de novo sequence assembler |
9 |
Add column |
to an existing dataset |
2 |
AddCommentsToBam |
add comments to BAM dataset |
14 |
AddOrReplaceReadGroups |
add or replaces read group information |
14 |
Align reads and estimate abundance |
on a de novo assembly of RNA-Seq data |
12 |
alignmentsieve |
Filter BAM/CRAM files according to specified parameters |
7 |
alimask |
append modelmask line to a multiple sequence alignments |
7 |
AXT to concatenated FASTA |
Converts an AXT formatted file to a concatenated FASTA alignment |
1 |
Converts an AXT formatted file to FASTA format |
1 |
AXT to LAV |
Converts an AXT formatted file to LAV format |
1 |
BAM-to-SAM |
convert BAM to SAM |
5 |
bamCompare |
normalizes and compares two BAM or CRAM files to obtain the ratio, log2ratio or difference between them |
16 |
bamCoverage |
generates a coverage bigWig file from a given BAM or CRAM file |
18 |
bamPEFragmentSize |
Estimate the predominant cDNA fragment length from paired-end sequenced BAM/CRAM files |
16 |
Bar chart |
for multiple columns |
2 |
Barcode Splitter |
4 |
bcf_uncompressed-to-bcf |
converter |
1 |
BED-to-bigBed |
converter |
2 |
BED-to-GFF |
converter |
1 |
BedCov |
calculate read depth for a set of genomic intervals |
5 |
BedToIntervalList |
convert coordinate data into picard interval list format |
14 |
bedtools AnnotateBed |
annotate coverage of features from multiple files |
21 |
bedtools BAM to BED |
converter |
23 |
bedtools BED to BAM |
converter |
21 |
bedtools BED to IGV |
create batch script for taking IGV screenshots |
16 |
bedtools BED12 to BED6 |
converter |
20 |
bedtools BEDPE to BAM |
converter |
21 |
bedtools ClosestBed |
find the closest, potentially non-overlapping interval |
21 |
bedtools ClusterBed |
cluster overlapping/nearby intervals |
20 |
bedtools ComplementBed |
Extract intervals not represented by an interval file |
21 |
bedtools ExpandBed |
replicate lines based on lists of values in columns |
20 |
bedtools FisherBed |
calculate Fisher statistic between two feature files |
20 |
bedtools FlankBed |
create new intervals from the flanks of existing intervals |
21 |
bedtools Genome Coverage |
compute the coverage over an entire genome |
20 |
bedtools GroupByBed |
group by common cols and summarize other cols |
20 |
bedtools JaccardBed |
calculate the distribution of relative distances between two files |
20 |
bedtools LinksBed |
create a HTML page of links to UCSC locations |
20 |
bedtools MakeWindowsBed |
make interval windows across a genome |
21 |
bedtools MaskFastaBed |
use intervals to mask sequences from a FASTA file |
20 |
bedtools Merge BedGraph files |
combines coverage intervals from multiple BEDGRAPH files |
20 |
bedtools MergeBED |
combine overlapping/nearby intervals into a single interval |
20 |
bedtools MultiCovBed |
counts coverage from multiple BAMs at specific intervals |
20 |
bedtools Multiple Intersect |
identifies common intervals among multiple interval files |
23 |
bedtools OverlapBed |
computes the amount of overlap from two intervals |
20 |
bedtools RandomBed |
generate random intervals in a genome |
21 |
bedtools ReldistBed |
calculate the distribution of relative distances |
20 |
bedtools ShuffleBed |
randomly redistrubute intervals in a genome |
21 |
bedtools SlopBed |
adjust the size of intervals |
22 |
bedtools SortBED |
order the intervals |
20 |
bedtools SpacingBed |
reports the distances between features |
17 |
bedtools SubtractBed |
remove intervals based on overlaps |
20 |
bedtools TagBed |
tag BAM alignments based on overlaps with interval files |
20 |
bedtools WindowBed |
find overlapping intervals within a window around an interval |
20 |
bigwigCompare |
normalizes and compares two bigWig files to obtain the ratio, log2ratio or difference between them |
16 |
BLAST XML to tabular |
Convert BLAST XML output to tabular |
18 |
BlastAlign |
Align the nucleic acid sequences using BLASTN |
1 |
Bowtie2 |
- map reads against reference genome |
21 |
Boxplot |
of quality statistics |
2 |
Build expression matrix |
for a de novo assembly of RNA-Seq data by Trinity |
12 |
Busco |
assess genome assembly and annotation completeness |
15 |
CDS_search |
ORF and CDS search |
2 |
Change Case |
of selected columns |
2 |
Choose Patterns of Interest in a Multiple Condition Design |
Choose patterns of interest in a multiple condition design |
1 |
CleanSam |
perform SAM/BAM grooming |
14 |
Clip |
adapter sequences |
6 |
CML to InChI |
2 |
CML to mol2 |
2 |
CML to SDF |
2 |
cml-to-smi |
converter |
2 |
codeML |
Detects positive selection (paml package) |
3 |
Collapse |
sequences |
3 |
Collect Alignment Summary Metrics |
writes a file containing summary alignment metrics |
14 |
CollectBaseDistributionByCycle |
charts the nucleotide distribution per cycle in a SAM or BAM dataset |
14 |
CollectGcBiasMetrics |
charts the GC bias metrics |
14 |
CollectInsertSizeMetrics |
plots distribution of insert sizes |
14 |
CollectRnaSeqMetrics |
collect metrics about the alignment of RNA to various functional classes of loci in the genome |
15 |
CollectWgsMetrics |
compute metrics for evaluating of whole genome sequencing experiments |
14 |
Compare two Datasets |
to find common or distinct rows |
1 |
Compute both the depth and breadth of coverage |
of features in file B on the features in file A (bedtools coverage) |
21 |
Compute contig Ex90N50 statistic and Ex90 transcript count |
from a Trinity assembly |
10 |
Compute quality statistics |
3 |
computeGCBias |
Determine the GC bias of your sequenced reads |
17 |
computeMatrix |
prepares data for plotting a heatmap or a profile of given regions |
18 |
computeMatrixOperations |
Modify or combine the output of computeMatrix in a variety of ways. |
11 |
Concatenate |
two BED files |
6 |
Concatenate datasets |
tail-to-head |
1 |
ConcatPhyl |
Concatenation and phylogeny |
1 |
Convert |
delimiters to TAB |
1 |
Convert BCF to uncompressed BCF |
1 |
Convert BED to Feature Location Index |
1 |
Convert BED to GFF |
2 |
Convert Biom1 to Biom2 |
1 |
Convert Biom2 to Biom1 |
1 |
Convert FASTA to 2bit |
2 |
Convert FASTA to Bowtie base space Index |
2 |
Convert FASTA to Bowtie color space Index |
2 |
Convert FASTA to len file |
2 |
Convert FASTA to Tabular |
1 |
Convert from BAM to FastQ |
13 |
Convert Genomic Intervals To BED |
1 |
Convert Genomic Intervals To Coverage |
2 |
Convert Genomic Intervals To Strict BED |
2 |
Convert Genomic Intervals To Strict BED12 |
1 |
Convert Genomic Intervals To Strict BED6 |
2 |
Convert GFF to BED |
2 |
Convert GFF to Feature Location Index |
1 |
Convert Len file to Linecount |
2 |
Convert lped to fped |
2 |
Convert lped to plink pbed |
2 |
Convert MAF to Fasta |
2 |
Convert MAF to Genomic Intervals |
2 |
Convert Picard Interval List to BED6 |
converter |
2 |
Convert plink pbed to ld reduced format |
2 |
Convert plink pbed to linkage lped |
2 |
correctGCBias |
uses the output from computeGCBias to generate GC-corrected BAM/CRAM files |
16 |
Count |
occurrences of each record |
2 |
Create single interval |
as a new dataset |
1 |
csv-to-tabular |
converter |
1 |
Cuffcompare |
compare assembled transcripts to a reference annotation and track Cufflinks transcripts across multiple experiments |
8 |
Cuffdiff |
find significant changes in transcript expression, splicing, and promoter use |
11 |
Cufflinks |
transcript assembly and FPKM (RPKM) estimates for RNA-Seq data |
8 |
Cuffmerge |
merge together several Cufflinks assemblies |
8 |
Cuffnorm |
Create normalized expression levels |
7 |
Cuffquant |
Precompute gene expression levels |
4 |
Cut |
columns from a table |
2 |
Data Fetch |
Query and retrieval
1 |
dbnsfp.tabular-to-snpsiftdbnsfp |
converter |
3 |
Describe samples |
and replicates |
11 |
DESeq2 |
Determines differentially expressed features from count tables |
Differential gene expression profiling
RNA-Seq quantification
22 |
Diamond |
alignment tool for short sequences against a protein database |
Sequence alignment analysis
9 |
Diamond makedb |
Build database from a FASTA file |
Sequence alignment analysis
8 |
Diamond view |
generate formatted output from DAA files |
Sequence alignment analysis
6 |
Differential expression analysis |
using a Trinity assembly |
11 |
Download and Extract Reads in BAM |
format from NCBI SRA |
Data retrieval
24 |
Download and Extract Reads in FASTQ |
format from NCBI SRA |
Data retrieval
20 |
Download and Generate Pileup Format |
from NCBI SRA |
9 |
Downsample SAM/BAM |
Downsample a file to retain a subset of the reads |
14 |
Draw nucleotides distribution chart |
4 |
Draw quality score boxplot |
4 |
edgeR |
Perform differential expression of count data |
Differential gene expression profiling
RNA-seq read count analysis
10 |
EstimateLibraryComplexity |
assess sequence library complexity from read sequences |
14 |
estimateReadFiltering |
estimates the number of reads that would be filtered given certain criteria |
6 |
Extract and cluster differentially expressed transcripts |
from a Trinity assembly |
12 |
Extract features |
from GFF data |
1 |
Extract Genomic DNA |
using coordinates from assembled/unassembled genomes |
7 |
faSplit |
Split a FASTA file |
3 |
FASTA Width |
formatter |
3 |
fasta-to-fai |
converter |
1 |
Faster Download and Extract Reads in FASTQ |
format from NCBI SRA |
Data retrieval
15 |
fastp |
- fast all-in-one preprocessing for FASTQ files |
8 |
FASTQ Groomer |
convert between various FASTQ quality formats |
Sequence conversion
5 |
converter from FASTX-toolkit |
Sequence conversion
6 |
FastQC |
Read Quality reports |
Sequence composition calculation
Sequencing quality control
Statistical calculation
18 |
FastqToSam |
convert Fastq data into unaligned BAM |
19 |
featureCounts |
Measure gene expression in RNA-Seq experiments from SAM or BAM files. |
Sequence assembly
25 |
Filter |
data on any column using simple expressions |
2 |
Filter assemblies |
Filter the outputs of Velvet or Trinity assemblies |
1 |
Filter by quality |
6 |
Filter GFF data by attribute |
using simple expressions |
2 |
Filter GFF data by feature count |
using simple expressions |
1 |
Filter GTF data by attribute values_list |
2 |
Filter low expression transcripts |
from a Trinity assembly |
11 |
Filter SAM |
on bitwise flag values |
1 |
Filter sequences by ID |
from a tabular file |
5 |
Filter sequences by length |
6 |
Filter with SortMeRNA |
of ribosomal RNAs in metatranscriptomic data |
6 |
FilterSamReads |
include or exclude aligned and unaligned reads and read lists |
14 |
FixMateInformation |
ensure that all mate-pair information is in sync between each read and it's mate pair |
14 |
GATK 3 |
tool collection Version 3.5-0 |
1 |
GATK4 Mutect2 |
- Call somatic SNVs and indels via local assembly of haplotypes |
8 |
Gene BED To Exon/Intron/Codon BED |
expander |
1 |
Gene level DE test across multiple conditions |
Runs EBSeq to find DE genes across multiple (more than two) conditions |
1 |
Gene level DE test across two conditions |
Runs EBSeq to find DE genes across two conditions |
1 |
Generate gene to transcript map |
for Trinity assembly |
10 |
Generate SuperTranscripts |
from a Trinity assembly |
6 |
Get All Possible Patterns in a Multiple Condition Design |
Get all possible patterns in a multiple condition design |
1 |
Get Ig vector from gene-isoform mapping for isoform level DE analysis |
Get Ig vector from gene-isoform mapping for isoform level DE analysis |
1 |
Get Microbial Data |
Query and retrieval
1 |
Get Normalized Expressions |
Calculate normalization factors and get the normalized expression matrix |
1 |
GetFastaBed |
use intervals to extract sequences from a FASTA file |
20 |
GFF-to-BED |
converter |
1 |
GffCompare |
compare assembled transcripts to a reference annotation |
5 |
gffread |
Filters and/or converts GFF3/GTF2 records |
7 |
goseq |
tests for overrepresented gene categories |
Gene-set enrichment analysis
12 |
Group |
data by a column and perform aggregate operation on other columns. |
4 |
GTF-to-BEDGraph |
converter |
1 |
Heatmap |
Heatmap of the dataMatrix |
2 |
heatmap2 |
6 |
A fast and sensitive alignment program |
19 |
hmmalign |
align sequences to a profile HMM |
7 |
hmmbuild |
Build a profile HMM from an input multiple alignment |
8 |
hmmconvert |
convert profile file to a HMMER format |
7 |
hmmemit |
sample sequence(s) from a profile HMM |
7 |
hmmfetch |
retrieve profile HMM(s) from a file |
7 |
hmmscan |
search sequence(s) against a profile database |
8 |
hmmsearch |
search profile(s) against a sequence database |
8 |
htseq-count |
- Count aligned reads in a BAM file that overlap features in a GFF file |
9 |
IdxStats |
reports stats of the BAM index file |
8 |
InChI to CML |
2 |
InChI to MOL2 |
2 |
InChI to SDF |
2 |
2 |
inchi-to-mol |
converter |
2 |
Intersect |
the intervals of two datasets |
6 |
Intersect intervals |
find overlapping intervals in various ways |
22 |
Isoform level DE test across multiple conditions |
Runs EBSeq to find DE isoforms across multiple (more than two) conditions |
1 |
Isoform level DE test across two conditions |
Runs EBSeq to find DE isoforms across two conditions |
1 |
jackhmmer |
iteratively search a protein sequence against a protein database (PSIBLAST-like) |
8 |
Join |
the intervals of two datasets side-by-side |
5 |
Join two Datasets |
side by side on a specified field |
4 |
Kallisto pseudo |
- run pseudoalignment on RNA-Seq transcripts |
6 |
Kallisto quant |
- quantify abundances of RNA-Seq transcripts |
8 |
LAST-split |
finds "split alignments" (typically for DNA) or "spliced alignments" (typically for RNA). |
4 |
LAST-train |
finds the rates (probabilities) of insertion, deletion, and substitutions between two sets of sequences. |
5 |
LASTal |
finds local alignments between query sequences, and reference sequences. |
6 |
LASTdb |
prepares sequences for subsequent comparison and alignment using lastal. |
5 |
LAV to BED |
Converts a LAV formatted file to BED format |
1 |
Length Distribution |
chart |
2 |
Line/Word/Character count |
of a dataset |
1 |
MACS2 bdgbroadcall |
Call broad peaks from bedGraph output |
9 |
MACS2 bdgcmp |
Deduct noise by comparing two signal tracks in bedGraph |
9 |
MACS2 bdgdiff |
Differential peak detection based on paired four bedgraph files |
10 |
MACS2 bdgpeakcall |
Call peaks from bedGraph output |
9 |
MACS2 callpeak |
Call peaks from alignment results |
12 |
MACS2 filterdup |
Remove duplicate reads at the same position |
9 |
MACS2 predictd |
Predict 'd' or fragment size from alignment results |
9 |
MACS2 randsample |
Randomly sample number or percentage of total reads |
9 |
MACS2 refinepeak |
Refine peak summits and give scores measuring balance of forward- backward tags (Experimental) |
9 |
MAF-convert |
read MAF-format alignments and write them in another format. |
4 |
Maker |
genome annotation pipeline |
10 |
Map annotation ids |
on a Maker annotation |
5 |
Map with Bowtie for Illumina |
7 |
Map with BWA |
- map short reads (< 100 bp) against reference genome |
12 |
Map with BWA-MEM |
- map medium and long reads (> 100 bp) against reference genome |
DNA mapping
Genetic mapping
Genome annotation
Mapping assembly
Protein SNP mapping
Sequence assembly
Sequence tag mapping
14 |
MapBed |
apply a function to a column for each overlapping interval |
21 |
MarkDuplicates |
examine aligned records in BAM datasets to locate duplicate molecules |
17 |
MarkDuplicatesWithMateCigar |
examine aligned records in BAM datasets to locate duplicate molecules |
16 |
MeanQualityByCycle |
chart distribution of base qualities |
14 |
Merge |
the overlapping intervals of a dataset |
Sequence merging
5 |
Merge Columns |
together |
4 |
MergeBamAlignment |
merge alignment data with additional info stored in an unmapped BAM dataset |
14 |
MergeSamFiles |
merges multiple SAM/BAM datasets into one |
14 |
MIRA v4.0 de novo assember |
Takes Sanger, Roche 454, Solexa/Illumina, Ion Torrent and PacBio reads |
2 |
MIRA v4.0 mapping |
Maps Sanger, Roche 454, Solexa/Illumina, Ion Torrent and PacBio reads |
2 |
MIRA v4.0 mirabait |
Filter reads using kmer matches |
2 |
MOL to CML |
2 |
MOL to MOL2 |
2 |
2 |
MOL2 to CML |
2 |
MOL2 to InChI |
2 |
MOL2 to SDF |
2 |
2 |
mol2-to-mol |
converter |
2 |
mothur.ref.taxonomy-to-mothur.seq.taxonomy |
converter |
2 |
multiBamSummary |
calculates average read coverages for a list of two or more BAM/CRAM files |
17 |
multiBigwigSummary |
calculates average scores for a list of two or more bigwig files |
17 |
MultiQC |
aggregate results from bioinformatics analyses into a single report |
Statistical calculation
18 |
MutCount |
This tool proceeds to count codons, amino acids on each species of a set of species, and then proceeds to permutation tests. |
1 |
NCBI BLAST+ blastdbcmd entry(s) |
Extract sequence(s) from BLAST database |
Data retrieval
Database search
18 |
NCBI BLAST+ blastn |
Search nucleotide database with nucleotide query sequence(s) |
Data retrieval
Database search
Sequence similarity search
19 |
NCBI BLAST+ blastp |
Search protein database with protein query sequence(s) |
Data retrieval
Database search
Sequence similarity search
19 |
NCBI BLAST+ blastx |
Search protein database with translated nucleotide query sequence(s) |
Data retrieval
Database search
Sequence similarity search
18 |
NCBI BLAST+ convert2blastmask |
Convert masking information in lower-case masked FASTA input to file formats suitable for makeblastdb |
15 |
NCBI BLAST+ database info |
Show BLAST database information from blastdbcmd |
Data retrieval
18 |
NCBI BLAST+ dustmasker |
masks low complexity regions |
Sequence complexity calculation
16 |
NCBI BLAST+ makeblastdb |
Make BLAST database |
Genome indexing
18 |
NCBI BLAST+ makeprofiledb |
Make profile database |
Genome indexing
14 |
NCBI BLAST+ rpsblast |
Search protein domain database (PSSMs) with protein query sequence(s) |
Data retrieval
Database search
Sequence similarity search
17 |
NCBI BLAST+ rpstblastn |
Search protein domain database (PSSMs) with translated nucleotide query sequence(s) |
Data retrieval
Database search
Sequence similarity search
17 |
NCBI BLAST+ segmasker |
low-complexity regions in protein sequences |
Sequence complexity calculation
15 |
NCBI BLAST+ tblastn |
Search translated nucleotide database with protein query sequence(s) |
Data retrieval
Database search
Sequence similarity search
19 |
NCBI BLAST+ tblastx |
Search translated nucleotide database with translated nucleotide query sequence(s) |
Data retrieval
Database search
Sequence similarity search
19 |
nhmmer |
search a DNA model or alignment against a DNA database (BLASTN-like) |
8 |
nhmmscan |
search DNA sequence(s) against a DNA profile database |
8 |
NormalizeFasta |
normalize fasta datasets |
14 |
NucBed |
profile the nucleotide content of intervals in a FASTA file |
21 |
Oligator |
Oligator: design PCR primers |
1 |
OrthoFinder |
finds orthogroups in a set of proteomes |
7 |
Orthogroups_Tool |
Writes orthogroups found by OrthoFinder in fasta files (with their sequences). |
1 |
Pairwise |
Find homologous couples by blast with RBH |
1 |
Partition genes into expression clusters |
after differential expression analysis using a Trinity assembly |
12 |
Paste |
two files side by side |
1 |
Pear |
Paired-End read merger |
5 |
phmmer |
search a protein sequence against a protein database (BLASTP-like) |
8 |
Phyogenetic reconstruction with RAxML |
- Maximum Likelihood based inference of large phylogenetic trees |
6 |
plotCorrelation |
Create a heatmap or scatterplot of correlation scores between different samples |
16 |
plotCoverage |
assesses the sequencing depth of BAM/CRAM files |
16 |
plotEnrichment |
plots read/fragment coverage over sets of regions |
12 |
plotFingerprint |
plots profiles of BAM files; useful for assesing ChIP signal strength |
17 |
plotHeatmap |
creates a heatmap for score distributions across genomic regions |
17 |
plotPCA |
Generate principal component analysis (PCA) plots from multiBamSummary or multiBigwigSummary output |
16 |
plotProfile |
creates a profile plot for score distributions across genomic regions |
16 |
POGs |
Find orthologous groups |
1 |
Preprocess files for SARTools |
generate design/target file and archive for SARTools inputs |
4 |
to process quality of sequences |
5 |
Quality format converter |
(ASCII-Numeric) |
3 |
QualityScoreDistribution |
chart quality score distribution |
14 |
Reheader |
copy SAM/BAM header between datasets |
4 |
Remove beginning |
of a file |
1 |
Remove sequencing artifacts |
5 |
Rename sequences |
5 |
ReorderSam |
reorder reads to match ordering in reference sequences |
17 |
RepeatMasker |
screen DNA sequences for interspersed repeats and low complexity regions |
Repeat sequence analysis
8 |
ReplaceSamHeader |
replace header in a SAM/BAM dataset |
17 |
Reverse-Complement |
5 |
RevertOriginalBaseQualitiesAndAddMateCigar |
revert the original base qualities and add the mate cigar tag |
14 |
RevertSam |
revert SAM/BAM datasets to a previous state |
14 |
RmDup |
remove PCR duplicates |
5 |
Gapped-read mapper for RNA-seq data |
Mapping assembly
Sequence alignment
19 |
converter |
5 |
RNASeq samples quality check |
for transcript quantification |
11 |
RSEM calculate expression |
RNA-Seq by Expectation-Maximization |
1 |
RSEM prepare reference |
1 |
RSEM trinity fasta to gene map |
extract transcript to gene map from trinity |
1 |
Salmon quant |
Perform dual-phase, reads or mapping-based estimation of transcript abundance from RNA-seq reads |
13 |
SAM-to-BAM |
convert SAM to BAM |
8 |
sam-to-unsorted.bam |
converter |
1 |
SamToFastq |
extract reads and qualities from SAM/BAM dataset and convert to fastq |
19 |
Samtools calmd |
recalculate MD/NM tags |
4 |
Samtools flagstat |
tabulate descriptive stats for BAM datset |
8 |
samtools mpileup |
multi-way pileup of variants |
11 |
Samtools sort |
order of storing aligned sequences |
7 |
Samtools split |
BAM dataset on readgroups |
5 |
Samtools stats |
generate statistics for BAM dataset |
7 |
Samtools view |
- reformat, filter, or subsample SAM, BAM or CRAM |
9 |
SARTools DESeq2 |
Compare two or more biological conditions in a RNA-Seq framework with DESeq2 |
4 |
SARTools edgeR |
Compare two or more biological conditions in a RNA-Seq framework with edgeR |
4 |
SDF to CML |
2 |
SDF to InChI |
2 |
SDF to mol2 |
2 |
2 |
Secure Hash / Message Digest |
on a dataset |
2 |
Select |
lines that match an expression |
3 |
Select first |
lines from a dataset |
4 |
Select last |
lines from a dataset |
2 |
Select random lines |
from a file |
2 |
SFF converter |
1 |
Sickle |
windowed adaptive trimming of FASTQ data |
4 |
SignalP 3.0 |
Find signal peptides in protein sequences |
4 |
Slice |
BAM by genomic regions |
5 |
smi-to-mol |
converter |
2 |
smi-to-smi |
converter |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
SnpEff databases: |
list available databases |
13 |
SnpEff download: |
download a pre-built database |
13 |
SnpEff eff: |
annotate variants |
11 |
SnpSift Annotate |
SNPs from dbSnp |
9 |
SnpSift CaseControl |
Count samples are in 'case' and 'control' groups. |
9 |
SnpSift dbNSFP |
Add annotations from dbNSFP or similar annotation DBs |
4 |
SnpSift Extract Fields |
from a VCF file into a tabular file |
7 |
SnpSift Filter |
Filter variants using arbitrary expressions |
9 |
SnpSift Intervals |
Filter variants using intervals |
9 |
SnpSift rmInfo |
remove INFO field annotations |
8 |
SnpSift Variant Type |
Annotate with variant type |
8 |
SnpSift vcfCheck |
basic checks for VCF specification compliance |
8 |
Sort |
data in ascending or descending order |
3 |
SortSam |
sort SAM/BAM dataset |
14 |
SPAdes |
genome assembler for genomes of regular and single-cell projects |
Genome assembly
16 |
Stacks: assemble read pairs by locus |
run the STACKS sort_read_pairs.pl and exec_velvet.pl wrappers |
6 |
Stacks: clone filter |
Identify PCR clones |
2 |
Stacks: cstacks |
build a catalogue of loci |
5 |
Stacks: de novo map |
the Stacks pipeline without a reference genome (denovo_map.pl) |
5 |
Stacks: genotypes |
analyse haplotypes or genotypes in a genetic cross ('genotypes' program) |
5 |
Stacks: populations |
analyze a population of individual samples ('populations' program) |
5 |
Stacks: process radtags |
the Stacks demultiplexing script |
5 |
Stacks: pstacks |
find stacks from short reads mapped to a reference genome |
5 |
Stacks: reference map |
the Stacks pipeline with a reference genome (ref_map.pl) |
5 |
Stacks: rxstacks |
make corrections to genotype and haplotype calls |
5 |
Stacks: sstacks |
match stacks to a catalog |
4 |
Stacks: statistics |
on stacks found for multiple samples |
2 |
Stacks: ustacks |
align short reads into stacks |
5 |
StringTie |
transcript assembly and quantification |
17 |
StringTie merge |
transcripts |
11 |
Structure |
using multi-locus genotype data to investigate population structure |
2 |
structureHarvester |
for parsing STRUCTURE outputs and for performing the Evanno method |
1 |
Subtract |
the intervals of two datasets |
6 |
Summary Statistics |
for any numerical column |
3 |
tabular-to-csv |
converter |
1 |
tar-to-directory |
converter |
2 |
TMHMM 2.0 |
Find transmembrane domains in protein sequences |
5 |
TopHat |
Gapped-read mapper for RNA-seq data |
9 |
Tophat for Illumina |
Find splice junctions using RNA-seq data |
2 |
TransDecoder |
finds coding regions within transcripts |
7 |
Transpose |
rows/columns in a tabular file |
5 |
Trim |
leading or trailing characters |
2 |
Trim sequences |
5 |
Trimmomatic |
flexible read trimming tool for Illumina NGS data |
Sequence trimming
15 |
Trinity |
de novo assembly of RNA-Seq data |
14 |
Trinity Statistics |
Obtain basic stats for the number of genes and isoforms and contiguity of the assembly |
1 |
Trinotate |
functional transcript annotation |
4 |
Upload File |
from your computer |
Query and retrieval
3 |
ValidateSamFile |
assess validity of SAM/BAM dataset |
15 |
Wig/BedGraph-to-bigWig |
converter |
2 |
Wiggle to Interval |
2 |
Wiggle-to-Interval |
converter |
2 |