonical SMILES |
3 |
PureCLIP |
- HMM based peak caller designed for eCLIP/iCLIP data |
2 |
PyBoxplot |
1 |
pyGenomeTracks |
plot genomic data tracks |
12 |
PyProphet export |
Export tabular files, optional swath2stats export |
2 |
PyProphet merge |
Merge multiple osw files |
1 |
PyProphet peptide |
Peptide error-rate estimation |
1 |
PyProphet protein |
Protein error-rate estimation |
1 |
PyProphet score |
Error-rate estimation for MS1, MS2 and transition-level data |
3 |
PyProphet subsample |
Subsample OpenSWATH file |
1 |
Qcat |
拆分Barcode |
1 |
QCCalculator |
Calculates basic quality parameters from MS experiments and subsequent analysis data as identification or feature detection. |
5 |
QCEmbedder |
Attaches a table or an image to a given qc parameter. |
4 |
QCExporter |
Will extract several qp from several run/sets in a tabular format. |
4 |
QCExtractor |
Extracts a table attachment to a given qc parameter. |
4 |
QCImporter |
Imports tables with quality control parameters into qcml files. |
4 |
QCMerger |
Merges two qcml files together. |
5 |
QCShrinker |
This application is used to remove the verbose table attachments from a qcml file that are not needed anymore, e.g. for a final report. |
4 |
QualiMap BamQC |
5 |
QualiMap Counts QC |
2 |
QualiMap Multi-Sample BamQC |
2 |
QualiMap RNA-Seq QC |
3 |
Quality format converter |
(ASCII-Numeric) |
3 |
Quality Metrics |
Metrics and graphics to check the quality of the data |
2 |
QualityScoreDistribution |
chart quality score distribution |
14 |
QuanTP |
Correlation between protein and transcript abundances |
2 |
QuantWiz-IQ |
Isobaric Quantitation using QuantWiz-IQ |
1 |
Quast |
Genome assembly Quality |
14 |
Query Tabular |
using sqlite sql |
8 |
Quickmerge |
improves contiguity of genome assemblies based on long molecule sequences |
1 |
Racon |
Consensus module for raw de novo DNA assembly of long uncorrected reads |
8 |
Ramachandran Analysis |
- Ramachandran plot for proteins |
2 |
Ramachandran Plots |
- calculate and plot the distribution of two dihedrals in a trajectory |
4 |
Rank Pathways |
: Assess the impact of a gene set on KEGG pathways |
4 |
Rank Terms |
: Assess the enrichment/depletion of a gene set for GO terms |
3 |
Rarefaction.shared |
Generate inter-sample rarefaction curves for OTUs |
5 |
Rarefaction.single |
Generate intra-sample rarefaction curves for OTUs |
6 |
RarefactionAnalyzer |
A simple tool for creating rarefaction curves for metagenomic sequence data |
1 |
Raw Tools |
Perform scan data parsing, quantification and quality control analysis of Thermo Orbitrap raw mass spectrometer files. |
1 |
: construct a maximum-likelihood phylogenetic tree |
2 |
- RNA Centric Annotation System |
2 |
RDF Analysis |
- Radial Distribution Function between two atoms |
4 |
rDock cavity definition |
- generate the active site definition needed for rDock docking |
2 |
rDock docking |
- perform protein-ligand docking with rDock |
6 |
rDock docking |
using the sdsort provided with rDock |
3 |
Re-align with SRMA |
1 |
Reaction maker |
using RDKit |
2 |
Reaction SMARTS filter |
using RDKit |
2 |
Reactivity Calculation |
calculates structural reactivity on each nucleotide based on RT stop counts from the Get RT Stop Counts module |
1 |
Read Distribution |
calculates how mapped reads were distributed over genome feature |
12 |
Read Duplication |
determines reads duplication rate with sequence-based and mapping-based strategies |
10 |
Read GC |
determines GC% and read count |
10 |
Read length statistics |
from a set of FAST5 files |
2 |
Read NVC |
to check the nucleotide composition bias |
10 |
Read Quality |
determines Phred quality score |
10 |
Realign reads |
with LoFreq viterbi |
5 |
Rebase GFF3 features |
against parent features |
2 |
Reduce |
a HUMAnN2 generated table |
4 |
Regex Find And Replace |
5 |
Regex Replace |
Regular Expression replacement using the Python re module |
1 |
Register Account |
with Apollo |
7 |
Regroup |
a HUMAnN2 generated table by features |
4 |
Reheader |
copy SAM/BAM header between datasets |
4 |
RelateObjects |
assign relationships parent-children between objects |
2 |
Remarkable Intervals |
: Find high-scoring runs of SNPs |
3 |
Remove 3'-end nts |
from FASTQ |
3 |
Remove beginning |
of a file |
1 |
Remove columns |
by heading |
2 |
Remove confounders |
with scanpy |
7 |
Remove counterions and fragments |
from a library of compounds |
7 |
Remove duplicated molecules |
from a library of compounds |
5 |
Remove protonation state |
of every atom |
6 |
Remove sequencing artifacts |
5 |
Remove small molecules |
from a library of compounds |
5 |
Remove spurious |
crosslinking events |
3 |
Remove Unwanted Variation |
from RNA-seq data |
4 |
Remove.dists |
Removes distances from a phylip or column file |
6 |
Remove.groups |
Remove groups from groups,fasta,names,list,taxonomy |
5 |
Remove.lineage |
Picks by taxon |
5 |
Remove.otulabels |
Removes OTU labels |
6 |
Remove.otus |
Removes OTUs from various file formats |
5 |
Remove.rare |
Remove rare OTUs |
5 |
Remove.seqs |
Remove sequences by name |
6 |
remuRNA |
Measurement of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism induced Changes of RNA Conformation |
1 |
Rename |
features of a HUMAnN2 generated table |
4 |
Rename file entries |
in tool output that references internal filesystem names rather than Galaxy dataset names |
1 |
Rename OME-TIFF Channels |
Change the channel names in the XML metadata of OME-TIFF images |
1 |
Rename sequences |
5 |
Rename sequences |
with ID mapping from a tabular file |
1 |
Rename.seqs |
Rename sequences by concatenating the group name |
2 |
Renormalize |
a HUMAnN2 generated table |
5 |
Reorder individuals |
: exchange rows in the above picture |
2 |
ReorderSam |
reorder reads to match ordering in reference sequences |
17 |
RepeatMasker |
screen DNA sequences for interspersed repeats and low complexity regions |
Repeat sequence analysis
8 |
Replace |
parts of text |
12 |
Replace chromosome names |
in a tabular dataset using a mapping table |
1 |
Replace column |
by values which are defined in a convert file |
2 |
Replace Text |
in entire line |
11 |
Replace Text |
in a specific column |
11 |
ReplaceSamHeader |
replace header in a SAM/BAM dataset |
17 |
Replicate Filter |
- Remove peaks that fail to appear in at least x-out-of-n (technical) replicates |
2 |
report2Gest4 |
converts a final report to a Gest hdf file |
1 |
Resampling |
- determine per-gene p-values |
5 |
ResistomeAnalyzer |
A simple tool for analyzing the resistome of metagenomic sequence data |
1 |
Resize coordinate window |
of GFF data |
3 |
Restore Attributes |
: Fill in missing properties for a gd_snp or gd_genotype dataset |
3 |
resync |
Resynchronize pairs of paired-end fastq files |
2 |
Retrieve a run report |
2 |
Retrieve an analysis report |
2 |
Retrieve Data |
from Apollo into Galaxy |
8 |
Retrieve ENA data |
(other than taxon and project) |
2 |
Retrieve ENA taxon data |
2 |
Retrieve JBrowse |
for an organism, from Apollo |
8 |
Reverse |
columns in a tabular file |
5 |
Reverse Complement |
a MAF file |
1 |
Reverse-Complement |
5 |
Reverse.seqs |
Reverse complement the sequences |
5 |
RevertOriginalBaseQualitiesAndAddMateCigar |
revert the original base qualities and add the mate cigar tag |
14 |
RevertSam |
revert SAM/BAM datasets to a previous state |
14 |
revseq |
Reverse and complement a sequence |
5 |
ribotaper part 1: creation of annotation files |
4 |
ribotaper part 2: metagene analysis for P-sites definition |
4 |
ribotaper part 3: ribosome profiling |
4 |
RmDup |
remove PCR duplicates |
5 |
RMSD Analysis |
using Bio3D |
2 |
RMSF Analysis |
using Bio3D |
2 |
RNA fragment size |
calculates the fragment size for each gene/transcript |
8 |
Gapped-read mapper for RNA-seq data |
Mapping assembly
Sequence alignment
19 |
mapping, demultiplexing and gene quantification for single cell RNA-seq |
Sequence alignment
8 |
RNA Structure Prediction |
predict RNA structures with or without experimental constraints from the Reactivity Calculation module |
1 |
converter |
5 |
RNA2Dfold |
explore structure space between two reference structures |
1 |
RNAaliduplex |
find binding sites of two RNA alignments |
1 |
RNAalifold |
Calculate minimum free energy secondary structures and partition function on a multiple alignment file |
2 |
Fast Pattern searching for RNA secondary structures |
2 |
RNAcode |
Analyze the protein coding potential in MSA. |
3 |
RNAcofold |
Calculate secondary structures of two RNAs with dimerization |
1 |
RNAcommender |
genome-wide recommendation of RNA-protein interactions |
2 |
RNAdistance |
Calculate distance between secondary structures of two RNAs |
1 |
RNAduplex |
Compute the structure upon hybridization of two RNA strands |
1 |
RNAeval |
Calculate energy of RNA sequences with given secondary structure |
1 |
RNAfold |
Calculate minimum free energy secondary structures and partition function of RNAs |
4 |
RNAheat |
Calculate energies of RNA in a temperature range |
1 |
RNAinverse |
Calculate RNA sequence from secondary structure |
1 |
RNALalifold |
Calculate locally stable secondary structures for a set of aligned RNAs |
1 |
RNALfold |
calculates locally stable secondary structures of RNA |
1 |
RNAlien |
Unsupervised covariance model construction from a single input sequence |
1 |
RNApaln |
RNA alignment based on sequence base pairing propensities |
1 |
RNApdist |
Calculate distances between thermodynamic RNA secondary structure ensembles |
1 |
RNAPKplex |
predicts RNA secondary structures including pseudoknots |
1 |
RNAplex |
Find targets of a query RNA |
1 |
RNAplot |
Draw RNA Secondary Structures |
1 |
RNASeq samples quality check |
for transcript quantification |
11 |
RNAshapes |
RNA Secondary structure prediction |
2 |
RNAsnoop |
Find targets of a query H/ACA snoRNA |
1 |
RNAsnp |
Efficient detection of local RNA secondary structure changes induced by SNPs |
1 |
rnaSPAdes |
de novo transcriptome assembler |
13 |
RNAsubopt |
Calculates suboptimal secondary structures of RNAs |
1 |
RNAup |
Calculate the thermodynamics of RNA-RNA interactions |
1 |
RNAz |
predicting structurally conserved and thermodynamically stable RNA secondary structures |
3 |
RNAz Cluster |
1 |
RNAz Randomize Aln |
1 |
RNAz Select Seqs |
1 |
RNAz windows |
1 |
RNPxl |
Tool for RNP cross linking experiment analysis. |
2 |
RNPxlSearch |
Annotate RNA to peptide crosslinks in MS/MS spectra. |
4 |
RNPxlXICFilter |
Remove MS2 spectra from treatment based on the fold change between control and treatment. |
5 |
Roary |
the pangenome pipeline - Quickly generate a core gene alignment from gff3 files |
8 |
Rolling window |
over a dataframe (e.g. for data smoothing) |
1 |
RPKM Count |
calculates raw count and RPKM values for transcript at exon, intron, and mRNA level |
4 |
RPKM Saturation |
calculates raw count and RPKM values for transcript at exon, intron, and mRNA level |
12 |
RSEM calculate expression |
RNA-Seq by Expectation-Maximization |
1 |
RSEM prepare reference |
1 |
RSEM trinity fasta to gene map |
extract transcript to gene map from trinity |
1 |
RTEvaluation |
Application that evaluates TPs (true positives), TNs, FPs, and FNs for an idXML file with predicted RTs. |
5 |
RTModel |
Trains a model for the retention time prediction of peptides from a training set. |
4 |
RTPredict |
Predicts retention times for peptides using a model trained by RTModel. |
2 |
rtsne |
1 |
Run a core set of QIIME diversity analyses |
(core_diversity_analyses) |
2 |
Run join_paired_ends on multiple files |
(multiple_join_paired_ends) |
2 |
Run OpenDUck |
steered molecular dynamics runs |
1 |
Run split_libraries_fastq on multiple files |
(multiple_split_libraries_fastq) |
2 |
rxDock cavity definition |
- generate the active site definition needed for rxDock docking |
3 |
rxDock docking |
- perform protein-ligand docking with rxDock |
4 |
RXLR Motifs |
Find RXLR Effectors of Plant Pathogenic Oomycetes |
5 |
s3segmenter |
single cell (nuclei and cytoplasm) label masks. |
1 |
Sailfish |
transcript quantification from RNA-seq data |
4 |
Salmon quant |
Perform dual-phase, reads or mapping-based estimation of transcript abundance from RNA-seq reads |
13 |
Salmon quantmerge |
Merge multiple quantification results into a single file |
5 |
Salmonella Subtyping |
2 |
SAM-to-BAM |
convert SAM to BAM |
8 |
sam-to-unsorted.bam |
converter |
1 |
SampComp |
to compare Nanopolished datasets |
2 |
Sample Filter |
Remove peaks that fail to appear in x-out-of-n (biological) samples |
2 |
Sample SNPs |
: Select a specified number of SNPs, uniformly spaced |
2 |
SamToFastq |
extract reads and qualities from SAM/BAM dataset and convert to fastq |
19 |
Samtools calmd |
recalculate MD/NM tags |
4 |
Samtools depth |
compute the depth at each position or region |
4 |
Samtools fastx |
extract FASTA or FASTQ from alignment files |
3 |
Samtools fixmate |
fill mate coordinates, ISIZE and mate related flags |
3 |
Samtools flag_filter |
Use Samtools' view tool to filter alignments based on the flag field. |
1 |
Samtools flagstat |
tabulate descriptive stats for BAM datset |
8 |
Samtools markdup |
marks duplicate alignments |
7 |
Samtools merge |
merge multiple sorted alignment files |
3 |
samtools mpileup |
multi-way pileup of variants |
11 |
Samtools sort |
order of storing aligned sequences |
7 |
Samtools split |
BAM dataset on readgroups |
5 |
Samtools stats |
generate statistics for BAM dataset |
7 |
Samtools view |
- reformat, filter, or subsample SAM, BAM or CRAM |
9 |
sarscov2formatter |
3 |
sarscov2summary |
1 |
SaveImages |
or movie files |
2 |
Scale Image |
Scales image |
3 |
Scanpy ComputeGraph |
to derive kNN graph |
16 |
Scanpy FilterCells |
based on counts and numbers of genes expressed |
15 |
Scanpy FilterGenes |
based on counts and numbers of cells expressed |
15 |
Scanpy FindCluster |
based on community detection on KNN graph |
17 |
Scanpy FindMarkers |
to find differentially expressed genes between groups |
17 |
Scanpy FindVariableGenes |
based on normalised dispersion of expression |
13 |
Scanpy NormaliseData |
to make all cells having the same total expression |
14 |
Scanpy ParameterIterator |
produce an iteration over a defined parameter |
5 |
Scanpy Read10x |
into hdf5 object handled by scanpy |
13 |
Scanpy RunPCA |
for dimensionality reduction |
14 |
Scanpy RunTSNE |
visualise cell clusters using tSNE |
15 |
Scanpy RunUMAP |
visualise cell clusters using UMAP |
14 |
Scanpy ScaleData |
to make expression variance the same for all genes |
13 |
Scater: Calculate QC metrics |
Computes QC metrics from single-cell expression matrix |
4 |
Scater: filter SCE |
with user-defined parameters or PCA |
5 |
Scater: normalize SCE |
Compute normalised expression values for SCE |
3 |
Scater: PCA plot |
cell-level reduced dimension of a normalised SCE |
4 |
Scater: plot expression frequency |
Plot the frequency of expression against the mean expression level for SCE |
2 |
Scater: plot library QC |
to visualise library size, feature counts and mito gene expression |
4 |
Scater: t-SNE plot |
Produces a t-SNE plot of two components |
3 |
Scatterplot |
of two numeric columns |
4 |
Scatterplot with ggplot2 |
10 |
scHicAdjustMatrix |
clusters single-cell Hi-C interaction matrices on the raw data |
2 |
scHicCluster |
clusters single-cell Hi-C interaction matrices on the raw data |
2 |
scHicClusterCompartments |
clusters single-cell Hi-C interaction matrices with A/B compartments dimension reduction |
2 |
scHicClusterMinHash |
clusters single-cell Hi-C interaction matrices with MinHash dimension reduction |
2 |
scHicClusterSVL |
clusters single-cell Hi-C interaction matrices with svl dimension reduction |
2 |
scHicConsensusMatrices |
creates per cluster one average matrix |
2 |
scHicCorrectMatrices |
correct with KR algorithm single-cell Hi-C interaction matrices |
2 |
scHicCreateBulkMatrix |
creates the bulk matrix out of single-cell Hi-C interaction matrices |
1 |
scHicDemultiplex |
demultiplexes Nagano 2017 raw fastq files |
2 |
scHicInfo |
information about a single-cell scool matrix |
2 |
scHicMergeMatrixBins |
change the resolution of the scHi-C matrices |
2 |
scHicMergeToSCool |
merge multiple cool files to one scool file |
1 |
scHicNormalize |
normalize single-cell Hi-C interaction matrices to the same read coverage |
2 |
scHicPlotClusterProfiles |
plot single-cell Hi-C interaction matrices cluster profiles |
2 |
scHicPlotConsensusMatrices |
plot single-cell Hi-C interaction matrices cluster consensus matrices |
2 |
scHicQualityControl |
quality control for single-cell Hi-C interaction matrices |
2 |
Score docked poses using SuCOS |
- compare shape and feature overlap of docked ligand poses to a reference molecule |
4 |
scPipe |
- preprocessing pipeline for single cell RNA-seq |
4 |
Screen |
a compound against a library using RDKit |
2 |
Screen.seqs |
Screen sequences |
6 |
SDF sort and filter |
using the sdsort provided with rxDock |
3 |
SDF to Fingerprint |
- extract fingerprints from sdf file metadata |
5 |
for sparse enrichment analysis |
1 |
Search ChEMBL database |
for compounds which are similar to a SMILES string |
6 |
Search ENA data |
given a query |
2 |
Search engine output to Pin converter |
to create Percolator input files |
2 |
Search GUI |
Perform protein identification using various search engines and prepare results for input to Peptide Shaker |
22 |
Search in textfiles |
(grep) |
11 |
Secure Hash / Message Digest |
on a dataset |
2 |
SeedListGenerator |
Generates seed lists for feature detection. |
3 |
segemehl |
short read mapping with gaps |
3 |
segmentation-fold |
RNA-Folding including predefined segments including K-turns |
4 |
Segments w ggplot2 |
1 |
Select |
lines that match an expression |
3 |
Select first |
lines from a dataset |
4 |
Select first |
lines from a dataset (head) |
9 |
Select high quality segments |
2 |
Select last |
lines from a dataset |
2 |
Select last |
lines from a dataset (tail) |
9 |
Select random lines |
from a file |
2 |
Select Sequences |
Tool to select representative sequences from a multiple sequence alignment. |
2 |
SemanticValidator |
SemanticValidator for semantically validating certain XML files. |
4 |
Send to cloud |
1 |
Sens.spec |
Determine the quality of OTU assignment |
6 |
Separate pgSnp alleles |
into columns |
1 |
Seq.error |
assess error rates in sequencing data |
5 |
seq2HLA |
HLA genotype and expression from RNA-seq |
2 |
seqmatchall |
All-against-all comparison of a set of sequences |
5 |
seqret |
Reads and writes sequences |
5 |
seqtk_comp |
get the nucleotide composition of FASTA/Q |
6 |
seqtk_cutN |
cut sequence at long N |
6 |
seqtk_dropse |
drop unpaired from interleaved Paired End FASTA/Q |
6 |
seqtk_fqchk |
fastq QC (base/quality summary) |
6 |
seqtk_hety |
regional heterozygosity |
6 |
seqtk_listhet |
extract the position of each het |
6 |
seqtk_mergefa |
merge two FASTA/Q files |
6 |
seqtk_mergepe |
interleave two unpaired FASTA/Q files for a paired-end file |
6 |
seqtk_mutfa |
point mutate FASTA at specified positions |
6 |
seqtk_randbase |
choose a random base from hets |
6 |
seqtk_sample |
random subsample of fasta or fastq sequences |
6 |
seqtk_seq |
common transformation of FASTA/Q |
6 |
seqtk_subseq |
extract subsequences from FASTA/Q files |
6 |
seqtk_trimfq |
trim FASTQ using the Phred algorithm |
6 |
Sequence composition |
Count bases or amino-acids |
3 |
Sequence Logo |
generator for fasta (eg Clustal alignments) |
2 |
SequenceCoverageCalculator |
Prints information about idXML files. |
5 |
Sequenom |
report from Typer report |
1 |
seqwish |
Alignment to variation graph inducer |
7 |
Seurat |
- toolkit for exploration of single-cell RNA-seq data |
12 |
SFF converter |
1 |
Sffinfo |
Summarize the quality of sequences |
5 |
Sharpen |
2 |
Shhh.flows |
Denoise flowgrams (PyroNoise algorithm) |
5 |
Shhh.seqs |
Denoise program (Quince SeqNoise) |
5 |
shift longitudes |
from netCDF data |
1 |
Shovill |
Faster SPAdes assembly of Illumina reads |
8 |
Show nucleotide |
distribution in nanopore sequencing reads |
2 |
Show quality |
score distribution in nanopore sequencing reads |
2 |
Show-Coords |
Parse delta file and report coordinates and other information |
Read mapping
Sequence alignment
5 |
showfeat |
Show features of a sequence |
5 |
shuffleseq |
Shuffles a set of sequences maintaining composition |
5 |
Statistical approach for the Identification of ChIP-Enriched Regions |
3 |
Sickle |
windowed adaptive trimming of FASTQ data |
4 |
sigcleave |
Reports protein signal cleavage sites |
5 |
SignalP 3.0 |
Find signal peptides in protein sequences |
4 |
Similarity search |
of fingerprint data sets with chemfp |
4 |
SimpleSearchEngine |
Annotates MS/MS spectra using SimpleSearchEngine. |
4 |
reference based multiple sequence alignment |
5 |
Single Cell Phenotyping |
using scimap |
1 |
is used to identify metabolites using single and tandem mass spectrometry |
7 |
SiriusAdapter |
Tool for metabolite identification using single and tandem mass spectrometry |
4 |
sirna |
Finds siRNA duplexes in mRNA |
5 |
sistr_cmd |
Salmonella In Silico Typing Resource commandline tool for serovar prediction |
3 |
sixgill build |
a metapeptide database from metagenome fastq files |
1 |
sixgill filter |
a metapeptide database |
1 |
sixgill makefasta |
from a metapeptide database |
1 |
sixgill merge |
metapeptide databases |
1 |
sixpack |
Display a DNA sequence with 6-frame translation and ORFs |
7 |
Skeletonize |
2 |
skipseq |
Reads and writes sequences, skipping first few |
5 |
Slamdunk |
- streamlining SLAM-seq analysis with ultra-high sensitivity |
6 |
Slice |
BAM by genomic regions |
5 |
Slice Image |
into smaller patches |
2 |
Slice MD trajectories |
using the MDTraj package |
3 |
Slice VCF |
to get data from selected regions |
1 |
smi-to-mol |
converter |
2 |
smi-to-smi |
converter |
2 |
smina |
Scoring and Minimization with AutoDock Vina |
1 |
Smooth |
2 |
Smudgeplot |
inference of ploidy and heterozygosity structure using whole genome sequencing |
1 |
sniffles |
Structural variation caller using third generation sequencing |
1 |
snippy |
Snippy finds SNPs between a haploid reference genome and your NGS sequence reads. |
11 |
snippy-clean_full_aln |
Replace any non-standard sequence characters in snippy 'core.full.aln' file. |
4 |
snippy-core |
Combine multiple Snippy outputs into a core SNP alignment |
10 |
SNP distance matrix |
Compute distance in SNPs between all sequences in a FASTA file |
2 |
SnpEff build: |
database from Genbank or GFF record |
13 |
SnpEff chromosome-info: |
list chromosome names/lengths |
8 |
SnpEff databases: |
list available databases |
13 |
SnpEff download: |
download a pre-built database |
13 |
SnpEff eff: |
annotate variants |
11 |
SnpEff eff: |
annotate variants for SARS-CoV-2 |
1 |
SnpEff Ensembl CDS |
Report Variant coding sequence changes for SnpEffects |
1 |
SnpEff to Peptide fasta |
to create a Search DB fasta for variant SAP peptides |
1 |
SNPFinder |
A simple naive metagenomics variant caller |
1 |
snpFreq |
significant SNPs in case-control data |
2 |
SnpSift Annotate |
SNPs from dbSnp |
9 |
SnpSift CaseControl |
Count samples are in 'case' and 'control' groups. |
9 |
SnpSift dbNSFP |
Add annotations from dbNSFP or similar annotation DBs |
4 |
SnpSift dbNSFP |
Add Annotations from dbNSFP and similar annotation DBs |
2 |
SnpSift Extract Fields |
from a VCF file into a tabular file |
7 |
SnpSift Filter |
Filter variants using arbitrary expressions |
9 |
SnpSift GeneSets |
Annotating GeneSets, such as Gene Ontology, KEGG, Reactome |
4 |
SnpSift Intervals |
Filter variants using intervals |
9 |
SnpSift rmInfo |
remove INFO field annotations |
8 |
SnpSift Variant Type |
Annotate with variant type |
8 |
SnpSift vcfCheck |
basic checks for VCF specification compliance |
8 |
socru |
Calculate the order and orientation of complete bacterial genomes |
1 |
SOPRA with prebuilt contigs |
for Illumina libraries |
1 |
Sort |
data in ascending or descending order |
3 |
Sort |
data in ascending or descending order |
11 |
Sort a row |
according to their columns |
12 |
Sort Column Order |
by heading |
1 |
Sort.seqs |
put sequences in different files in the same order |
6 |
SortSam |
sort SAM/BAM dataset |
14 |
SPAdes |
genome assembler for genomes of regular and single-cell projects |
Genome assembly
16 |
Spaln: align cDNA or Protein to genome |
Maps and aligns a set of cDNA or protein sequences onto a whole genomic sequence. |
5 |
Sparse Matrix Functions |
for manipulating 2-D Scipy sparse numeric data |
11 |
Spatial Analysis Tools |
from Scimap |
1 |
Species tree generator |
from a list of species using the ETE Toolkit |
1 |
Specify Individuals |
: Define a collection of individuals from a gd_snp dataset |
3 |
SpecLibCreator |
Creates an MSP formatted spectral library. |
4 |
SpecLibSearcher |
Identifies peptide MS/MS spectra by spectral matching with a searchable spectral library. |
3 |
SpectraFilterBernNorm |
Applies thresholdfilter to peak spectra. |
4 |
SpectraFilterMarkerMower |
Applies thresholdfilter to peak spectra. |
4 |
SpectraFilterNLargest |
Applies thresholdfilter to peak spectra. |
5 |
SpectraFilterNormalizer |
Normalizes intensity of peak spectra. |
5 |
SpectraFilterParentPeakMower |
Applies thresholdfilter to peak spectra. |
4 |
SpectraFilterScaler |
Applies thresholdfilter to peak spectra. |
4 |
SpectraFilterSqrtMower |
Applies thresholdfilter to peak spectra. |
4 |
SpectraFilterThresholdMower |
Applies thresholdfilter to peak spectra. |
5 |
SpectraFilterWindowMower |
Applies thresholdfilter to peak spectra. |
4 |
SpectraMerger |
Merges spectra (each MS level separately), increasing S/N ratios. |
5 |
SpectraSTSearchAdapter |
Interface to the SEARCH Mode of the SpectraST executable |
4 |
Spectrophores search |
- similarity search based on 1D chemical features |
5 |
Split |
BAM datasets on variety of attributes |
3 |
Split |
BAM datasets on variety of attributes |
3 |
Split |
a HUMAnN2 generated table |
4 |
Split Dataset |
into training and test subsets |
6 |
Split Fasta |
files into a collection |
3 |
Split fastq libraries |
to performs demultiplexing of Fastq sequence data (split_libraries_fastq) |
2 |
Split file |
according to the values of a column |
4 |
Split file |
to dataset collection |
7 |
Split Labelmap |
1 |
Split libraries |
according to barcodes specified in mapping file (split_libraries) |
2 |
Split MAF blocks |
by Species |
1 |
Split objects |
Split binary image by using watershed |
1 |
Split stratified table |
3 |
Split.abund |
Separate sequences into rare and abundant groups |
5 |
Split.groups |
Generates a fasta file for each group |
5 |
splitter |
Split a sequence into (overlapping) smaller sequences |
5 |
SQLite to tabular |
for SQL query |
3 |
Squidpy Graph and Plotting |
for spatial analysis |
1 |
sRNAPipe |
In-depth study of small RNA |
4 |
short DNA sequences assembler |
1 |
ssHMM |
- RNA sequence-structure motif finder |
1 |
Stacking Ensembles |
builds stacking, voting ensemble models with numerous base options |
8 |
Stacks2: clone filter |
Identify PCR clones |
8 |
Stacks2: cstacks |
Generate catalog of loci |
8 |
Stacks2: de novo map |
the Stacks pipeline without a reference genome (denovo_map.pl) |
8 |
Stacks2: gstacks |
Call variants, genotypes and haplotype |
8 |
Stacks2: kmer filter |
Identify PCR clones |
8 |
Stacks2: populations |
Calculate population-level summary statistics |
8 |
Stacks2: process radtags |
the Stacks demultiplexing script |
8 |
Stacks2: process shortreads |
fast cleaning of randomly sheared genomic or transcriptomic data |
8 |
Stacks2: reference map |
the Stacks pipeline with a reference genome (ref_map.pl) |
8 |
Stacks2: sstacks |
Match samples to the catalog |
8 |
Stacks2: tsv2bam |
Sort reads by RAD locus |
8 |
Stacks2: ustacks |
Identify unique stacks |
8 |
Stacks: assemble read pairs by locus |
run the STACKS sort_read_pairs.pl and exec_velvet.pl wrappers |
6 |
Stacks: clone filter |
Identify PCR clones |
2 |
Stacks: cstacks |
build a catalogue of loci |
5 |
Stacks: de novo map |
the Stacks pipeline without a reference genome (denovo_map.pl) |
5 |
Stacks: genotypes |
analyse haplotypes or genotypes in a genetic cross ('genotypes' program) |
5 |
Stacks: populations |
analyze a population of individual samples ('populations' program) |
5 |
Stacks: process radtags |
the Stacks demultiplexing script |
5 |
Stacks: pstacks |
find stacks from short reads mapped to a reference genome |
5 |
Stacks: reference map |
the Stacks pipeline with a reference genome (ref_map.pl) |
5 |
Stacks: rxstacks |
make corrections to genotype and haplotype calls |
5 |
Stacks: sstacks |
match stacks to a catalog |
4 |
Stacks: statistics |
on stacks found for multiple samples |
2 |
Stacks: ustacks |
align short reads into stacks |
5 |
StainedGlass |
generates identity heatmaps of genomic sequences |
1 |
Standardize SD-files |
using RDKit |
2 |
STAR-Fusion |
detect fusion genes in RNA-Seq data |
4 |
staramr |
Scans genome assemblies against the ResFinder, PlasmidFinder, and PointFinder databases searching for AMR genes. |
11 |
Starting Modules |
load images and metadata into CellProfiler (Images, Metadata, NamesAndTypes, Groups) |
2 |
Stitch Gene blocks |
given a set of coding exon intervals |
4 |
Stitch MAF blocks |
given a set of genomic intervals |
1 |
StringTie |
transcript assembly and quantification |
17 |
StringTie merge |
transcripts |
11 |
Structure |
using multi-locus genotype data to investigate population structure |
2 |
Structure to GSPAN |
3 |
Sub-sample sequences files |
e.g. to reduce coverage |
4 |
Sub.sample |
Create a sub sample |
5 |
Subset |
columns from a VCF dataset |
1 |
Substructure Search |
of fingerprint data sets |
5 |
Subtract |
the intervals of two datasets |
6 |
Subtract Whole Dataset |
from another dataset |
2 |
Summarize taxonomy |
1 |
Summary Statistics |
for any numerical column |
3 |
Summary.qual |
Summarize the quality scores |
6 |
Summary.seqs |
Summarize the quality of sequences |
5 |
Summary.shared |
Summary of calculator values for OTUs |
5 |
Summary.single |
Summary of calculator values for OTUs |
6 |
Summary.tax |
Assign sequences to taxonomy |
5 |
supermatcher |
Match large sequences against one or more other sequences |
5 |
Support vector machines (SVMs) |
for classification |
12 |
SvmTheoreticalSpectrumGeneratorTrainer |
Trainer for SVM models as input for SvmTheoreticalSpectrumGenerator |
5 |
Switch axis coordinates |
Switches the axes of an image and flips the y axis. |
1 |
syco |
Synonymous codon usage Gribskov statistic plot |
5 |
T Test for Two Samples |
2 |
T-Coffee |
multiple sequence alignment |
3 |
Table Compute |
computes operations on table data |
4 |
Table Merge |
Merging dataMatrix with a metadata table |
2 |
Tabular to FASTQ |
converter |
5 |
tabular-to-csv |
converter |
1 |
Tabular-to-FASTA |
converts tabular file to FASTA format |
2 |
tac |
reverse a file (reverse cat) |
9 |
Tadarida data cleaner |
clean data from animal detection on acoustic recordings |
1 |
Tadarida identifications validation |
Integrate identifications from animal detection on acoustic recordings |
1 |
Tag pileup frequency |
3 |
tar-to-directory |
converter |
2 |
TargetedFileConverter |
Converts different transition files for targeted proteomics / metabolomics analysis. |
4 |
TargetFinder |
plant small RNA target prediction tool |
Sequence alignment
2 |
Taxonomy-to-Krona |
convert a mothur taxonomy file to Krona input format |
2 |
Taylor-Butina clustering |
of molecular fingerprints |
5 |
TB Variant Filter |
M. tuberculosis H37Rv VCF filter |
4 |
TB Variant Report |
- generate HTML report from SnpEff annotated M.tb VCF(s) |
3 |
TB-Profiler Profile |
Infer strain types and drug resistance markers from sequences |
15 |
tcode |
Fickett TESTCODE statistic to identify protein-coding DNA |
5 |
Temporal trend indicator |
using GlmmTMB or GAM models |
2 |
TEtranscripts |
annotates reads to genes and transposable elements |
4 |
TETyper |
Transposable Element Typer |
3 |
Text reformatting |
with awk |
13 |
Text transformation |
with sed |
11 |
TextExporter |
Exports various XML formats to a text file. |
4 |
textsearch |
Search sequence documentation. Slow, use SRS and Entrez! |
5 |
Thermo |
RAW file converter |
9 |
Thread nucleotides onto a protein alignment (back-translation) |
Gives a codon aware alignment |
5 |
TICCalculator |
Calculates the TIC from a mass spectrometric raw file (useful for benchmarking). |
4 |
tmap |
Displays membrane spanning regions |
5 |
TMHMM 2.0 |
Find transmembrane domains in protein sequences |
5 |
Tn5Gaps |
- determine essential genes |
3 |
TOFCalibration |
Applies time of flight calibration. |
4 |
TopHat |
Gapped-read mapper for RNA-seq data |
9 |
Tophat Fusion Post |
post-processing to identify fusion genes |
2 |
TopPerc |
Facilitate input to Percolator and reintegrate. |
2 |
Train Augustus |
ab-initio gene predictor |
5 |
Train SNAP |
ab-initio gene predictor |
1 |
Train, Test and Evaluation |
fit a model using part of dataset and evaluate using the rest |
7 |
tranalign |
Align nucleic coding regions given the aligned proteins |
5 |
Transcript Integrity Number |
evaluates RNA integrity at a transcript level |
8 |
TransDecoder |
finds coding regions within transcripts |
7 |
transeq |
Translate nucleic acid sequences |
5 |
Transformation |
Transforms the dataMatrix intensity values |
1 |
TransformationEvaluation |
Applies a transformation to a range of values |
4 |
Translate |
data formats |
1 |
Translate BED Sequences |
3 frame translation of BED augmented with a sequence column |
1 |
Translate BED transcripts |
cDNA in 3frames or CDS |
1 |
Transpose |
rows/columns in a tabular file |
5 |
TransTermHP |
finds rho-independent transcription terminators in bacterial genomes |
2 |
Tree.shared |
Generate a newick tree for dissimilarity among groups |
5 |
TreeBeST best |
Generate a phylogenetic tree using CDS alignment and species tree |
1 |
TreeBeST best |
Generate a phylogenetic tree using CDS alignment and species tree |
2 |
Trim |
leading or trailing characters |
2 |
Trim Galore! |
Quality and adapter trimmer of reads |
9 |
Trim putative adapter sequence |
1 |
Trim sequences |
5 |
Trim.flows |
partition by barcode, trim to length, cull by length and mismatches |
5 |
Trim.seqs |
Trim sequences - primers, barcodes, quality |
5 |
trimest |
Trim poly-A tails off EST sequences |
5 |
Trimmomatic |
flexible read trimming tool for Illumina NGS data |
Sequence trimming
15 |
trimseq |
Trim ambiguous bits off the ends of sequences |
5 |
Trinity |
de novo assembly of RNA-Seq data |
14 |
Trinotate |
functional transcript annotation |
4 |
tRNA and tmRNA |
prediction (Aragorn) |
3 |
tRNA prediction |
(tRNAscan) |
2 |
twoBitToFa |
Convert all or part of .2bit file to FASTA |
3 |
twofeat |
Finds neighbouring pairs of features in sequences |
5 |
tximport |
Summarize transcript-level estimates for gene-level analysis |
3 |
UCSC Cell Browser |
displays single-cell clusterized data in an interactive web application. |
5 |
UiT DESeq2 wrapper |
Determines differentially expressed transcripts from read alignments |
1 |
UMI-tools count |
performs quantification of UMIs from BAM files |
9 |
UMI-tools deduplicate |
Extract UMI from fastq files |
6 |
UMI-tools extract |
Extract UMI from fastq files |
12 |
UMI-tools group |
Extract UMI from fastq files |
8 |
UMI-tools whitelist |
Extract cell barcodes from FASTQ files |
8 |
UNetCoreograph |
TMA core detection and dearraying |
1 |
Unfold |
columns from a table |
11 |
unifrac.unweighted |
Describes whether two or more communities have the same structure |
5 |
unifrac.weighted |
Describes whether two or more communities have the same structure |
5 |
union |
Reads sequence fragments and builds one sequence |
5 |
Unipept |
retrieve taxonomy for peptides |
6 |
UniProt |
ID mapping and retrieval |
4 |
UniProt |
download proteome as XML or fasta |
6 |
Unique |
occurrences of each record |
9 |
Unique |
occurrences of each record |
1 |
Unique lines |
assuming sorted input file |
11 |
Unique.seqs |
Return unique sequences |
5 |
Univariate |
Univariate statistics |
2 |
UnMicst |
Image segmentation - probability map generation |
1 |
Unpack pathway abundances to show genes included |
3 |
Unzip |
Unzip file |
1 |
Upload File |
from your computer |
Query and retrieval
3 |
UpSet diagram |
of intersection of genomic regions or list sets |
4 |
to detect mis-assemblies in metagenomic assemblies |
1 |
ValidateSamFile |
assess validity of SAM/BAM dataset |
15 |
VarDict |
calls SNVs and indels for tumor-normal pairs |
4 |
Variant Annotator |
process variant counts |
3 |
VarScan |
for variant detection |
2 |
VarScan copynumber |
Determine relative tumor copy number from tumor-normal pileups |
4 |
VarScan mpileup |
for variant detection |
4 |
VarScan somatic |
Call germline/somatic and LOH variants from tumor-normal sample pairs |
9 |
VCF to MAF Custom Track |
for display at UCSC |
2 |
VCF to pgSnp |
Convert from VCF to pgSnp format |
1 |
VCF-BEDintersect: |
Intersect VCF and BED datasets |
5 |
VCF-VCFintersect: |
Intersect two VCF datasets |
5 |
Vcf2Plink |
Convert from vcf to plink |
1 |
VCFaddinfo: |
Adds info fields from the second dataset which are not present in the first dataset |
5 |
VcfAllelicPrimitives: |
Split alleleic primitives (gaps or mismatches) into multiple VCF lines |
5 |
VCFannotate: |
Intersect VCF records with BED annotations |
5 |
VCFannotateGenotypes: |
Annotate genotypes in a VCF dataset using genotypes from another VCF dataset |
5 |
VCFbreakCreateMulti: |
Break multiple alleles into multiple records, or combine overallpoing alleles into a single record |
5 |
VCFcheck: |
Verify that the reference allele matches the reference genome |
5 |
VCFcombine: |
Combine multiple VCF datasets |
6 |
VCFcommonSamples: |
Output records belonging to samples common between two datasets |
5 |
VCFdistance: |
Calculate distance to the nearest variant |
5 |
VCFfilter: |
filter VCF data in a variety of attributes |
8 |
VCFfixup: |
Count the allele frequencies across alleles present in each record in the VCF file |
5 |
VCFflatten: |
Removes multi-allelic sites by picking the most common alternate |
5 |
VCFgenotype-to-haplotype: |
Convert genotype-based phased alleles into haplotype alleles |
5 |
VCFgenotypes: |
Convert numerical representation of genotypes to allelic |
5 |
VCFhetHomAlleles: |
Count the number of heterozygotes and alleles, compute het/hom ratio |
5 |
VCFleftAlign: |
Left-align indels and complex variants in VCF dataset |
5 |
VCFprimers: |
Extract flanking sequences for each VCF record |
5 |
VCFrandomSample: |
Randomly sample sites from VCF dataset |
5 |
VCFselectsamples: |
Select samples from a VCF dataset |
5 |
VCFsort: |
Sort VCF dataset by coordinate |
6 |
VCFtoTab-delimited: |
Convert VCF data into TAB-delimited format |
6 |
vectorstrip |
Strips out DNA between a pair of vector sequences |
5 |
Vegan Diversity |
index |
3 |
Vegan Fisher Alpha |
index |
3 |
Vegan Rarefaction |
curve and statistics |
3 |
VelvetOptimiser |
Automatically optimize Velvet assemblies |
5 |
Venn |
Generate Venn diagrams for groups |
5 |
Venn Diagram |
from lists |
6 |
vg convert |
1 |
vg deconstruct |
construct a dynamic succinct variation graph |
2 |
vg view |
2 |
VINA Docking |
tool to perform protein-ligand docking with Autodock Vina |
5 |
Violin plot w ggplot2 |
8 |
Visceral |
Evaluate Segmentation |
1 |
Visualisation |
of compounds |
5 |
Visualize |
the optimal scoring subnetwork |
2 |
Visualize with Krona |
Visualise any hierarchical data |
1 |
Vitessce Visualization |
integrative visualization of multi-modal, spatial single-cell data |
1 |
Volcano Plot |
create a volcano plot |
5 |
VSearch alignment |
Chimera detection
Sequence clustering
Sequence masking
6 |
VSearch chimera detection |
Chimera detection
Sequence clustering
Sequence masking
6 |
VSearch clustering |
Chimera detection
Sequence clustering
Sequence masking
7 |
VSearch dereplication |
Chimera detection
Sequence clustering
Sequence masking
7 |
VSearch masking |
Chimera detection
Sequence clustering
Sequence masking
6 |
VSearch search |
Chimera detection
Sequence clustering
Sequence masking
6 |
VSearch shuffling |
Chimera detection
Sequence clustering
Sequence masking
6 |
VSearch sorting |
Chimera detection
Sequence clustering
Sequence masking
7 |
VT normalize |
normalizes variants in a VCF file |
1 |
W4m Data Subset |
Filter W4m data by values or metadata |
9 |
water |
Smith-Waterman local alignment |
5 |
Watershed segmentation |
of binary image |
2 |
Wavelet variance |
using Discrete Wavelet Transfoms |
3 |
Wig/BedGraph-to-bigWig |
converter |
2 |
Wiggle to Interval |
2 |
Wiggle-to-Interval |
converter |
2 |
wobble |
Wobble base plot |
5 |
Eukaryote protein subcellular localization prediction |
4 |
wordcount |
Counts words of a specified size in a DNA sequence |
5 |
wordmatch |
Finds all exact matches of a given size between 2 sequences |
5 |
De novo assembler AND consensuser for long noisy sequences |
3 |
XChem TransFS pose scoring |
using deep learning |
3 |
xcms adjustRtime (retcor) |
Retention Time Correction |
7 |
xcms fillChromPeaks (fillPeaks) |
Integrate areas of missing peaks |
7 |
xcms findChromPeaks (xcmsSet) |
Chromatographic peak detection |
8 |
xcms findChromPeaks Merger |
Merge xcms findChromPeaks RData into a unique file to be used by group |
5 |
xcms get a sampleMetadata file |
which need to be filled with extra information |
3 |
xcms groupChromPeaks (group) |
Perform the correspondence, the grouping of chromatographic peaks within and between samples. |
8 |
xcms plot chromatogram |
Plots base peak intensity chromatogram (BPI) and total ion current chromatogram (TIC) from MSnbase or xcms experiment(s) |
5 |
xcms process history |
Create a summary of XCMS analysis |
8 |
XCos |
scoring |
2 |
XMLValidator |
Validates XML files against an XSD schema. |
4 |
XPath |
compute xpath expressions on XML data |
2 |
XTandemAdapter |
Annotates MS/MS spectra using X! Tandem. |
5 |
zerone |
1 |
zonal statistics |
over each area |
1 |