11 tool(s) found

Tool Description Topics Available version(s)
Circos: Bundle Links reduce numbers of links in datasets before plotting Aggregation 10
Circos: Link Density Track reduce links to a density plot Aggregation 10
Circos: Resample 1/2D data reduce numbers of points in a dataset before plotting Aggregation 10
Combine FASTA and QUAL into FASTQ Aggregation 5
Concatenate two BED files Aggregation 6
Concatenate datasets tail-to-head Aggregation 1
FASTQ interlacer on paired end reads Aggregation 6
FASTQ joiner on paired end reads Aggregation 7
Join the intervals of two datasets side-by-side Aggregation 5
MaxQuant Phosphopeptide Preprocessing Prep phosphoproteomic MaxQuant output for statistical anlaysis. Aggregation Conversion Sequence annotation Sequence database search 2
Variant Frequency Plot Generates a heatmap of allele frequencies grouped by variant type for SnpEff-annotated SARS-CoV-2 data Aggregation 4