Add column |
to an existing dataset |
2 |
AddCommentsToBam |
add comments to BAM dataset |
14 |
AddOrReplaceReadGroups |
add or replaces read group information |
14 |
Aggregate datapoints |
Appends the average, min, max of datapoints per interval |
2 |
Annotate DESeq2/DEXSeq output tables |
Append annotation from GTF to differential expression tool outputs |
2 |
AXT to concatenated FASTA |
Converts an AXT formatted file to a concatenated FASTA alignment |
1 |
Converts an AXT formatted file to FASTA format |
1 |
AXT to LAV |
Converts an AXT formatted file to LAV format |
1 |
bam-to-bai |
converter |
1 |
Bar chart |
for multiple columns |
2 |
BED-to-bigBed |
converter |
2 |
BED-to-GFF |
converter |
1 |
bedgraph-to-bigwig |
converter |
1 |
BedToIntervalList |
convert coordinate data into picard interval list format |
14 |
bedtools BAM to BED |
converter |
23 |
bedtools Multiple Intersect |
identifies common intervals among multiple interval files |
23 |
Bismark |
bisulfite mapper (bowtie) |
2 |
Bismark Mapper |
Bisulfite reads mapper |
15 |
Bismark Meth. Extractor |
Reports on methylation status of reads mapped by Bismark |
11 |
Boxplot |
of quality statistics |
2 |
BSMAP Mapper |
1 |
BSMAP Methylation Caller |
1 |
bwameth |
Fast and accurate aligner of BS-Seq reads. |
6 |
Change Case |
of selected columns |
2 |
CleanSam |
perform SAM/BAM grooming |
14 |
cml-to-smi |
converter |
2 |
Collect Alignment Summary Metrics |
writes a file containing summary alignment metrics |
14 |
CollectBaseDistributionByCycle |
charts the nucleotide distribution per cycle in a SAM or BAM dataset |
14 |
CollectGcBiasMetrics |
charts the GC bias metrics |
14 |
CollectInsertSizeMetrics |
plots distribution of insert sizes |
14 |
CollectRnaSeqMetrics |
collect metrics about the alignment of RNA to various functional classes of loci in the genome |
15 |
CollectWgsMetrics |
compute metrics for evaluating of whole genome sequencing experiments |
14 |
Compare two Datasets |
to find common or distinct rows |
1 |
Concat fasta files |
Concatenates fasta files you select from your history |
1 |
Concatenate datasets |
tail-to-head |
1 |
Concatenate multiple datasets |
tail-to-head |
4 |
Convert |
delimiters to TAB |
1 |
Convert BED to Feature Location Index |
1 |
Convert BED to GFF |
2 |
Convert FASTA to 2bit |
2 |
Convert FASTA to Bowtie base space Index |
2 |
Convert FASTA to Bowtie color space Index |
2 |
Convert FASTA to len file |
2 |
Convert FASTA to Tabular |
1 |
Convert genome coordinates |
between assemblies and genomes |
2 |
Convert Genomic Intervals To BED |
1 |
Convert Genomic Intervals To Coverage |
2 |
Convert Genomic Intervals To Strict BED |
2 |
Convert Genomic Intervals To Strict BED12 |
1 |
Convert Genomic Intervals To Strict BED6 |
2 |
Convert GFF to BED |
2 |
Convert GFF to Feature Location Index |
1 |
Convert Len file to Linecount |
2 |
Convert lped to fped |
2 |
Convert lped to plink pbed |
2 |
Convert MAF to Fasta |
2 |
Convert MAF to Genomic Intervals |
2 |
Convert Picard Interval List to BED6 |
converter |
2 |
Convert plink pbed to ld reduced format |
2 |
Convert plink pbed to linkage lped |
2 |
Count |
occurrences of each record |
2 |
Count intervals in one file overlapping intervals in another file |
2 |
Create a BedGraph of genome coverage |
3 |
Create a histogram of genome coverage |
3 |
Create single interval |
as a new dataset |
1 |
Cut |
columns from a table |
2 |
cut_francais |
keep or remove selected column |
1 |
Data Fetch |
Query and retrieval
1 |
functional annotation for a list of genes |
1 |
dbnsfp.tabular-to-snpsiftdbnsfp |
converter |
3 |
DEXSeq |
Determines differential exon usage from count tables |
10 |
DEXSeq-Count |
Prepare and count exon abundancies from RNA-seq data |
10 |
Downsample SAM/BAM |
Downsample a file to retain a subset of the reads |
14 |
EstimateLibraryComplexity |
assess sequence library complexity from read sequences |
14 |
Export datasets |
to remote files source |
1 |
Extract features |
from GFF data |
1 |
Extract Genomic DNA |
using coordinates from assembled/unassembled genomes |
7 |
Extract MAF blocks |
given a set of genomic intervals |
4 |
Extract MAF by block number |
given a set of block numbers and a MAF file |
1 |
Extract Pairwise MAF blocks |
given a set of genomic intervals |
1 |
FASTQ Dump paired downloader |
Downloads a set of paired reads by their accession number using fastq-dump tool from sra-toolkit. |
1 |
FASTQ Groomer |
convert between various FASTQ quality formats |
Sequence conversion
5 |
FASTQ Trimmer |
by column |
Sequence trimming
5 |
FastQC |
Read Quality reports |
Sequence composition calculation
Sequencing quality control
Statistical calculation
18 |
fastqillumina-to-fqtoc |
converter |
1 |
FastqToSam |
convert Fastq data into unaligned BAM |
19 |
featureCounts |
Measure gene expression in RNA-Seq experiments from SAM or BAM files. |
Sequence assembly
25 |
Filter |
data on any column using simple expressions |
2 |
Filter GFF data by attribute |
using simple expressions |
2 |
Filter GFF data by feature count |
using simple expressions |
1 |
Filter GTF data by attribute values_list |
2 |
Filter MAF |
by specified attributes |
1 |
Filter MAF blocks |
by Species |
1 |
Filter MAF blocks |
by Size |
1 |
FilterSamReads |
include or exclude aligned and unaligned reads and read lists |
14 |
FixMateInformation |
ensure that all mate-pair information is in sync between each read and it's mate pair |
14 |
g:Profiler |
tools for functional profiling of gene lists |
1 |
tool collection Version 3.4-0 |
2 |
Gene BED To Exon/Intron/Codon BED |
expander |
1 |
Gene length and GC content |
from GTF and FASTA file |
4 |
Genomic imprinting |
Detection pipeline based on Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium |
1 |
get fasta reference |
Obtain reference genome sequence |
1 |
Get Microbial Data |
Query and retrieval
1 |
GFF-to-BED |
converter |
1 |
goseq |
tests for overrepresented gene categories |
Gene-set enrichment analysis
12 |
Group |
data by a column and perform aggregate operation on other columns. |
4 |
GTF-to-BEDGraph |
converter |
1 |
gtf-to-interval_index |
converter |
1 |
heatmap2 |
6 |
htseq-count |
- Count aligned reads in a BAM file that overlap features in a GFF file |
9 |
inchi-to-mol |
converter |
2 |
Intersect BAM alignments with intervals in another files |
2 |
Join MAF blocks |
by Species |
1 |
Join two Datasets |
side by side on a specified field |
4 |
LAV to BED |
Converts a LAV formatted file to BED format |
1 |
LD |
linkage disequilibrium and tag SNPs |
1 |
Line/Word/Character count |
of a dataset |
1 |
MAF Coverage Stats |
Alignment coverage information |
3 |
MAF to BED |
Converts a MAF formatted file to the BED format |
1 |
Converts a MAF formatted file to FASTA format |
1 |
MAF to Interval |
Converts a MAF formatted file to the Interval format |
1 |
Map with Bowtie for Illumina |
7 |
Map with BWA for Illumina |
1 |
Map with BWA for SOLiD |
1 |
MarkDuplicates |
examine aligned records in BAM datasets to locate duplicate molecules |
17 |
MarkDuplicatesWithMateCigar |
examine aligned records in BAM datasets to locate duplicate molecules |
16 |
MasterVar to pgSnp |
Convert from MasterVar to pgSnp format |
1 |
MeanQualityByCycle |
chart distribution of base qualities |
14 |
Merge BedGraph files |
3 |
Merge Columns |
together |
4 |
MergeBamAlignment |
merge alignment data with additional info stored in an unmapped BAM dataset |
14 |
MergeSamFiles |
merges multiple SAM/BAM datasets into one |
14 |
mol2-to-mol |
converter |
2 |
mothur.ref.taxonomy-to-mothur.seq.taxonomy |
converter |
2 |
mQC |
quality control of ribosome profiling mapping results |
2 |
NormalizeFasta |
normalize fasta datasets |
14 |
Paste |
two files side by side |
1 |
Peptide Shaker |
Perform protein identification using various search engines based on results from SearchGUI |
19 |
plotDEXSeq |
Visualization of the per gene DEXSeq results |
5 |
proBAMconvert |
peptide identifications to proBAM or proBED |
1 |
QualityScoreDistribution |
chart quality score distribution |
14 |
Remove beginning |
of a file |
1 |
ReorderSam |
reorder reads to match ordering in reference sequences |
17 |
ReplaceSamHeader |
replace header in a SAM/BAM dataset |
17 |
Reverse Complement |
a MAF file |
1 |
RevertOriginalBaseQualitiesAndAddMateCigar |
revert the original base qualities and add the mate cigar tag |
14 |
RevertSam |
revert SAM/BAM datasets to a previous state |
14 |
Gapped-read mapper for RNA-seq data |
Mapping assembly
Sequence alignment
19 |
RNAseq Analysis |
by combination of various filtering, normalization and DE analysis methods |
1 |
sam-to-bigwig |
converter |
1 |
SamToFastq |
extract reads and qualities from SAM/BAM dataset and convert to fastq |
19 |
Samtools fastx |
extract FASTA or FASTQ from alignment files |
3 |
Search GUI |
Perform protein identification using various search engines and prepare results for input to Peptide Shaker |
22 |
Secure Hash / Message Digest |
on a dataset |
2 |
Select |
lines that match an expression |
3 |
Select first |
lines from a dataset |
4 |
Select last |
lines from a dataset |
2 |
Select random lines |
from a file |
2 |
Send to cloud |
1 |
SFF converter |
1 |
Sickle |
windowed adaptive trimming of FASTQ data |
4 |
smi-to-mol |
converter |
2 |
smi-to-smi |
converter |
2 |
Sort |
data in ascending or descending order |
3 |
SortSam |
sort SAM/BAM dataset |
14 |
Split MAF blocks |
by Species |
1 |
Step 1: Mapping (can be both RIBO-seq or RNA-seq) |
using fastq files as input |
1 |
Step 2: MappingQC |
quality control of mapping results |
1 |
Step 3: TIS calling |
Finds all TISes in your ribosome profiling data. |
1 |
Step 3: Transcript calling |
for all ribosome profiles |
1 |
Step 4: TIS overview |
Create a tab separated file from the TIS_overview table. |
1 |
Step 5: SNP calling |
using mapped next-generation sequencing reads |
1 |
Step 6: Translation assembly |
Assembles all translation products |
1 |
Step 7: Translation Database |
Generates a Translation Product database |
1 |
Step 8: FLOSS calculation |
Calculates first (if not already done for that analysis id) the reference fractions and cut off values based on known protein-coding transcripts. With these, the FLOSS scores are calculated and classified for each possible translation product. |
1 |
Stitch Gene blocks |
given a set of coding exon intervals |
4 |
Stitch MAF blocks |
given a set of genomic intervals |
1 |
Summary Statistics |
for any numerical column |
3 |
Table Compute |
computes operations on table data |
4 |
TopHat |
Gapped-read mapper for RNA-seq data |
9 |
Tophat for Illumina |
Find splice junctions using RNA-seq data |
2 |
Trim |
leading or trailing characters |
2 |
UMI-tools count |
performs quantification of UMIs from BAM files |
9 |
UMI-tools deduplicate |
Extract UMI from fastq files |
6 |
UMI-tools extract |
Extract UMI from fastq files |
12 |
UMI-tools group |
Extract UMI from fastq files |
8 |
UMI-tools whitelist |
Extract cell barcodes from FASTQ files |
8 |
unsorted.bam-to-bigwig |
converter |
1 |
Upload File |
from your computer |
Query and retrieval
3 |
ValidateSamFile |
assess validity of SAM/BAM dataset |
15 |
VCF to MAF Custom Track |
for display at UCSC |
2 |
vcf-to-bgzip |
converter |
2 |
vcf-to-bigwig |
converter |
1 |
vcf-to-tabix |
converter |
2 |
vcf-to-vcf_bgzip |
converter |
1 |
vcf_bgzip-to-tabix |
converter |
2 |
WIG parser |
1 |
wig-to-bigwig |
converter |
1 |
Wig/BedGraph-to-bigWig |
converter |
2 |
Wiggle to Interval |
2 |
Wiggle-to-Interval |
converter |
2 |