6 tool(s) found

Tool Description Topics Available version(s)
FastME Distance-based inference of phylogenetic trees Phylogenetic analysis Phylogenetic inference (from molecular sequences) 3
FASTTREE build maximum-likelihood phylogenetic trees Phylogenetic analysis Phylogenetic inference (from molecular sequences) 4
PhyML Phylogeny software based on the maximum-likelihood method. Phylogenetic analysis Phylogenetic inference (from molecular sequences) 4
PhyML-SMS Maximum likelihood-based inference of phylogenetic trees with Smart Model Selection Phylogenetic analysis Phylogenetic inference (from molecular sequences) 1
UShER ultrafast sample placement on existing trees Phylogenetic inference (from molecular sequences) 1
UShER matUtils analyze, edit, and manipulate mutation annotated tree files Phylogenetic inference (from molecular sequences) 1