7 tool(s) found

Tool Description Topics Available version(s)
CapsuleFinder Program that detects capsule systems with high accuracy in proteic sequences. It is based on the program MacsyFinder which uses HMM profiles for the detection of the essential proteins of capsule biogenesis. Coding region prediction 1
fastacmd : retrieves FASTA formatted sequences from a blast database Coding region prediction 1
Find Nested Alternate ORFs (nAlt-ORFs) from BED and 2bit/FASTA Coding region prediction Codon usage analysis Codon usage table generation Genome annotation 1
FragGeneScan Application for finding (fragmented) genes in short and Error-prone Reads. Coding region prediction 1
Get Codon and Bicodon frequency from FASTA files Coding region prediction Codon usage analysis Codon usage table generation Genome annotation 1
Get Codon frequency from bicodons Coding region prediction Codon usage analysis Codon usage table generation Genome annotation 1
Prokka Prokaryotic genome annotation Coding region prediction Gene prediction Genome annotation 11