140 tool(s) found

Tool Description Topics Available version(s)
Add column to an existing dataset Editing 2
Aggregate datapoints Appends the average, min, max of datapoints per interval 2
bcf_uncompressed-to-bcf converter 1
BED-to-bigBed converter Conversion 2
BED-to-GFF converter Conversion 1
BLAST XML to tabular Convert BLAST XML output to tabular Conversion 18
Change Case of selected columns 2
CML to InChI 2
CML to mol2 2
CML to SDF 2
cml-to-smi converter 2
COAST - Report generator Recreate the report and outputs with different settings 2
Compare two Datasets to find common or distinct rows Filtering 1
Concatenate datasets tail-to-head Aggregation 1
Convert delimiters to TAB 1
Convert BCF to uncompressed BCF 1
Convert BED to Feature Location Index 1
Convert BED to GFF 2
Convert Biom1 to Biom2 1
Convert Biom2 to Biom1 1
Convert FASTA to 2bit 2
Convert FASTA to Bowtie base space Index 2
Convert FASTA to Bowtie color space Index 2
Convert FASTA to len file 2
Convert FASTA to Tabular 1
Convert genome coordinates between assemblies and genomes 2
Convert Genomic Intervals To BED 1
Convert Genomic Intervals To Coverage 2
Convert Genomic Intervals To Strict BED 2
Convert Genomic Intervals To Strict BED12 1
Convert Genomic Intervals To Strict BED6 2
Convert GFF to BED 2
Convert GFF to Feature Location Index 1
Convert Len file to Linecount 2
Convert lped to fped 2
Convert lped to plink pbed 2
Convert MAF to Fasta 2
Convert MAF to Genomic Intervals 2
Convert Picard Interval List to BED6 converter 2
Convert plink pbed to ld reduced format 2
Convert plink pbed to linkage lped 2
Count occurrences of each record 2
Create single interval as a new dataset 1
csv-to-tabular converter 1
Cut columns from a table Filtering 2
Data Fetch Query and retrieval 1
DAVID functional annotation for a list of genes 1
dbnsfp.tabular-to-snpsiftdbnsfp converter 3
Extract features from GFF data 1
Extract MAF blocks given a set of genomic intervals 4
Extract MAF by block number given a set of block numbers and a MAF file 1
Extract Pairwise MAF blocks given a set of genomic intervals 1
fasta-to-fai converter 1
Filter data on any column using simple expressions Formatting 2
Filter GFF data by attribute using simple expressions 2
Filter GFF data by feature count using simple expressions 1
Filter GTF data by attribute values_list 2
Filter MAF by specified attributes 1
Filter MAF blocks by Species 1
Filter MAF blocks by Size 1
g:Profiler tools for functional profiling of gene lists 1
Gene BED To Exon/Intron/Codon BED expander 1
GFF-to-BED converter Conversion 1
Group data by a column and perform aggregate operation on other columns. 4
InChI to CML 2
InChI to MOL2 2
InChI to SDF 2
inchi-to-mol converter 2
Join MAF blocks by Species 1
Join two Datasets side by side on a specified field 4
LD linkage disequilibrium and tag SNPs 1
Line/Word/Character count of a dataset 1
MAF Coverage Stats Alignment coverage information 3
MAF to BED Converts a MAF formatted file to the BED format 1
MAF to FASTA Converts a MAF formatted file to FASTA format 1
MAF to Interval Converts a MAF formatted file to the Interval format 1
MasterVar to pgSnp Convert from MasterVar to pgSnp format 1
Merge Columns together 4
MOL to CML 2
MOL to MOL2 2
MOL2 to CML 2
MOL2 to InChI 2
MOL2 to SDF 2
mol2-to-mol converter 2
mothur.ref.taxonomy-to-mothur.seq.taxonomy converter 2
NCBI BLAST+ blastdbcmd entry(s) Extract sequence(s) from BLAST database Data retrieval Database search 18
NCBI BLAST+ blastn Search nucleotide database with nucleotide query sequence(s) Data retrieval Database search Sequence similarity search 19
NCBI BLAST+ blastp Search protein database with protein query sequence(s) Data retrieval Database search Sequence similarity search 19
NCBI BLAST+ blastx Search protein database with translated nucleotide query sequence(s) Data retrieval Database search Sequence similarity search 18
NCBI BLAST+ convert2blastmask Convert masking information in lower-case masked FASTA input to file formats suitable for makeblastdb Conversion 15
NCBI BLAST+ database info Show BLAST database information from blastdbcmd Data retrieval 18
NCBI BLAST+ dustmasker masks low complexity regions Sequence complexity calculation 16
NCBI BLAST+ makeblastdb Make BLAST database Genome indexing 18
NCBI BLAST+ makeprofiledb Make profile database Genome indexing 14
NCBI BLAST+ rpsblast Search protein domain database (PSSMs) with protein query sequence(s) Data retrieval Database search Sequence similarity search 17
NCBI BLAST+ rpstblastn Search protein domain database (PSSMs) with translated nucleotide query sequence(s) Data retrieval Database search Sequence similarity search 17
NCBI BLAST+ segmasker low-complexity regions in protein sequences Sequence complexity calculation 15
NCBI BLAST+ tblastn Search translated nucleotide database with protein query sequence(s) Data retrieval Database search Sequence similarity search 19
NCBI BLAST+ tblastx Search translated nucleotide database with translated nucleotide query sequence(s) Data retrieval Database search Sequence similarity search 19
Paste two files side by side 1
PhageCOAST - Search Run a new job, and identify the closest proteomes 2
PhageDPO Phage Depolymerase Finder 1
PhageHostPrediction prediction of phage-bacteria interactions 1
PhagePromoter Get promoters of phage genomes 1
Remove beginning of a file 1
Reverse Complement a MAF file 1
sam-to-unsorted.bam converter 1
SDF to CML 2
SDF to InChI 2
SDF to mol2 2
Secure Hash / Message Digest on a dataset 2
Select lines that match an expression Filtering 3
Select first lines from a dataset Filtering 4
Select last lines from a dataset 2
Select random lines from a file 2
Send to cloud 1
SFF converter 1
smi-to-mol converter 2
smi-to-smi converter 2
Sort data in ascending or descending order Sorting 3
Split MAF blocks by Species 1
Stitch Gene blocks given a set of coding exon intervals 4
Stitch MAF blocks given a set of genomic intervals 1
Summary Statistics for any numerical column 3
tabular-to-csv converter 1
tar-to-directory converter 2
Trim leading or trailing characters 2
Upload File from your computer Query and retrieval 3
VCF to MAF Custom Track for display at UCSC 2
Wig/BedGraph-to-bigWig converter 2
Wiggle to Interval 2
Wiggle-to-Interval converter 2