AddCommentsToBam |
add comments to BAM dataset |
14 |
AddOrReplaceReadGroups |
add or replaces read group information |
14 |
Align sequences |
to a reference using a codon alignment algorithm |
6 |
Annotate |
a newick tree with HyPhy |
6 |
Annotate DESeq2/DEXSeq output tables |
Append annotation from GTF to differential expression tool outputs |
2 |
annotatePeaks |
4 |
antigenic |
Predicts potentially antigenic regions of a protein sequence, using the method of Kolaskar and Tongaonkar. |
5 |
ArgosDB BioSample scrape |
Scrape NCBI Biosample for ArgosDB |
1 |
ArgosDB SRA scrape |
Scrape NCBI SRA Metadata for ArgosDB |
1 |
backtranseq |
Back translate a protein sequence |
7 |
BAM to Wiggle |
converts all types of RNA-seq data from .bam to .wig |
10 |
bam-to-bai |
converter |
1 |
BAM/SAM Mapping Stats |
reads mapping statistics for a provided BAM or SAM file. |
10 |
bamCoverage |
generates a coverage bigWig file from a given BAM or CRAM file |
18 |
banana |
Bending and curvature plot in B-DNA |
5 |
BBTools: BBMap |
short-read aligner |
4 |
bcf_uncompressed-to-bcf |
converter |
1 |
bcftools annotate |
Annotate and edit VCF/BCF files |
11 |
bcftools call |
SNP/indel variant calling from VCF/BCF |
12 |
Beast |
Bayesian MCMC analysis of molecular sequences. |
1 |
bedgraph-to-bigwig |
converter |
1 |
BedToIntervalList |
convert coordinate data into picard interval list format |
14 |
biom2-to-biom1 |
converter |
1 |
Biosample from SRA |
Get BioSample associated to SRA metadata |
1 |
biosed |
Replace or delete sequence sections |
5 |
Bismark Deduplicate |
Deduplicates reads mapped by Bismark |
9 |
Bismark Mapper |
Bisulfite reads mapper |
15 |
Bismark Meth. Extractor |
Reports on methylation status of reads mapped by Bismark |
11 |
Bismark Pretty Report |
Generates a graphical HTML report page from report outputs of Bismark |
9 |
Bowtie2 |
- map reads against reference genome |
21 |
btwisted |
Calculates the twisting in a B-DNA sequence |
5 |
- map medium and long reads (> 100 bp) against reference genome |
1 |
bwameth |
Fast and accurate aligner of BS-Seq reads. |
6 |
cai |
CAI codon adaptation index |
5 |
cai custom |
CAI codon adaptation index using custom codon usage file |
5 |
Calculate sequence complexity |
total and per read |
3 |
Call variants |
with LoFreq |
7 |
Change Case |
of selected columns |
2 |
chaos |
Create a chaos game representation plot for a sequence |
5 |
charge |
Protein charge plot |
5 |
checktrans |
Reports STOP codons and ORF statistics of a protein |
5 |
chips |
Codon usage statistics |
5 |
cirdna |
Draws circular maps of DNA constructs |
5 |
CleanSam |
perform SAM/BAM grooming |
14 |
Clipping Profile |
estimates clipping profile of RNA-seq reads from BAM or SAM file |
10 |
cml-to-mol2 |
converter |
1 |
cml-to-smi |
converter |
2 |
codcmp |
Codon usage table comparison |
5 |
coderet |
Extract CDS, mRNA and translations from feature tables |
5 |
Collapse |
sequences |
3 |
Collapse Collection |
into single dataset in order of the collection |
5 |
Collect Alignment Summary Metrics |
writes a file containing summary alignment metrics |
14 |
CollectBaseDistributionByCycle |
charts the nucleotide distribution per cycle in a SAM or BAM dataset |
14 |
CollectGcBiasMetrics |
charts the GC bias metrics |
14 |
CollectHsMetrics |
compute metrics about datasets generated through hybrid-selection (e.g. exome) |
4 |
CollectInsertSizeMetrics |
plots distribution of insert sizes |
14 |
CollectRnaSeqMetrics |
collect metrics about the alignment of RNA to various functional classes of loci in the genome |
15 |
CollectWgsMetrics |
compute metrics for evaluating of whole genome sequencing experiments |
14 |
compseq |
Count composition of dimer/trimer/etc words in a sequence |
5 |
Compute |
on rows |
10 |
Compute quality statistics |
3 |
computeMatrix |
prepares data for plotting a heatmap or a profile of given regions |
18 |
Concatenate datasets |
tail-to-head (cat) |
11 |
Convert BAM |
to FASTA multiple sequence alignment |
5 |
Convert BED to Feature Location Index |
1 |
Convert BED to GFF |
2 |
Convert FASTA to 2bit |
2 |
Convert FASTA to Bowtie base space Index |
2 |
Convert FASTA to Bowtie color space Index |
2 |
Convert FASTA to len file |
2 |
Convert FASTA to Tabular |
1 |
Convert Genomic Intervals To BED |
1 |
Convert Genomic Intervals To Coverage |
2 |
Convert Genomic Intervals To Strict BED |
2 |
Convert Genomic Intervals To Strict BED12 |
1 |
Convert Genomic Intervals To Strict BED6 |
2 |
Convert GFF to BED |
2 |
Convert GFF to Feature Location Index |
1 |
Convert GTF to BED12 |
1 |
Convert Kraken |
data to Galaxy taxonomy representation |
3 |
Convert Len file to Linecount |
2 |
Convert lped to fped |
2 |
Convert lped to plink pbed |
2 |
Convert MAF to Fasta |
2 |
Convert MAF to Genomic Intervals |
2 |
Convert Picard Interval List to BED6 |
converter |
2 |
Convert plink pbed to ld reduced format |
2 |
Convert plink pbed to linkage lped |
2 |
cpgplot |
Plot CpG rich areas |
5 |
cpgreport |
Reports all CpG rich regions |
5 |
cram-to-bam |
converter |
2 |
Create assemblies with Unicycler |
pipeline for bacterial genomes |
Genome assembly
10 |
Create text file |
with recurring lines |
9 |
csv-to-tabular |
converter |
1 |
Cufflinks |
transcript assembly and FPKM (RPKM) estimates for RNA-Seq data |
8 |
cusp |
Create a codon usage table |
5 |
Cut |
columns from a table |
2 |
Cut |
columns from a table (cut) |
9 |
Cutadapt |
Remove adapter sequences from FASTQ/FASTA |
Sequence editing
22 |
cutseq |
Removes a specified section from a sequence |
5 |
dada2: plotComplexity |
Plot sequence complexity profile |
6 |
dan |
Calculates DNA RNA/DNA melting temperature |
5 |
Data Fetch |
Query and retrieval
1 |
Datamash |
(operations on tabular data) |
5 |
dbnsfp.tabular-to-snpsiftdbnsfp |
converter |
3 |
degapseq |
Removes gap characters from sequences |
5 |
Deletion Profile |
calculates the distributions of deleted nucleotides across reads |
6 |
descseq |
Alter the name or description of a sequence |
5 |
DESeq2 |
Determines differentially expressed features from count tables |
Differential gene expression profiling
RNA-Seq quantification
22 |
diffseq |
Find differences between nearly identical sequences |
5 |
digest |
Protein proteolytic enzyme or reagent cleavage digest |
5 |
dotmatcher |
Displays a thresholded dotplot of two sequences |
5 |
dotpath |
Non-overlapping wordmatch dotplot of two sequences |
5 |
dottup |
Displays a wordmatch dotplot of two sequences |
5 |
Downsample SAM/BAM |
Downsample a file to retain a subset of the reads |
14 |
dreg |
Regular expression search of a nucleotide sequence |
6 |
DropletUtils |
Utilities for handling droplet-based single-cell RNA-seq data |
DNA barcoding
9 |
edgeR |
Perform differential expression of count data |
Differential gene expression profiling
RNA-seq read count analysis
10 |
einverted |
Finds DNA inverted repeats |
5 |
epestfind |
Finds PEST motifs as potential proteolytic cleavage sites |
5 |
equicktandem |
Finds tandem repeats |
5 |
est2genome |
Align EST and genomic DNA sequences |
5 |
EstimateLibraryComplexity |
assess sequence library complexity from read sequences |
14 |
etandem |
Looks for tandem repeats in a nucleotide sequence |
5 |
Export datasets |
to remote files source |
1 |
Extract element identifiers |
of a list collection |
2 |
extractfeat |
Extract features from a sequence |
5 |
extractseq |
Extract regions from a sequence |
5 |
Fasta Statistics |
display summary statistics for a FASTA file |
1 |
fasta-to-fai |
converter |
1 |
Faster Download and Extract Reads in FASTQ |
format from NCBI SRA |
Data retrieval
15 |
fastp |
- fast all-in-one preprocessing for FASTQ files |
8 |
FASTQ Summary Statistics |
by column |
Sequence assembly validation
4 |
FastQC |
Read Quality reports |
Sequence composition calculation
Sequencing quality control
Statistical calculation
18 |
fastqillumina-to-fqtoc |
converter |
1 |
FastqToSam |
convert Fastq data into unaligned BAM |
19 |
featureCounts |
Measure gene expression in RNA-Seq experiments from SAM or BAM files. |
Sequence assembly
25 |
Filter |
data on any column using simple expressions |
2 |
Filter SAM or BAM |
files on FLAG MAPQ RG LN or by region |
Nucleic acid sequence analysis
2 |
Filter SAM or BAM, output SAM or BAM |
files on FLAG MAPQ RG LN or by region |
6 |
FilterSamReads |
include or exclude aligned and unaligned reads and read lists |
14 |
FixMateInformation |
ensure that all mate-pair information is in sync between each read and it's mate pair |
14 |
FPKM Count |
calculates raw read count, FPM, and FPKM for each gene |
8 |
freak |
Residue/base frequency table or plot |
5 |
fuzznuc |
Nucleic acid pattern search |
6 |
fuzzpro |
Protein pattern search |
5 |
fuzztran |
Protein pattern search after translation |
5 |
garnier |
Predicts protein secondary structure |
5 |
geecee |
Calculates fractional GC content of nucleic acid sequences |
5 |
genbank-to-genbank.gz |
converter |
1 |
genbank.gz-to-genbank |
converter |
1 |
Gene Body Coverage (BAM) |
Read coverage over gene body. |
13 |
Gene Body Coverage (Bigwig) |
Read coverage over gene body |
12 |
Gene length and GC content |
from GTF and FASTA file |
4 |
getorf |
Finds and extracts open reading frames (ORFs) |
5 |
gff3.bz2-to-gff3 |
converter |
1 |
goseq |
tests for overrepresented gene categories |
Gene-set enrichment analysis
12 |
gro-to-pdb |
converter |
1 |
Group |
data by a column and perform aggregate operation on other columns. |
4 |
gtf-to-interval_index |
converter |
1 |
heatmap2 |
6 |
helixturnhelix |
Report nucleic acid binding motifs |
5 |
Hexamer frequency |
calculates hexamer (6mer) frequency for reads, genomes, and mRNA sequences |
6 |
HIV-Trace |
with options and commands |
2 |
hmoment |
Hydrophobic moment calculation |
5 |
homer_bed2pos |
1 |
homer_findPeaks |
Homer's peakcaller. Requires tag directories (see makeTagDirectory) |
1 |
homer_makeTagDirectory |
Simple wrapper for makeTagDirectory. Used by findPeaks |
1 |
homer_pos2bed |
1 |
htseq-count |
- Count aligned reads in a BAM file that overlap features in a GFF file |
9 |
HyPhy-aBSREL |
adaptive Branch Site Random Effects Likelihood |
27 |
HyPhy-BGM |
- Detecting coevolving sites via Bayesian graphical models |
26 |
Branch-site Unrestricted Statistical Test for Episodic Diversification |
26 |
HyPhy-CFEL |
Test for Differences in Selective Pressures at Individual Sites among Clades and Sets of Branches |
6 |
HyPhy-Conv |
translate an in-frame codon alignment to proteins |
5 |
HyPhy-FADE |
: FUBAR* Approach to Directional Evolution (*Fast Unconstrained Bayesian Approximation) |
25 |
HyPhy-FEL |
Fixed Effects Likelihood |
25 |
Fast Unconstrained Bayesian AppRoximation |
25 |
HyPhy-GARD |
Genetic Algorithm for Recombination Detection |
26 |
HyPhy-MEME |
Mixed Effects Model of Evolution |
25 |
Property Informed Models of Evolution |
20 |
Detect relaxed selection in a codon-based phylogenetic framework |
24 |
HyPhy-SLAC |
Single Likelihood Ancestor Counting |
25 |
HyPhy-Summary |
generate summary report of HyPhy analyses |
6 |
IdxStats |
reports stats of the BAM index file |
8 |
iep |
Calculates the isoelectric point of a protein |
5 |
inchi-to-mol |
converter |
2 |
Infer Experiment |
speculates how RNA-seq were configured |
12 |
infoseq |
Displays some simple information about sequences |
5 |
Inner Distance |
calculate the inner distance (or insert size) between two paired RNA reads |
12 |
Insert indel qualities |
into a BAM file |
4 |
Insertion Profile |
calculates the distribution of inserted nucleotides across reads |
6 |
Phylogenomic / evolutionary tree construction from multiple sequences |
7 |
isochore |
Plots isochores in large DNA sequences |
5 |
ivar consensus |
Call consensus from aligned BAM file |
9 |
ivar removereads |
Remove reads from trimmed BAM file |
11 |
ivar trim |
Trim reads in aligned BAM |
13 |
ivar variants |
Call variants from aligned BAM file |
9 |
Join |
two files |
12 |
JQ |
process JSON |
1 |
Junction Annotation |
compares detected splice junctions to reference gene model |
12 |
Junction Saturation |
detects splice junctions from each subset and compares them to reference gene model |
12 |
Kraken2 |
assign taxonomic labels to sequencing reads |
5 |
Krona pie chart |
from taxonomic profile |
10 |
: align long sequences |
7 |
: estimate substitution scores matrix |
5 |
lindna |
Draws linear maps of DNA constructs |
5 |
Lofreq filter |
called variants posteriorly |
4 |
Multiple alignment program for amino acid or nucleotide sequences |
9 |
MAFFT add |
Align a sequence,alignment or fragments to an existing alignment. |
6 |
Map with BWA |
- map short reads (< 100 bp) against reference genome |
12 |
Map with BWA-MEM |
- map medium and long reads (> 100 bp) against reference genome |
DNA mapping
Genetic mapping
Genome annotation
Mapping assembly
Protein SNP mapping
Sequence assembly
Sequence tag mapping
14 |
Map with minimap2 |
A fast pairwise aligner for genomic and spliced nucleotide sequences |
Sequence alignment
18 |
MarkDuplicates |
examine aligned records in BAM datasets to locate duplicate molecules |
17 |
MarkDuplicatesWithMateCigar |
examine aligned records in BAM datasets to locate duplicate molecules |
16 |
marscan |
Finds MAR/SAR sites in nucleic sequences |
5 |
maskfeat |
Mask off features of a sequence |
5 |
maskseq |
Mask off regions of a sequence |
5 |
matcher |
Finds the best local alignments between two sequences |
5 |
MeanQualityByCycle |
chart distribution of base qualities |
14 |
for metagenomics assembly |
7 |
megamerger |
Merge two large overlapping nucleic acid sequences |
5 |
MergeBamAlignment |
merge alignment data with additional info stored in an unmapped BAM dataset |
14 |
merger |
Merge two overlapping nucleic acid sequences |
5 |
MergeSamFiles |
merges multiple SAM/BAM datasets into one |
14 |
metaviralSPAdes |
extract and assembly viral genomes from metagenomic data |
6 |
MethylDackel |
A tool for processing bisulfite sequencing alignments |
Gene methylation analysis
7 |
methylKit |
DNA methylation analysis and annotation |
1 |
metilene |
calling differentially methylated regions from bisulfite sequencing data |
5 |
Mismatch Profile |
calculates the distribution of mismatches across reads |
6 |
mol2-to-mol |
converter |
2 |
mothur.ref.taxonomy-to-mothur.seq.taxonomy |
converter |
2 |
msbar |
Mutate sequence beyond all recognition |
5 |
Multi-Join |
(combine multiple files) |
10 |
MultiQC |
aggregate results from bioinformatics analyses into a single report |
Statistical calculation
18 |
NCBI efetch |
Perform eFetch operation from NCBI |
1 |
NCBI EFetch |
fetch records from NCBI |
1 |
needle |
Needleman-Wunsch global alignment |
5 | |
converter |
1 |
newcpgreport |
Report CpG rich areas |
5 |
newcpgseek |
Reports CpG rich region |
5 |
newseq |
Type in a short new sequence |
5 |
Nextclade |
Viral genome clade assignment, mutation calling, and sequence quality checks |
18 |
noreturn |
Removes carriage return from ASCII files |
5 |
NormalizeFasta |
normalize fasta datasets |
14 |
notseq |
Exclude a set of sequences and write out the remaining ones |
5 |
nthseq |
Writes one sequence from a multiple set of sequences |
5 |
ObservableHQ |
Select multiple datasets for analysis on the ObservableHQ platform |
1 |
octanol |
Displays protein hydropathy |
5 |
oddcomp |
Find protein sequence regions with a biased composition |
5 |
Paired-end histogram |
of insert size frequency |
1 |
palindrome |
Looks for inverted repeats in a nucleotide sequence |
5 |
Pangolin |
Phylogenetic Assignment of Outbreak Lineages |
22 |
pasteseq |
Insert one sequence into another |
5 |
Pathview |
for pathway based data integration and visualization |
3 |
patmatdb |
Search a protein sequence with a motif |
5 |
pdb-to-gro |
converter |
1 |
pepcoil |
Predicts coiled coil regions |
5 |
pepinfo |
Plots simple amino acid properties in parallel |
5 |
pepnet |
Displays proteins as a helical net |
5 |
pepstats |
Protein statistics |
5 |
pepwheel |
Shows protein sequences as helices |
5 |
pepwindow |
Displays protein hydropathy |
5 |
pepwindowall |
Displays protein hydropathy of a set of sequences |
5 |
Phred means |
Calculate average phred scores (total) |
1 |
Picard Collect Sequencing Artifact Metrics |
Collect metrics to quantify single-base sequencing artifacts |
6 |
plotcon |
Plot quality of conservation of a sequence alignment |
5 |
plotorf |
Plot potential open reading frames |
5 |
plotProfile |
creates a profile plot for score distributions across genomic regions |
16 |
Pluck longest |
Pluck longest sequence from a group of contigs |
1 |
polydot |
Displays all-against-all dotplots of a set of sequences |
5 |
preg |
Regular expression search of a protein sequence |
6 |
prettyplot |
Displays aligned sequences, with colouring and boxing |
5 |
prettyseq |
Output sequence with translated ranges |
5 |
primersearch |
Searches DNA sequences for matches with primer pairs |
5 |
Prokka |
Prokaryotic genome annotation |
Coding region prediction
Gene prediction
Genome annotation
11 |
QualiMap BamQC |
5 |
QualityScoreDistribution |
chart quality score distribution |
14 |
Quast |
Genome assembly Quality |
14 |
Read Distribution |
calculates how mapped reads were distributed over genome feature |
12 |
Read Duplication |
determines reads duplication rate with sequence-based and mapping-based strategies |
10 |
Read GC |
determines GC% and read count |
10 |
Read NVC |
to check the nucleotide composition bias |
10 |
Read Quality |
determines Phred quality score |
10 |
Realign reads |
with LoFreq viterbi |
5 |
ReorderSam |
reorder reads to match ordering in reference sequences |
17 |
Replace |
parts of text |
12 |
Replace ambiguous codons |
in a multiple alignment using HyPhy |
4 |
Replace column |
by values which are defined in a convert file |
2 |
Replace Text |
in a specific column |
11 |
Replace Text |
in entire line |
11 |
ReplaceSamHeader |
replace header in a SAM/BAM dataset |
17 |
Resistance Gene Identifier (RGI) |
This tool predicts resistome(s) from protein or nucleotide data based on homology and SNP models. |
1 |
RevertOriginalBaseQualitiesAndAddMateCigar |
revert the original base qualities and add the mate cigar tag |
14 |
RevertSam |
revert SAM/BAM datasets to a previous state |
14 |
revseq |
Reverse and complement a sequence |
5 |
RNA fragment size |
calculates the fragment size for each gene/transcript |
8 |
Gapped-read mapper for RNA-seq data |
Mapping assembly
Sequence alignment
19 |
mapping, demultiplexing and gene quantification for single cell RNA-seq |
Sequence alignment
8 |
RPKM Saturation |
calculates raw count and RPKM values for transcript at exon, intron, and mRNA level |
12 |
Sailfish |
transcript quantification from RNA-seq data |
4 |
sam-to-bam |
converter |
1 |
sam-to-bigwig |
converter |
1 |
sam-to-qname_sorted.bam |
converter |
1 |
sam-to-unsorted.bam |
converter |
1 |
SamToFastq |
extract reads and qualities from SAM/BAM dataset and convert to fastq |
19 |
Samtools ampliconclip |
clip primer bases from bam files |
2 |
Samtools Chromosome Sizes |
order of storing aligned sequences |
1 |
Samtools fastx |
extract FASTA or FASTQ from alignment files |
3 |
Samtools flagstat |
tabulate descriptive stats for BAM datset |
8 |
samtools mpileup |
multi-way pileup of variants |
11 |
Samtools sort |
order of storing aligned sequences |
7 |
Samtools stats |
generate statistics for BAM dataset |
7 |
Samtools view |
- reformat, filter, or subsample SAM, BAM or CRAM |
9 |
Search in textfiles |
(grep) |
11 |
Select first |
lines from a dataset (head) |
9 |
Select last |
lines from a dataset (tail) |
9 |
Send to cloud |
1 |
seqmatchall |
All-against-all comparison of a set of sequences |
5 |
seqret |
Reads and writes sequences |
5 |
seqtk_comp |
get the nucleotide composition of FASTA/Q |
6 |
seqtk_cutN |
cut sequence at long N |
6 |
seqtk_dropse |
drop unpaired from interleaved Paired End FASTA/Q |
6 |
seqtk_fqchk |
fastq QC (base/quality summary) |
6 |
seqtk_hety |
regional heterozygosity |
6 |
seqtk_listhet |
extract the position of each het |
6 |
seqtk_mergefa |
merge two FASTA/Q files |
6 |
seqtk_mergepe |
interleave two unpaired FASTA/Q files for a paired-end file |
6 |
seqtk_mutfa |
point mutate FASTA at specified positions |
6 |
seqtk_randbase |
choose a random base from hets |
6 |
seqtk_sample |
random subsample of fasta or fastq sequences |
6 |
seqtk_seq |
common transformation of FASTA/Q |
6 |
seqtk_subseq |
extract subsequences from FASTA/Q files |
6 |
seqtk_trimfq |
trim FASTQ using the Phred algorithm |
6 |
showfeat |
Show features of a sequence |
5 |
shuffleseq |
Shuffles a set of sequences maintaining composition |
5 |
sigcleave |
Reports protein signal cleavage sites |
5 |
Single ID |
Extract a dataset ID associated with a single dataset into a table |
1 |
sirna |
Finds siRNA duplexes in mRNA |
5 |
sixpack |
Display a DNA sequence with 6-frame translation and ORFs |
7 |
skipseq |
Reads and writes sequences, skipping first few |
5 |
smi-to-mol |
converter |
2 |
smi-to-smi |
converter |
2 |
snipit |
Summarise snps relative to a reference sequence |
2 |
SnpEff eff: |
annotate variants for SARS-CoV-2 |
1 |
SnpSift Annotate |
SNPs from dbSnp |
9 |
SnpSift CaseControl |
Count samples are in 'case' and 'control' groups. |
9 |
SnpSift Extract Fields |
from a VCF file into a tabular file |
7 |
SnpSift Filter |
Filter variants using arbitrary expressions |
9 |
SnpSift Intervals |
Filter variants using intervals |
9 |
SnpSift rmInfo |
remove INFO field annotations |
8 |
SnpSift Variant Type |
Annotate with variant type |
8 |
SnpSift vcfCheck |
basic checks for VCF specification compliance |
8 |
Sort |
data in ascending or descending order |
11 |
Sort a row |
according to their columns |
12 |
SortSam |
sort SAM/BAM dataset |
14 |
SPAdes |
genome assembler for genomes of regular and single-cell projects |
Genome assembly
16 |
Split file |
to dataset collection |
7 |
splitter |
Split a sequence into (overlapping) smaller sequences |
5 |
supermatcher |
Match large sequences against one or more other sequences |
5 |
syco |
Synonymous codon usage Gribskov statistic plot |
5 |
Table Compute |
computes operations on table data |
4 |
tabular-to-csv |
converter |
1 |
tac |
reverse a file (reverse cat) |
9 |
tar-to-directory |
converter |
2 |
tcode |
Fickett TESTCODE statistic to identify protein-coding DNA |
5 |
Text reformatting |
with awk |
13 |
Text transformation |
with sed |
11 |
textsearch |
Search sequence documentation. Slow, use SRS and Entrez! |
5 |
tmap |
Displays membrane spanning regions |
5 |
TN93 Cluster |
sequences that lie within a specific distance of each other |
2 |
TN93 Filter |
- remove sequences from a reference that are within a given distance of of a cluster |
2 |
tranalign |
Align nucleic coding regions given the aligned proteins |
5 |
Transcript Integrity Number |
evaluates RNA integrity at a transcript level |
8 |
transeq |
Translate nucleic acid sequences |
5 |
Trim Galore! |
Quality and adapter trimmer of reads |
9 |
trimest |
Trim poly-A tails off EST sequences |
5 |
trimseq |
Trim ambiguous bits off the ends of sequences |
5 |
twofeat |
Finds neighbouring pairs of features in sequences |
5 |
Unfold |
columns from a table |
11 |
union |
Reads sequence fragments and builds one sequence |
5 |
Unique |
occurrences of each record |
9 |
Unique lines |
assuming sorted input file |
11 |
unsorted.bam-to-bigwig |
converter |
1 |
Upload File |
from your computer |
Query and retrieval
3 |
ValidateSamFile |
assess validity of SAM/BAM dataset |
15 |
Classify Influenza samples from short reads sequence data |
4 |
Variant Frequency Plot |
Generates a heatmap of allele frequencies grouped by variant type for SnpEff-annotated SARS-CoV-2 data |
4 |
vcf-to-bgzip |
converter |
2 |
vcf-to-bigwig |
converter |
1 |
vcf-to-tabix |
converter |
2 |
vcf-to-vcf_bgzip |
converter |
1 |
VCF-VCFintersect: |
Intersect two VCF datasets |
5 |
vcf_bgzip-to-tabix |
converter |
2 |
VCFtoTab-delimited: |
Convert VCF data into TAB-delimited format |
6 |
vectorstrip |
Strips out DNA between a pair of vector sequences |
5 |
water |
Smith-Waterman local alignment |
5 |
wig-to-bigwig |
converter |
1 |
Wiggle to Interval |
2 |
Work in progress to extract data from files |
1 |
wobble |
Wobble base plot |
5 |
wordcount |
Counts words of a specified size in a DNA sequence |
5 |
wordmatch |
Finds all exact matches of a given size between 2 sequences |
5 |
xtc-to-dcd |
converter |
1 |