46 tool(s) found

Tool Description Topics Available version(s)
Associate FLOCK populations with cell ontology 1
Autoclustering analysis using MetaCyto 1
Check data in txt-converted FCS files 1
Check headers of any set of flowtext files 1
Check markers in analysis panels for MetaCyto 1
Collapse populations from FLOCK or Cross Sample analysis 1
Collapse populations automatically based on quartile binning from FLOCK results 1
Compare Samples using a FlowSOM tree 1
Convert FCS to Text with no transformation 1
Copy Shared Data FCS Files as a Collection 1
Copy Shared Data FCS Files as Individual Datasets 1
csv-to-tabular converter 1
Data Fetch Query and retrieval 1
Edit markers or channels in FCS files 1
Explore cell ontology given a phenotype using flowCL 1
Extract keywords from FCS files 1
Extract populations of interest from FLOCK or Cross Sample output 1
flowAI automatic quality control 1
Generate 1D density plots for FCS file 1
Generate a heat map of a flow analysis using Clustergrammer 1
Generate a reference Self Organizing Map using FlowSOM. 1
Generate histograms of MetaCyto's clustering results 1
Generate overview information of reference set of clusters or populations. 1
Generate overview information of a multi-sample analysis. 1
Generate scatter plots for any given markers in FCS file 1
Generate scatter plots for any given markers in a txt-converted FCS file 1
Generate stacked density plots for a set of FCS files 1
Generate summary statistics of FLOCK output 1
Generate the centroids from a flow result file 1
Get list of markers and channels in FCS files 1
Get summary of FCS files 1
Get summary of txt-converted FCS files 1
Guided identification of clusters using MetaCyto 1
Map individual FCS to reference SOM using FlowSOM. 1
Merge and downsample FCS files with FlowSOM 1
Merge and downsample txt-converted FCS files into one text file based on headers 1
Metadata analysis of a given cluster definition using MetaCyto's generalized linear model analysis 1
Metadata analysis of all data using MetaCyto's generalized linear model analysis 1
Pre-process samples for MetaCyto 1
Remove, rearrange and/or rename columns in txt-converted FCS files 1
Run Cross Sample using a Flow file that was run using FLOCK 1
Run FLOCK using a FCS file that was converted/transformed to a text file 1
tabular-to-csv converter 1
tar-to-directory converter 2
Transform FCS data with optional compensation and automated gating with flowDensity. 1
Upload File from your computer Query and retrieval 3